It Is Just a Matter of Time

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


I thinkl this is enough...for now!! ;)
I gave you some of those! Hey, they rock! To die for! That blond boy story is adorable! Onetime I noticed Bono with necklace that said "Daddy."
my_kite said:
Another one....from BONO's and Jordan's Ny


Geeeez...I want a daddy like this!!! ;)
That's Jordan:eek: She is really pretty, no I'm not into girls. But the last pic I ever seen of her she was like 13 I think. She really grew since then. I WANT HER PANTS!
TheWho4Life, I am confused, you know I like The Edge, too? You know I e-mailed you, right?
I know you emailed me... I just need to email you back lol. I have to do it from my yahoo email. I will eventually. I'm doing yummy, how are you?
Hi there girls...
Please e-mail me...I have something to send to you!! ;)
You'll love them!!
I can't keep it to myself...are the pics taken at the airport!!! :)
SURE! But I have e-mailed you already. TheWho4Life I like how you phrased it "yummy." And did you remember on you U2/Who "you little nugget?" lol!
I call everybody a "little nugget" lol! You little nuggets! I'm not yummy today though lol! Lets go for a ride!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! YIPPY!!!!!!!!!! YIPPO!!!!!!!!
I am not crazy about country music, though. But I have Lonstar C.D. "Lonely Grill" anmd it really good.
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