Is Palin failin' ? or OMG McCain wins with Palin !! pt. 3

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We are potentially laying off 100 teachers for next year. 12% of our budget because of interest rates, decreased tax revenue ect.

I cannot even begin to think about the impact on the remediation that we conduct so that children pass the TEST.....
I'm curious which category my host city Missoula would fall into. It has about 50,000 citizens (and 14,000 students) and is situated in the middle of the Rockies in deepest Montana. While the state overall is pretty much conservative (though both Senators and the Governor are Democrats), Missoula is a very liberal island in that state.

So am I in the United States or the United Fakes?
:lol: As if that was anything but inevitable. Any time SNL spends any special attention lampooning a political figure, they always have the actual person come on.
I'm sure she'll be, like, so funny.

Or not.

I went out to dinner with coworkers and someone mentioned the debate. I get to be the one to introduce them to that awesome screencap of McCain sticking his tongue out with that awesome face he made. It's glorious.
You know what? Your so full of shite!

Harry, let me remind you that personal attacks are not allowed, regardless of the reason. You might want to calm down a little before you reply to things you don't agree with. I didn't think I was being "obvious," I was just stating an "obvious" pattern when it comes to SNL and political figures.
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Harry, let me remind you that personal attacks are not allowed, regardless of the reason. You might want to calm down a little before you reply to things you don't agree with. I didn't think I was being "obvious," I was just stating an "obvious" pattern when it comes to SNL and political figures.

Ya Ya, lighten up. I was kidding...kinda.
Diemen's a new mod on the site.

You talked smack to Diemen, ergo you talked smack to a mod.

Does that clear it up a bit for you? ;) should have it.

She was in the opening and in Weekend Update. I have to admit - both were funnier than I would have thought. should have it.

She was in the opening and in Weekend Update. I have to admit - both were funnier than I would have thought.

I thought her smile was kinda tight, like she really hated being made fun of. But yeah, it was funny, and kind of surreal seeing how much Tina Fey really does look and sound like Sarah Palin.
Yeah - I thought the sketches were clever, but I don't think she herself was funny. She was just there to be there, to put on the "ha ha, I can laugh at myself!" front, but I don't know how successful she was as being part of the show.

Particularly the Weekend Update rap bit - she just had to sit there and dance a little, while Amy Poehler made the jokes.

But I laughed at both, so yay for that!
I haven't watched SNL in a long time. The opening was pretty good. Weekend update wasn't bad, Mark Walhberg kinda funny but the rest was just horrible...
Jon Stewart at northwestern on Friday, on Sarah Palin:

"... Today again, she was talking to a small town, and she said that small towns she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. And I just want to say to her, just very quickly, Fuck You."
After watching that video I can't help but agree with her. There are anti-Americans in Congress. We should start purging them by tossing her out of office first.
I think Sarah and Congresswoman Bachmann would make great running mates...


Even though they don't agree?

Palin doesn't doubt Obama loves America -- but Michele Bachmann does

October 19, 2008

Sarah Palin cut Barack Obama some slack last week.

"I know Obama loves America," she said during a brief give-and-take with reporters on her campaign plane Friday. She continued, "I'm sure that is why he's running for president. It's because he wants to do what he believes is in the best interest of this great nation. . . . I don't question at all Barack Obama's love for this great country."

But another Republican wasn't willing to concede that point.

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota was parrying questions Friday from Chris Matthews on his MSNBC "Hardball" show, which is not for the faint of heart. Still, she did not necessarily have to keep stepping deeper into the hole he kept digging for her.

Initially, they were discussing Obama, with Matthews quizzing her about the Republican-backed "robocalls" -- viewed by many as over the top -- that play the Bill Ayers/terrorist card against the Democrat.

Bachmann said of Obama: "I'm very concerned that he may have anti-American views."

Then she said: "I think the people that Barack Obama has been associating with are anti-American, by and large.",0,971590.story
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