IO: I hate Speed Limits!!1

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Blue Crack Supplier
Aug 22, 2002
the great beyond
I mean, honestly... is it necessary to have a 25 MPH zone anywhere??? Do the authorities realize how fucking slow 25 is??? It's not like I wanna go at 80 but... there's gotta be a limit! :angry:
So if I see children by the side of the road I'll be watchful and go slowly! :lol:

25 and 30 mph are too freaking slow :crack:
I live in a very small town where the speed limit down the main (and only) road is 30 mph. There is no school closeby and I don't see the need for such a low speed limit. It is frustrating! Probably all the more because I moved from crazy New Jersey to a small town in the middle of Western New York!
I was driving in a 35 zone, which changed to a 25 zone that I was on for 3/10 of a mile before turning into another 35 zone...and I got pulled over for going 35 in a 25. :uhoh: :( I was able to get out of it though. I mean, I realize I was still in the wrong...but for that short of a distance? It would have really stunk to get a ticket for something as silly as that. I always make sure to slooooow down there now though! :crack:
Zootlesque said:
all the more because I moved from crazy New Jersey to a small town in the middle of Western New York!

oops - you just reminded me I never did anything about that speeding ticket I got in the whole St. Patricks Day mess...hmm, I don't know if I even know where the ticket is.crap. Thanks Zoots :mad: ignorance was bliss :madwife:
Bonochick said:
I was driving in a 35 zone, which changed to a 25 zone that I was on for 3/10 of a mile before turning into another 35 zone...and I got pulled over for going 35 in a 25. :uhoh: :( I was able to get out of it though. I mean, I realize I was still in the wrong...but for that short of a distance? It would have really stunk to get a ticket for something as silly as that. I always make sure to slooooow down there now though! :crack:

This is exactly why I hate speed limits! :mad: I mean... they don't set these limits in a realistic way. They're way too conservative and safe! If I don't drive 5 or 10 miles above the limits they set, I feel like I'm wasting time on the road.

Engineering, education and enforcement, the 3 E's of traffic safety...I won't preach but consider this formula...

"mph x 1.47 = fps"

25 mph x 1.47 = 36 feet per second
35 mph = 52 feet per second
45 mph = 66 feet per second
50 mph = 73.5 feet per second
65 mph = 96 feet per second

Without arguing highway engineering, vehicle weight, coefficient of friction of the roadway surface, tires and driver experience/inexperience...the speed limits are set for a reason regardless of how fast you may want to go...

Plus, throw in some firewater, delayed reaction and braking will double or triple those distances ...
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Here's a recent case I worked involving a driver who was "late for work"; CA Highway Patrol estimated she was moving at 93 mph; she made a lane change but didn't see that this car had broken down ahead of her...until it was too late...the driver of this vehicle was killed upon the rear-end impact...

See, I'm not talking about driving at ridiculous speeds. I'm only asking for reasonable speed limits.

Well then this should set well with you..when I was a motor cop, I gave violators a 15 mph cushion over the posted speed limit; except if it was a school zone, you'd only get a 10 mph pad during school hours... :) happy motoring.
Mr. BAW said:
Well then this should set well with you..when I was a motor cop, I gave violators a 15 mph cushion over the posted speed limit; except if it was a school zone, you'd only get a 10 mph pad during school hours... :) happy motoring.

That's really generous actually :hmm:

I don't mind speed limits that much. I usually drive a bit over the build up area speed limit because I can drive in 4th gear that way (60 kph instead of 50). I usually drive 130-140 where 120 is allowed on the highway because for me, that's just a really comfortable speed to drive at when it's relatively quiet on the roads. In heavy traffic I usually drive a bit slower and I leave the left lane to all the alpha males (which I usually see again at the next traffic lights: speeding and changing lanes a lot in heavy traffic is completely useless, counterproductive and only makes you look like a prick).
I think a lot of it depends on the road and the conditions.

I like to drive fast on fairly open interstates, but have no problem driving around the speed limit in the city or crawling along in heavy traffic. I know accidents can still happen on lightly traveled roads, but if the road isn't very busy it's not as likely (or at least not as likely to involve another vehicle).

When the roads are more crowded I always figure there is nowhere I need to be so badly that I am willing to unduly risk killing or maiming myself or others to gain a few minutes. I'd much rather deal with being late to an appointment or whatever than to deal with knowing my actions caused someone else to be scraped off the road.
DrTeeth said:

speeding and changing lanes a lot in heavy traffic is completely useless, counterproductive and only makes you look like a prick).

I think speed limites are essential, and people who do not follow them are imbeciles. 5km more speed makes a huge difference to braking distance. Ah, fuck it. I won't argue. This is an IO thread.

Just be careful, huh. We all think it won't happen to us.
Mr. BAW said:
Well then this should set well with you..when I was a motor cop, I gave violators a 15 mph cushion over the posted speed limit; except if it was a school zone, you'd only get a 10 mph pad during school hours... :) happy motoring.

Thanks. Yeah, that's actually pretty generous of you! NY state cops are way too strict. :tsk:

LemonMelon said:
Zoots, where the hell are you going at .05 feet per second? :huh: Idiot, slow down. :wink:

:laugh: Nice reference there!

indra said:
I know accidents can still happen on lightly traveled roads, but if the road isn't very busy it's not as likely (or at least not as likely to involve another vehicle).

Exactly! And the roads here are never crowded. There is so much space all over the place and that makes it all the more difficult to stick to the low speed limit! You people understand what I'm saying now? The same limits would be no problem in NJ cos that state is crowded as fuck! :lol:
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