Interference Random Movie Talk Episode IX: Fievel Goes Down

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The gypsy who created Photoshop should put a curse on the guy who made that poster. Dear Lord.
It's even worse than the poster for The Smurfs:


Is that not the most poorly crafted creature in a computer animated film since the plot of Final Fantasty: The Spirits Within?

Though this is definitely one for which I'm waiting on a pristine theater viewing.
I'm not particularly worried. I have faith Gillium will craft it in compelling and interesting ways, and I doubt I'll get too hung up on the discrepancies between this and his previous work, which seems to be the case with this reviewer.
I haven't seen Tideland or Brothers Grimm yet. Are they worth seeing?

Apparently Reitman Jr.'s Up in the Air is getting almost unanimous rave reviews. If it weren't for D-Day working on a different plane than everyone else, Clooney would have his Best Actor Oscar by now. Maybe this will be the year? I don't know, it depends on what category they decide to stick Christoph Waltz.
I've seen Grimm... meh. Haven't gotten to Tideland yet.

I'm really looking forward to Up in the Air. I too would be very happy to see Clooney win his statue.
Clooney was very good in Clayton, but not phenomenal. And since he had recently won, not sure he would have taken it even without DDL. They could have given the sympathy/overdue (in theory) nod to Johnny Depp.

He definitely wasn't one of the five best that year, to be honest. And I thought Tommy Lee Jones and Viggo Mortensen were both better. Plus you have Gosling, Casey Affleck (from either films), and Emile Hirsch, who I thought were all better than Clooney.
I just checked out some of The New World Blu-ray in shiny splendid 1080p, about 30 minutes of select scenes... and oh my gawd. It's almost like seeing it again for the first time. I watched the last chapter again too, and cried my eyes out, which happens every time. Fucking bee-yoo-tee-ful.
I just checked out some of The New World Blu-ray in shiny splendid 1080p, about 30 minutes of select scenes... and oh my gawd. It's almost like seeing it again for the first time. I watched the last chapter again too, and cried my eyes out, which happens every time. Fucking bee-yoo-tee-ful.

Along with my Remastered box set, this arrived today, too.
NSW, be warned--the Music Box is showing both Alien and Aliens, tonight. Not sure if that's your cup of tea, but I, for one, am looking forward to them shits.
Yeah, despite the seemingly universal praise No Country earned, I've still run into a hell of a lot of people who were ultimately turned off by the film in its final act. A number of critics/bloggers too it seems.
My dad claims that it "doesn't have an ending." If that were true, he'd still be watching the goddamn thing.

Midnight screening of Pee-wee = AWESOME.
I don't usually like remakes

but I like what the Coens do

and who even remembers or wants to watch the first True Grit
My dad claims that it "doesn't have an ending." If that were true, he'd still be watching the goddamn thing.

No Country ends perfectly. Faithfully to the book, which I'd recommend reading if you haven't when you get time for leisure reading. I understand when you're having classes how difficult it is to read for pleasure, but when you get a chance, it's sublime. As is all Cormac.

Midnight screening of Pee-wee = AWESOME.

Nice. Burton's best. I still love every bit of it to this day.
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