Interference has taken over my computer

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
or something, I don't know what's going on but this is the ONLY website I can go to...msn won't log on, neither wil AIM, I can't get into iTunes music store...nothing just Interference :huh:
ok now it's all back to normal....that lasted like an hour what the heck
I'd run a virus scan on your computer, just to be safe. Some viruses right now will do that, let you only go to one site, no matter where you try to go.

Is Blue Crack officially a virus now? :shifty:
bono_212 said:
or something, I don't know what's going on but this is the ONLY website I can go to...msn won't log on, neither wil AIM, I can't get into iTunes music store...nothing just Interference :huh:

you think that's a problem? :confused:
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