I heard U2 on the mall - Part 381

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Home Depot seems to like U2. I hardly ever go there, but as soon as I walked in the door once, "Kite" started playing. That was freaky. :ohmy: I heard "Electrical Storm" another time in there. Actually, most of the music they play is good. They had "Take a Picture" by Filter, which is a totally awesome - and underrated - song.
I heard In a Little While at the University gym the other day, right in the middle of a barage of top-40 type songs. There was another instance when they played Staring at the Sun, which was also a pleasant surprise.
I heard COBL as the music to the intro fluff piece for the Westminster dog show last night. U2 music + sweeping shots of NYC + the most stunning dogs in the world = :drool:
Almost every time I go to Qdoba I hear one U2 song. In the past I've heard Kite, EBTTRT, Wild Honey, Walk On, and Desire.
Giant, one of our local grocery stores, plays Electrical Storm all the time.
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