I have to get two teeth removed tomorrow...

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ONE love, blood, life
Sep 7, 2004
Kettering, Ohio
Wisdom teeth, I think. They're gonna knock me out, cut'em out, hand me a painkiller prescription, then I will come home, mom will take the prescription to get it filled, and I will hope that the numbness of my mouth doesn't wear off before the painkillers arrive because I've had this done before and I know from experience that when the numbness wears off it hurts like hell for a few hours. Oh, and I get to wake up at 6:30AM(I usually get up at 11:30AM) to do this. That's in five and a half hours. I'm going to bed now.

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out like that in April...yeah, you want the pain killers asap after the surgery.

Very Fun:|

word of advise, don't try and eat anything your not supposed to before you're supposed to :no: *pain*

on a lighter note, I listened to numb afterwords...it seemed to be fitting :lol:
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great... you 2 are really inspiring confidence in me...
i am getting my wisdom, teeth out in a month, and it will be the first time i have had a general anaesthetic... eeek

namkcuR, i hope your not in too much pain, and that it all went well.
jessi-ma-ca said:
great... you 2 are really inspiring confidence in me...
i am getting my wisdom, teeth out in a month, and it will be the first time i have had a general anaesthetic... eeek

it was the first time I ever had a general anasthetic, it felt like no time elapsed between getting drowsy and waking up! but then you feel for the lack of a better word *drunk* for a while after:wink:

another tip, take it real easy after the surgery don't try to rush things, the anasthetic makes you dizzy very easily.
jessi-ma-ca said:
great... you 2 are really inspiring confidence in me...
i am getting my wisdom, teeth out in a month, and it will be the first time i have had a general anaesthetic... eeek

namkcuR, i hope your not in too much pain, and that it all went well.

*Sorry* I absolutely cannot stand the smell of general anaesthetic, the last time I had it (We're talking years ago when I'd be about 8 or so. Actually, maybe I was 10) I was about to pull the mask off when I went into unconsciousness. I hated it that much. That said, I had a really vivid dream whilst under about The News Of The World and my family (who were like the Addams Family if I remember correctly) until the blummin' dental nurse woke me up just as it was about to get interesting...

My Mum had to actually carry me out, I was so dizzy. The worst part of it all was that all you want to do is sleep but when you do, you end up with a mouth full of blood upon waking. Not nice.

But hey! I was only young and it wasn't (obviously) having wisdom teeth out (I don't remember any pain.....I don't think) so I'm sure it'll go fine...really fine. :hug: Good luck to both of you!

*Sorry again*
oh well it has to be done, otherwise im going to lose more than just my wisdom teeth....
im just not jummping for joy. if fininsh uni for the semester and get my teeth yanked out of my jaw... right before christmas!

how long will it take to recover? cause im going to have to take time off work
I had a tooth out on Monday, I just had the needle that numbs the mouth. I've had a few teeth out because they cost too much to get fixed. Dentures for me in a few years time, although I'm trying to avoid that. If Dentists where cheaper I'd have perfect teeth. I've even got Dental cover but it still costs a fortune. To all the young people out there, Look after your teeth or you will regret it when you get older!!
(I'm so glad I never had to go through that, and that I will be able to eat my breakfast easily.......

wow, I'm really going to enjoy my breakfast)

Thanks guys!
ick! Good luck! In only have two wisdom teeth. One already came in and I pleaded w/ my dentist to just pull it out instead of having it surgically removed like normal, b/c that would be too expensive and I'd never have it done. He finally agreed so I just had it pulled. It took about 5 minutes and I walked home after. The bad part was the gaping hole b/c he didn't stitch it up or anything.

My second wisdom tooth is just starting to come through and I hope he can do the same thing. It depends on how the tooth comes in I guess.
oh fun.
had one pulled last week... i cracked it in my sleep, it got infected, they did a root canal to try and save it, root canal failed. OW.
so now i got... a missing tooth and a bruised jaw.
so i'm commiserating with ya man.
ask your mom to get you Boost shakes from the store.. no worries about eating...
All my friends hate me because when I had my wisdom teeth out, they didn't even give me stitches because they closed right back up...no bruises, no need for pain meds, nothing. I was eating the next day. But I had an excellent oral surgeon.

It was so annoying because they hadn't come in yet, but my orthodontist just kept pressuring me about it. I swear the assistant was a sadist since that was all she ever asked about--not how's your retainer fitting? What was funny was a month later I went in "Have you had your wisdom teeth out?" "YES, a month ago! Can't you TELL?" Score one for the dental assistants.

What you want to do is get some Arnica Montana and Hyperculium (sp) per. They are herbal remedies that you can get at any health food store. Start taking them a night or two before your wisdom teeth and you won't have any swelling or bruising. I took it and it worked like a charm.
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The teeth are gone. Only one was a wisdom tooth. The reason why they had to take the other non-wisdom tooth out is a sort of a long story, but basically six years ago when I had braces and was at the height of my orthadontal work, my right-most bottom tooth was sideways, lateral, and it just had to be removed for the rest of the teeth to align. Well, the matching top tooth for the one that got removed six years ago, was difficult to keep clean because it hasn't had a bottom tooth to rub up against for six years. So it came out.

I think he stitched up one of the extractions, but not the other.

The painkillers work, but they also wear out. My mouth is now screaming for more.

And being put under beats just having your mouth numbed any day of the week.
My dental assistaint is a sadist. my mum was in the dentist with me, and we found out i need to get the wisdom teeth out, and it would be just before christmas, so the hyginist turned and said to my mum and i...
"well, you can think of it as an early christmas present"
how wacked is that. like i want teeth pulled for a present!
I'm not sure if your dentist/oral surgeon told you to do this--I'm surprised at the number who don't--but to prevent dry socket, rinse your mouth with warm salt water periodically. It will make your experience a lot more pleasant until it heals.

And yes, the one that was cut out of me was a lot more miserable than the open sockets. Thank goodness I only had one that needed to be cut out. :huh:

jessi-ma-ca said:
My dental assistaint is a sadist. my mum was in the dentist with me, and we found out i need to get the wisdom teeth out, and it would be just before christmas, so the hyginist turned and said to my mum and i...
"well, you can think of it as an early christmas present"
how wacked is that. like i want teeth pulled for a present!

I had major oral surgery 6 days before Christmas 6 years ago. My face was a balloon and I couldn't eat solid food for a month afterwards. :happy:

The results, though, made it worth it.

melon said:
I'm not sure if your dentist/oral surgeon told you to do this--I'm surprised at the number who don't--but to prevent dry socket, rinse your mouth with warm salt water periodically. It will make your experience a lot more pleasant until it heals.

That's brought back another memory...yep, I remember doing that (It must have been after having the teeth out. I wouldn't do it for any other reason would I?). :barf: didn't enjoy that part of the experience either.

The being reassuring about it thing isn't working is it?
I had 2 teeth removed i think when i was about 6...other than that the most dental treatment i have had since then, has been some fillings.

I have never had braces and I have a the perfect smile:wink:

I had all 4 pulled in August and while I was in some pain, It was so friggin' uncomfortable. Percocet is my best friend ever! :happy:

And the rockin edge is right. Take your time eating and go slow with chewing. It'll just hurt like a mofo and you'll want to kick yourself. I suggest baby food, popsicles, ice cream (vanilla because you can't see blood if you eat chocolate...sorry for the visual) and also have lots of paper towels handy. I drooled all over the place...it was so sexy! :drool:

Hope all goes well! :yes:
Ugghhh I feel your pain! I still have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. The top ones came in perfectly though so it's my choice to get them pulled or not. However,down on the bottom they are impacted and grew in horizontally. Pushing on my other teeth so once I get them out my teeth can have more room. Have no dental insurance though so Ive been paying my dentist out of the pocket! Talk about getting EXPENSIVE! Would just love to get the wisdom teeth over with but oral surgeons aren't free,lol.

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