I hate flying

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 29, 2005
Outside Providence
I don't know what it is, but flying freaks me out. I get get a really unsettled feeling in my stomach, have bad thoughts go through my head, and am generally very uneasy while I'm in the air. I know the statistics about how safe is flying is, but I just can't get my brain to comprehend that. People have said to take an anti-anxiety pill, but I don't want to do that. I feel like Mr. T in The A Team where he needs to be knocked out to get him to fly.

I don't fly that often so that probably has something to do with it. I bring this up because I'm off to Minneapolis for my best friend's wedding. I'm really looking forward to the wedding, but it's just getting there that is going to drive me nuts. I leave tomorrow morning, but am already worked up over it as I sit here. :eek: :sick:
I don't fear flying at all, but I don't like it -- need some leg and elbow room!

And then there's being delayed 90 minutes and worrying about making that connecting flight.....
I hate it too, I've been flying all my life all over the world and still hate it. Most of my flights have been between 8 to 10 hours and they're NOT fun. I can't sleep, I hate airline food... so all I do is watch movies and read and eat at terminals.

Air miles rock tho :D
I hate it too. Hate it so much I don't do it.

On the bright side not flying is environmentally friendly. :)
Well I was extremely nervous about flying the first time I did it, because I very much take into account plane crashes and so on, because yes though it's unlikely, you can't escape from a plane crash. But I fixed that by getting told "ok. they report all the crashes. but do they report all the flights that land safely every single day?" and that helped.

It was sooo much fun however.
I've never been on a plane, and I"ve mixed feelings about it.... not sure if I'm gonna like it since I"ve had motion sickness as a kid for a LONG time!
My response may be a little late. But I too haaaaate flying. It scares the bejesus out of me, but I do it. You have to find a way to cope if you want to go places that aren't feasible by auto. I have had serious panic attacks while at airports and get extremely sick with stress and fear every single time I get on a plane. What helps me is to remain focused on your destination. Think of everything you possibly can except for the flight. Tune out your surroundings. I also invested in a CD for fearful flyer's. The same people that do Chicken Soup for the Soul books put this out and let me tell you..... it is a savior.

I read or listen to the ipod up until I board the plane, then as soon as I get in my seat I turn on the fearful flyer's CD. Of course we can't do this during take-off, but at that time, I close my eyes, concentrate on my breathing and pet my little beenie baby my grandmother gave me and go to my happy place. :giggle:

As soon as we are at elevation where we can turn on our devices again... I put back on the fearful flyer's CD. It has calming music and talks through out the CD about remaining calm, breathing and also goes into all the noises you typically hear as well explains various "normal" bumps such as turbulence.

Keep your focus. Keep thinking about your friends wedding and what a great time you will have while sharing in their day. You can do it!! :hug:
When we was landing in Dublin and the ground was getting closer, I said to my brother ''get ready for the bumps''.
So we like braced ourselves in our seats waiting, a few seconds later nothing had happened, so we looked out the window - we had already landed and was slowing dowm :lol:

It was like landing on butter, didn't feel anything.

The landing in Leeds was a different story. We both thought it would be the same so we never bothered. But this time we heard and felt the wheels touching down.
I feel your pain. I'm petrified of flying. I get major anxiety attacks, so it's always a stressful experience. However, I don't mind taking stuff to calm me down (I take Ativan), and it has made a huge difference. I can travel with no problems now, which is great.

Like cari said, focusing on positive things and not thinking too much about the noises and bumps can be very helpful.

Good luck!
I hate the stress of dealing with airports, that's enough to freak me out. The reason I hate the actually flying though is because I feel very claustrophobic and trapped, makes me panic. I flew from Detroit to Baltimore, and if that flight would have been about 10 minutes longer, I think I would have totally lost it.
I take Gravol, an anti-nausea medication. I know it's sold under a different name in the US :hmm: Take a couple and it'll either put you to sleep or make you really drowsy, so you'll barely notice your nerves :yes:
Actually, I hate all the associated delays and running around and waiting associated, but the actual thing is pretty cool, I find.
I detest flying. We were on a really bad flight once. The girl beside us passed out and I kept trying to get out of my seat, ever since I am afraid the same thing will happen (even though it's highly, highly unlikely) and I start to panic.

In July I was on my longest flight yet - 3 hours, haha - and I clung onto my flying partner's arm for most of the time. I haven't been back on a plane since and I'm trying to avoid it. I'm actually a bit relieved that I can't get any time off this year so I could reject invitations to go away just before Christmas and a shindig in January :reject:
I thought you had gotten better with flying, Lara?

I hear you on the longest flight thing, lol. One of these days I am going to travel overseas, but I already know I'm going to have to have a lot of booze or a really good travel partner when I do. I get antsy on anything over 2 or 3 hours.
:hi5: To All that have fear of flying! I love flying!!And, since I have had 'motion sickness' my whole life, my bodys' way of dealing with it is to sleep!! But I plan the flight around 'my bed time' that way when I go to sleep, it's just like at home! Except i wake up somewhere else! Now that's long flights, short flights:wink: I just relax and enjoy! I love to travel anyways!! :up:
I'm not the biggest fan of flying either. I think I first went on a plane when I was 9 or 10 years old. I've been to Europe 3 times and the long flights make me so nervous esp when I know we're over the ocean. :yikes: I think I've become more fearful after 9/11 not so much about terrorism but crashes in general. I can't help it, but everytime I get on a plane now I count how many rows in front and behind me the exits are. weird I know. my Ipod and gameboy help distract me but on flights that are a few hours or more, I get antsy and just want to get to my destination. I just accept the fact that if I want to go somewhere that's too far to drive, I have to suck it up and fly.
I really love flying a lot! :love: First time I ever flew I was by myself and I will admit I was pretty afraid. Once we got up in the air though I was good :). Hate the hassles that comes with flying though. Also find it hard to sit still after about 2 1/2 hours. Thankfully my cd's and books help to occupy me during that time. Am starting to get better too about falling asleep during the flight.

Good luck on your flight :hug: Keep thinking how are you heading off to a really great time! :).
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
I thought you had gotten better with flying, Lara?

I hear you on the longest flight thing, lol.

I was doing okay, then we went to France in July and decided that was enough for me :lol:
Well, I hope you enjoy Minneapolis. The airport is pretty cool (and I've seen a lot of them) and the city itself is awesome.

Since my parents work took us around the world on a regular basis, I guess I never had much of a choice. I was flying on 14+ hour flights since age 3. The only thing I really hate are the days when my head or stomach is just 'off' for some reason and I feel motion sickness. Listening to music and chewing gum seem to help. If you can sleep, that makes things go by faster. Or you can always get nice and drunk. :sexywink:
I envy people who like to fly. I just worked out the itinerary for my spring vacation - five days on a train, four in New York.

All because I refuse to fly :|
bonosgirl84 said:
I envy people who like to fly. I just worked out the itinerary for my spring vacation - five days on a train, four in New York.

All because I refuse to fly :|

I've thought about going by train if I ever need/want to go to the west coast. Most of the eastern and midwester US is within a fairly easy drive for me, but a train might be good for longer distances. Have you travelled by train before (in the US) and if so, how did it go?
kafrun said:
I take Gravol, an anti-nausea medication. I know it's sold under a different name in the US :hmm: Take a couple and it'll either put you to sleep or make you really drowsy, so you'll barely notice your nerves :yes:

It's called Dramamine here, and you have to make sure to get the original, not the non-drowsy, but yes it WORKS!!! I actually take 1/2 a pill when I'm really sick and will sleep for 12 hours. I took this on a 9 hr. flight and could not stay awake long enough to eat a biscuit.

I flew for the first time when I was 21. I actually like taking off and landing, but I also like riding in boats and on sea-doos really fast. I like the rush. Being in Africa was four 9 hour flights, plus smaller flights hopping back to the airport in some very little, bumpy planes. Hawaii was short flights and then a longer one.

My worst experience flying was a 9 hour flight next to some odd French Canadian that was wearing thick wool socks and old boots. Then he took off his boots and left them off for 9 hours. I was literally gagging on the smell.
Bonochick said:
I hate the stress of dealing with airports, that's enough to freak me out.

:D Try spending 50-60 hours a week at one!

I watch nearly 3000 people safely depart and 3000 people safely arrive on "my" concourse daily (40+ flights from eight gates). Because of this, I sorta see the fear as "irrational" - but that is just me.

Just a note for the folks that fear flying (on behalf of your fellow passengers): Do not wait until the door is closed and the plane has taxied out to decide you do not want to fly.

Sorry to sound like an asshole, but I have seen it happen too often.
indra said:
I've thought about going by train if I ever need/want to go to the west coast. Most of the eastern and midwester US is within a fairly easy drive for me, but a train might be good for longer distances. Have you travelled by train before (in the US) and if so, how did it go?

I have. A couple years ago I went from California to New York by train. Seeing the country that way and being that cut off from everything was one of the most relaxing experiences I've ever had. I didn't have a cell phone at the time. No laptop, no newspapers, no tv. I spent the time writing and listening to music.

The train makes very few stops. It stops to pick people up but there's not enough time to get off. We had a stop in New Mexico where we could get off for about an hour. Then again in Chicago to change trains.

I love the train. It does cut into your vacation time, but if you can appreciate what a great experience it is to just slow down for a few days I think you would really like it. My biggest complaint would be the restrooms. They were filthy.

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