I fucking HATE techno.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 18, 2001
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Some friends and I went out on saturday and were unlucky enough to go to a place where a rave was going on.. Goddammit people! Don't you get sick of the same toomp toomp beat after half an hour?

I ended up leaving with another group of friends just because I found that monotonous crap so insufferable and I really don't get how people enjoy it. Get me real music with real instruments. :madspit:
jajajaja para gustos los colores vo, i love electronica, tech electro, progressive house, vocal house, latin house, acid house, dub, drum n bass, TRIP HOP!!! i luv it i luv it i luv it! theres more to just the toomp toomp beat vo, although i do have a lot more respect for music made with instruments...
i dont mind it as long as its not thje fucking repeititve shit, where they take every single dancey song, and just make it five minutes longer by putting 5 mins of doofdoofdoof at the start.
I hate Techno also. That's all my friend listens to. He even said that when they remix classic rock or R&B songs with a techno beat it makes the song better. :eyebrow: He listens to Techno pretty much 24x7.
I don´t mind the remies so much to make me leave a party but the crap we were subjected to on saturday was just unbearable after twenty mins.

It was just this beat and this guy essentially looping samples into that beat for what seemed like forever.

I know I may sound ignorant or whatever by saying this but isn´t someone triggering pre-recorded sounds doing the same as someone with play button? Seriously, at least make things interesting and make separate songs with different tempos or beats or whatever. :shrug:
Just like every other genre of music ever created, there's good electronica and there's bad electronica. Chances are quite favorable that that club played terrible electronica, as only a small percentage of high-end clubs actually have any decent taste.
I think it's important to define "techno" here, since the term is often misused as a generic term for electronic music, a wider genre which I find very much to love.
I love house music. I guess some people would say its along the same lines, but when I think of techno I think of the thump thump thump mmmtss mmmtsss mmmmtsss thump thump thump that has no lyrics and is just the same sound over and over and that can get annoying after a while. If it has lyrics with that 'techno' beat I dont mind it.
I detest the dance stuff that is just popular songs mixed with a dance beat.

Now real techno, like crazy progressive house shit is great. Especially on drugs. Especially.

But if it's that Amad van Helden shit or whatever, fuck off.
Techno hypnotizes me. I like it in small doses, when I'm excited about something or maybe warming up before an ice skating session, but after a few minutes the beat just puts me in a trance.
melon said:
Just like every other genre of music ever created, there's good electronica and there's bad electronica. Chances are quite favorable that that club played terrible electronica, as only a small percentage of high-end clubs actually have any decent taste.

Exactly! Don't confuse the two, people!
BrownEyedBoy said:
Yeah, especially "mmmtsss". That was great.

I thought it was oonts oonts oonts oonts! :wink:

I'm guilty of liking early 90s euro dance though, just for the nostalgia factor! :reject:
Screamadelica. Pills, Thrills, And Bellyaches. Don't fight it, feel it. They're twistin' my melon, man. :love:
elevated_u2_fan said:

Completely naked guy at 3:14... just random.. how freakin atrocious is that?? :down: That video is far from being representative of the best of eurodance like Snap, Culture Beat, 2 Unlimited etc.

Although.. I remember when Gunther's Ding Dong Song hit the internet a couple years back I think. How freaking ridiculous was that video! :lmao:

I remember buying a copy of that album as a joke for my roommate at the time.


you touch my ta la la.. my ding ding dong. :yuck: :lol:
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