Deathbear, I have to talk to you about radiohead!
So, I did go to the CD store today, as promised, and this is what I bought:
A Japanese Import of Knives Out:
Knives Out
Worry Wort
Life in a Glasshouse (full length version)
Pyramid Song Single:
Pyramid Song
The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
Trans Atlantic Drawl
They are both very good, especially the knives out single. I am listening to it right now.
Here is the strange part: While I was there I noticed a limited edition copy of Kid A that came with a book by Stanley and Tchock. It was all wrapped up in plastic so I couldn't open the book. It looked like this:
On the back cover it said:
We will not hesitate to carry out what has been threatened.
This is not absolute unconditional surrender
And complete meeting of all demands
There will be no more warning whatsoever
Airstrikes are imminent
I freaked right out when I read this because in the light of the current political situation it sounded almost prophetic. Yet this CD was released in 2000. I had to write it down but I didn't get it because it was $22.00 and couldn't tell if it was very different from the standard version of Kid A.
Have you seen this CD? Do you know if the booklet for the limited edition is different from the hidden booklet that comes with standard copies of Kid A? Or is it the same thing only better quality paper? Because if the book is different, I will be tempted to purchase it. I also wonder if the limited edition has extra tracks or what?
Remember the goul.
Shake n' bake
Do whatever it takes