He's at it again!!

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Afterward, when somebody asked him, Pseudo Bono explained that the song was very personal, about Jesus.

A woman said she'd lost her virginity while the song was playing. ''Well, you put it to good use,'' he said.

We do need to refrain from personally attacking him, I'm pretty sure he has an account here.
I'm glad to see the media is finally getting wise to him and it looks like the other Bono impersonators are none too happy with him either.

I don't blame people for being fooled, I blame him for fooling people deliberately on a regular basis. :yuck:

Exactly, but the media shouldn't be so gullible because they have access to the info they need but his success in fooling them shows how little fact checking they do. The Boston papers only checked their story after fans complained about it. His claims that no one believes him when he says he isn't Bono are just bull. All he really has to do is hand out a friggin' business card and suggest they hire him. If he is supposedly doing this for a living and not just for the kicks of it you would think he'd be drumming up business. My guess is that he enjoys the comp meals and free shit he gets too much to give it up. But IMHO that is just flat wrong. The Boston paper a while back that reported on one of his escapades indicated that the owner of the Dinner he pulled his stunt in said they had comped his meal thinking he was Bono. That sounds like fraud as far as I am concerned and I'd sure like to know if they had legal recourse to collect from him on his bill. I notice that he actually paid in Miami but they comment that his tip was mediocre, and Bono is known for tipping very well. In fact when a restaurant insists on comping a meal for him he will usual leave a gigantic tip to make up for it. The truly sad thing is that I have run across blog posts from aids/poverty activists who think they've gotten to meet Bono doing some charity work and it is really this guy. Don't get me wrong it's great that he does charity work but Bono's political and activism position is a very delicate balancing act and this guy could do real damage to Bono's work with the wrong statements to the press and such, like that San Francisco appearance at the Free Tibet thing that the paper actually had to print a retraction on because they initially reported it as Bono speaking at this rally. Given the interaction Bono has with world leaders that sort of thing can cause real problems and if fake Bono is going to make political statements he has to make damn sure people know he's not the real Bono. If he respects and admires Bono as much as he claims he should be very concerned about that.

isn't it a bit like identity theft though in some way, if he's taking it seriously and being taken seriously by others?? it's very deceptive and dodgy... i mean, there's a huge difference between being a professional impersonator who knows not to mislead people and knows when to stop, and someone trying to live out some weird lifestyle thing
I don't see how anyone who is a fan of the real Bono could be fooled. Not that much similarity, if you ask me. Oh well, I guess the world could use a few more Bonos, it would definitely be a better place. :shrug:
Yeah being an impostor of the greatest man on earth might be great and all,but why would you answer the questions just like you had had the experience of being in the band,and helping Africa and all and you haven`t done anything of the sort?
I don't know, I kind of pity this man, he must feel really a failure if he needs to pretend he's someone else, if I were a member of his family, I would talk to him into going to a therapist or a doctor, there's a great difference between being an impersonator and doing these things. (I say this seriously)

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