Hero 38

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Apr 8, 2003
Back on the blue crack after a long break
All the sounds around Ria amplified in her ears.
The wheels of a cart down the hallway making the sound of fingernails on a chalk board
People's voices outside the curtain of her bedspace like shouting when you've almost begun to sleep.

And Bono. Bono was still cradling her hips in his thick hands,
still so close Ria could feel her skin reaching out to touch him.
Trying to fill that small gap between them

His fingers softly pressed into the softness of her hips

Ria became fully aware of how appealing his mouth looked at that moment.

-Shit! Dont look at his mouth....where do I look? I just told him I love him....Love! But I do. Now what? What comes next after love? Oh God he just licked his lip.-

The eerie pull that drags you kicking into a kiss began to work its magic
She caught herself before it totally took hold of her, just in time for Bono to scoot a tiny bit closer
The explosion that sounded from their hips touching could be heard for miles
In Ria's mind anyway.
Bono's too for that matter
The blood in his head started swirling around aimlessly
Depriving his mind of any real thought
But the innocent, confused beauty of the situation shone through
The terror of having no more moves on the chess board abating

Just two people
Treading lightly around a situation

"Hey, babyface.....look at me, love"
Bono tilted her chin up to search her face
What was she thinking?
I have got to kiss this girl.
Dont want her to run away
How much is too much?
How much is too little

His eyes flashed over the bed behind her and back into her eyes.
Green and gold
So young and old
Can I kiss her cheek?
Her mouth?
That pouty mouth....

One of his incredibly sexual moans....
The ones that made everything from Ria's stomach to her appendix start dancing.
He let it crawl from his throat, grab and pull its way out.

-Keep it together Ria....but that moan....ack! I never noticed how incredibly sexy his chin is-

Her eyes followed a trail from his lips down the slope to his chin. The little cleft.
The scar
mmmm yes...the scar
The kissable scar

Ria's finger found itself propelled upward and onto the bottom reaches of his lower lip, hovering barely atop his skin....dragging itself downward. Pausing over the scar. Feeling the change in texture....
-A whole part of his life that I missed. Can I really bear to miss out on the rest of it?-

Bono closed his eyes, soaked in the feeling of her enjoying his body, tightening his fingers around her hips just a touch.
What open space was left between their hips was now dissolved, smashed between them and strewn apart around the curtained room.

What is it that makes you want to come closer to one another when the limits of touch have been pushed to their height?
Too much is not enough...
Give me some more

Faces so close they were breathing the same air
hearts so connected you couldnt stop one without killing the other.

Ria let her mouth find its way to where her finger had rested on his scar, kissing away the pain that might have been.
Gentle, and soft. So soft. She was always gentle with her Bono..

Bono could feel the skin around his chin come to life
His hands moved up her back, and in, gliding his fingertips along the valley down the center

Just breathe Bono. Dont kiss her just yet. You can hold off cant you? No no no! Yes....take a deep breath. You eejit....but her mouth on my skin feels bloody good doesnt it?

Ria found herself beginning the thought process again in her head.
What am I doing? Ive got my gob all over his chin. What is he thinking right now? That nutty girls gone all oral on my face, thats what!
If you could just stop drooling over the man for five seconds of your life maybe you could think straight!

She pulled back the smallest bit
Enough to bring her lips closer to his
This is not making the sitution any easier.

I cant just make out with him in the middle of the emergency room behind a damn curtain. Can I?
Why not? He is looking particularly devourable tonight.
Then again. When does he not?

She could feel his eyes opening
Landing on her
She dared to look into those blues for a moment
Down a touch to the freckles on his cheek....
She touched them with her thumb
Wrapping her fingers around the side of his face
Brushing against the bottom of his earlobe with the edge of her finger
A small chill ran through his neck
He shook slightly. A shudder. A quake.

From loud noises to nothing at all
Sound stopped traveling through their space
All there was was the soft sound of their breathing
A sigh here
A moan there
and it was beautiful
The sound of Ria's dress strap losing its grip on her shoulder and plummeting down the side of her arm.
She turned her head to watch it go
Opening up the side of her neck to full view
She gasped
Bono's teeth had sunk in just far enough to produce a stinging jolt of pleasure
Followed by another
His tongue was hot on her skin
Leaving a trail of cold neck where his mouth abandoned for another, unexplored area.
All the blood in Ria's body raced to her head. Who can get there first!
Screw the dress strap
Ria closed her eyes, wincing from the feeling he was inducing on her body.
What was it?
Whatever it is, dont stop.....
She ran her fingers through his hair, digging her fingers into the back of his neck
Pulling him in farther
This time it was her turn for a good moan
She silently hushed herself
Some curious nurse was bound to come in and find her getting hot and heavy with her irish rock star.
Tabloid central.
Beach angel gets it on with lead singer of U2 during recouperation in local hospital.

The trail went down from her neck to her collarbone
hot, then cold
Shoulder, one good bite
His tongue taking over, joining his lips, teasing her skin in an entirely new way.
He went for her throat
That delicate patch of skin that dives down farther than the rest
Just a little lick. Barely a kiss
Her chin, just his passing breath
As her hands found their way to the sides of his face,
His mouth crushed against hers, ready, eager
Lips parted

Surely somebody was going to come in and stop them
They always did......

Weight shifted in the world
They tilted and fell onto the bed lightly, Bono cradling her head in his hand
Their hips even closer than possible before
They groaned in unison ever so quietly.....
Muffled it out with a kiss, this time more calculated, choreographed.
Open up your mouth for me....thats right
Meet me halfway....
The taste of her tongue......

He leaned his head back to look at his prize, his love
Ria couldnt help but smile
He was adorable wasnt he?
Especially when he tried....yeah. Dont stand a chance

She kissed his forehead, ran her fingers down his cheek, over his lips.

She trailed off

"Yes baby?"

He growled in his gravel and sex voice

"I really...really love you"
I don't know the right words to respond to this chapter..

(and I mean that in a good way!)
Bonogirl - Thank you for such a wonderful read....you are truely talented, patiently will wait for the next edition.


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