Help me.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Oct 31, 2001
Norwich, England
So since my hard drive died and I had to get a new one and my cd with all my documents on it is mysteriously damaged :mad:, I lost ALL of my favourites (hundreds of links that I had nicely sorted into categories and subcategories). :crazy: I now have a total of FOUR bookmarks. :| So, please post links to fun, time-wasting websites, reference sites, or anything else even remotely interesting.

Please? :beg:

Tip #487 - dont watch the beer party video.

despite the great song (guns in the sky - inxs) playing in the background, it will make your stomach churn and make american pie's beer scene pale in insignificance.

sorry bammo! ive sent marty, friar, lara mullen, mullen girl and salome nuts over this now.

the curse is spreading!

tip: put the battery, the metal rod and the 2 rings on the box, and the tape will fit inside once it opens.
If you go to angies IO thread you will find out how to finish the game and get all the items :D

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