HELP! How do you ...

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Mirrorball Girl

Sep 14, 2000
Okay. I don't know how to explain this in a concise fashion, but how do you record from one tape to another? Hallelujah and I are trying to tape some U2 stuff so we can come one step closer to our goal of having the exact same U2 collection.
We have two VCRs. We have the wires connecting the video and audio input on one to the video and audio output on the other. We've tried pressing play on one while we press record on the other. However, it doesn't seem to work. We're obviously missing something here. Can any helpful interferencer enlighten us??

"Adam's in his world, lost to the music. You've probably never seen a happier person in your life."
~BP Fallon

"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
~Andrew Jackson

Do you also have this hooked up to a TV to see if the one you are playing is playing?

Make sure that the one hooked up to output is the one that you are playing, and the one hooked up to input is recording.
Even though I've done this tons of times, each time I have to refigure it out. This is how my brother explained it to me:

take the cable from the wall and put in into 'in' on the VCR you'll tape from. Then you have to have an extra short cord to connect the two. Take that short cord and screw it into 'out' on the same VCR. Then connect the other end of it to 'in' on the second VCR, and put the cable from the TV set into 'out'- If a cable box is involved, the cable from the wall will be in it, so you have to work from there.

The biggest problem once it's hooked up is the channels. Most of the time it's trial and error. I had that problem just the other day. You have to keep trying different combinations of channel numbers on both VCR's and the TV, and you just have to keep trying until you see it come in. It's almost always a 2, 3, or 4. Once you see it come in with the TV on, try the VCR's. If you can't see the TV show with the VCR's on, it's not going to tape. After all this it's a good idea to do a short test, just a commercial or something, to see if it works before you suffer the frustration of thinking you taped or bootlegged something and then only get static! Good luck!

U2- The Unforgettable Fire still burns!
Originally posted by BostonAnne:
Do you also have this hooked up to a TV to see if the one you are playing is playing?

Make sure that the one hooked up to output is the one that you are playing, and the one hooked up to input is recording.

Yeah, we got that covered
But thanks for tryin' to help
Originally posted by Veranda:
Even though I've done this tons of times, each time I have to refigure it out. This is how my brother explained it to me:

take the cable from the wall and put in into 'in' on the VCR you'll tape from. Then you have to have an extra short cord to connect the two. Take that short cord and screw it into 'out' on the same VCR. Then connect the other end of it to 'in' on the second VCR, and put the cable from the TV set into 'out'- If a cable box is involved, the cable from the wall will be in it, so you have to work from there.

The biggest problem once it's hooked up is the channels. Most of the time it's trial and error. I had that problem just the other day. You have to keep trying different combinations of channel numbers on both VCR's and the TV, and you just have to keep trying until you see it come in. It's almost always a 2, 3, or 4. Once you see it come in with the TV on, try the VCR's. If you can't see the TV show with the VCR's on, it's not going to tape. After all this it's a good idea to do a short test, just a commercial or something, to see if it works before you suffer the frustration of thinking you taped or bootlegged something and then only get static! Good luck!

Thanks!!! We're still a bit confused, but we'll keep plugging away. We'll let you know if by some miracle we can get this to work
Originally posted by Hallelujah Here She Comes:
Yeah, we got that covered
But thanks for tryin' to help

I figured you did. the last thing I remember about doing this is that the Output VCR gets hooked up to the input VCR then input VCR to TV. The Input VCR channel has to be on line 2 or aux or something (not a channel #) to view what the output VCR is playing.
This should be fairly straight-forward.

Most likely you have VCR #1 hooked up directly to the TV. This connection is made by a single black cable.

Put the tape in VCR #2. Using those red, white and yellow ended chords (ones with three prongs), put those into the video and audio out plugs on VCR#2.

Then put the other end of the red, white and yellow chords into the video and audio in outlets on VCR #1.

Change the "station" on VCR-1 such that it is showing you the input from another source. Sometimes this is called "Video 1" or "Video 2." This is the same thing you would do if you plugged in a cam-recorder to your VCR, of if you hooked up your DVD to your system (and not directly to your TV).

Once VCR #1 is on the video 1 "station", press play on VCR #2. Remember, VCR #1 is hooked up to the TV - so now you should be able to see what is playing on VCR #2 through VCR #1.

Once you see the tape playing, hit record on VCR #1 and there ya go.

If this doesn't work, they you have older VCR's or TV's. The process is similar even with older equipment, but you might not have a "video 1" or "video 2" station.

Hope this helps.
ThankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!!!!!! We just tried doctorwho's advice, and it worked like a charm!!!!!! *smothers doctorwho with kisses* Of course, one of my VCRs is currently malfunctioning so it turns itself off after playing for 10 seconds or so. (We're pretty sure this is because it is evil, and doesn't like us.) But that doesn't matter!! We know how to do it now!

Thanks to everyone who offered help. WOOHOO!

"Adam's in his world, lost to the music. You've probably never seen a happier person in your life."
~BP Fallon

"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
~Andrew Jackson

i think something is up with vcr's as of late. mine will play for 10 seconds stop eject the tape and turn itself off. my grandmothers does this too, and in the past 2 months 3 of the vcrs we have in our home have started malfunctioning too.

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
Originally posted by david:
i think something is up with vcr's as of late. mine will play for 10 seconds stop eject the tape and turn itself off. my grandmothers does this too, and in the past 2 months 3 of the vcrs we have in our home have started malfunctioning too.

Are you kidding?? This is creepy! What brand VCR do you have? I wonder if they're all the same brand. The one I have that's malfunctioning is a Symphonic. I unearthed it from our basement, so maybe now I have some idea of why it was down there in the first place.
Originally posted by Iron Chef MoFo:
Of course, you COULD have just consulted the manual(s).

Well ... since the VCRs in question were manufactured sometime before World War II, purchased approximately 5 years later, and then passed down from generation to generation in my family, the manuals weren't exactly handy. But yes, I suppose we could have consulted them.

But, then, why do that when the good people of interference are so helpful?
Just wanted to mention, that if you record on the slowest speed (SP) you will get the best quality duplicate.
Originally posted by EPandAmerica:
Just wanted to mention, that if you record on the slowest speed (SP) you will get the best quality duplicate.

Isn't Slow Speed EP? Fast is SP...old VCRs have Lp...a mixture b/w both....

if you tape stuff on SP the tape runs out faster but the quality is grrreat.
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