For the people on the forum that like Eminem...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Oct 31, 2002
Washington D.C.
...I'm a fan of his music, I think he is the most gifted MC in hip hop now. He is controversial and he says stupid things, but you cant get away from his talent.

Anyway, I just got his new album and I have to say I'm a little dissapointed. There are some really good songs on it, but more than a few aren't that good, and some are just plain bad. I usually like his first singles, they are never the best of his albums, but their fun, but I didnt get into "Lose It." His second single, "Mosh," has some great lyrics but the hook and beat aren't too memorable, and I think the controversy behind this track will go away and it wont be that great anymore. And now he's lip-synching on SNL....

Stand-out tracks:
-Toy Soliders (yes, he uses that 80s song, I think her name was Martika?)
-Spend some Time

Anyone else hear it yet? I know its not out until Nov. 12 (it got pushed up) but its available on the net on some sites. I bought the bootleg in New York yesterday.
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I really liked his last album, but it doesn't surprise me that he is starting to drop a little in quality. I know he couldn't have been serious with "Just Lose It" as a song (the video excluded).

I'll definitely check this one out - "Mosh" is amazing.
..the albums growing on me a little more but its still his weakest one to date.
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