Favorite Bands sweet spot

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Aug 3, 2000
moons of Zooropa
Ok, so i was inspired by the Depeche Mode discussion and what a nice run of albums they had in a row. It got me to thinking about my other favorite bands and how long of a "sweet spot" run they had.

For example, Depeche Mode:
Music for the Masses, Violator, Songs of..., Ultra. 1987 to 1997
I could also argue it extended longer
Some Great Reward, Black Celebration, Music for the Masses, Violator, Songs of..., Ultra. A run from 1984 to 1997.

So post some of your favorite bands and their run.

For me:

REM - Life's Rich Pageant, Document, Green, Out of Time, Automatic, Monster, New Adventures.
A run of 1986 to 1996
Could argue Murmer through New Adventures - 1983 to 1996

U2 - War through Pop would be the most solid - 1983 to 1997
But could argue War through ATYCLB - 1983 to 2000
And I'm sure some will argue Boy through ATYCLB - 1980 - 2000

The Smiths - Everything they released, but it was short.
1984 to 1987. Oh but what greatness.

I love Ryan Adams. So for fun, I would put his sweet spot at
Heartbreaker, Gold, Demolition, Rock n Roll, Love is Hell, Cold Roses

The National - For me, i would say Boxer, High Violet, Trouble... 2007 to present, as i have high hopes for the new one.

INXS - Listen Like Thieves, Kick, and X 1985 to 1990

Go ahead and run with it and discuss and argue what i have put up.

Pearl Jam? Springsteen? Prince? Bowie?
Cool Idea. I'm really rusty on band discographies. But I'll give it a shot.


Document-Green-Out of Time-Automatic for the People

Pearl Jam


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Ah, forgot Radiohead.

For me - The Bends thru Amnesiac - 1995 - 2001
But I'm sure many would say Bends through In Rainbows 1995 - 2007

Interesting to see many bands have about a 10 year sweet spot.
U2 arguably could be about 20 years. not too shabby...
R.E.M.'s Green is not part of any sweet spot. It's a significant dropoff from Document and has disposable songs as well as some legitimately weak ones.
R.E.M.'s Green is not part of any sweet spot. It's a significant dropoff from Document and has disposable songs as well as some legitimately weak ones.

I liked it. Orange Crush & Popsong 89 are two of my favorite tracks. It's part of that 4 album chain I deem as my personal
Sweet spot.

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R.E.M.'s Green is not part of any sweet spot. It's a significant dropoff from Document and has disposable songs as well as some legitimately weak ones.

Pop Song 89, Orange Crush, Get Up, You are the Everything, World Leader Pretend, Turn you Inside Out... I admit, a few weak ones, and not quite as full as Document, but still makes for a pretty damn strong album.
Coldplay - Parachutes, Rush..., and X&Y would be my personal sweet spot. Some may add Viva... which i didn't like much.
hmmmm.... Shorter run than i had first imagined.
Pop Song 89, Orange Crush, Get Up, You are the Everything, World Leader Pretend, Turn you Inside Out... I admit, a few weak ones, and not quite as full as Document, but still makes for a pretty damn strong album.

Pop Song 89 and Get Up are catchy but disposable, just like Stand (which you not surprising omitted). They sound coincidentally what a debut major label sellout album would have, even if the band was taking the piss. And that's all on side one.

Hairshirt is subpar and if I never hear The Wrong Child again it will be too soon.
Pop Song 89 and Get Up are catchy but disposable, just like Stand (which you not surprising omitted). They sound coincidentally what a debut major label sellout album would have, even if the band was taking the piss. And that's all on side one.

Hairshirt is subpar and if I never hear The Wrong Child again it will be too soon.

LOL. Well Stand is probably ommitted mostly because of hearing it so damn much. There are a few U2 classics that I don't ever really look forward to hearing again.
Yeah, I agree on wrong child and hairshirt. I do however like that it was a new direction and sound from them. I still find it strong enough to not be a drop in the string of great albums. But i see why you would.
New Adventures for example is way too long, has about 6 songs I skip, but the ones I love are fantastic. Kinda like NLOTH...
Blur - Parklife through 13

Nine Inch Nails - Broken through Year Zero

Bowie - Hunky Dory through Scary Monsters, though you can argue for a second run from Heathen to Blackstar

Springsteen - Born to Run through Tunnel of Love
I remember California (where of course there is no end to love) is the best song off Green, and none of you mentioned it.
I remember California (where of course there is no end to love) is the best song off Green, and none of you mentioned it.

Ack! very true. While not my favorite on the album, definitely a great song. Bringing total great songs to 7 out of 10, Stand being good, Hairshirt ok, and wrong child, poor.

I'd kill for an album these days with that kind of ratio...
Good Mourning and Crimson are the only alkaline trio albums I care about hearing.
Stevie Wonder - Music of my Mind, Talking Book, Innervisions, Fulfillingness' First Finale, Songs In the Key of Life - 1972 to 1976

The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, Exile on Main St. - 1968 to 1972
Underworld - Dubnobasswithmyheadman, Second Toughest In the Infants, (Born Slippy), Beaucoup Fish
Eminem: 1999-2002 (Slim Shady LP to The Eminem Show)
Kanye West: 2004-2013 (The College Dropout to Yeezus)
Metallica: 1983-1991 (Kill Em' All to The Black Album)
Pearl Jam: 1991-1994 (Ten to Vitalogy)
The Smiths: their whole career
Weezer: 1994 to 2001 (Blue Album to the Green Album)
Midnight Oil from about 10 to 1 until Blue Sky Mining. Maybe until Earth And Sun And Moon. That's a good decade, give or take.

Redneck Wonderland gets a kinda-sorta honourable mention, but they pretty much went to sleep for a few years there in between, and it was a last hurrah at best.
I guess Oasis would be Definitely Maybe, What's the Story... and Be Here Now? 94 to 97... Wow. very brief

New Order - Low Life through Republic?? 85 to 93
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Can a Cure fan give a little help? I like them, but not familiar enough with their catalog to make too many judgements. I would say Kiss me... through Wish - 87 to 92
Eminem: 1999-2002 (Slim Shady LP to The Eminem Show)
Kanye West: 2004-2013 (The College Dropout to Yeezus)
Metallica: 1983-1991 (Kill Em' All to The Black Album)
Pearl Jam: 1991-1994 (Ten to Vitalogy)
The Smiths: their whole career
Weezer: 1994 to 2001 (Blue Album to the Green Album)

Beck!! - I would say Mellow Gold all the way through to The Information - 94 to 2006!

Beastie Boys - Licensed.. through Hello Nasty - 86 to 98!
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