Fan Art V3 - Art being born!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The chibi-U2 drawing is so awesome! Great job on that.:D

:adam: how the hell does Paul McCartney manage to play like this..:ohmy:

I was trying to draw all members of U2.
I abided by my promise to myself:D:D

Awwwww!!! :cute::cute:
Bono's superman!!!! :D :D :lol::love::hyper:

Really great drawing!!!
I love your style! It would look very good on a tshirt!!!
Or maybe KIDS TSHIRT!!! :cute::cute:
Thanks everyone!:loveshower::loveshower:
actually, I Didn't know you guys will like this.
you guys gave me the courage!:cute: I'm really happy:hug:
Awwwww!!! :cute::cute:
Bono's superman!!!! :D :D :lol::love::hyper:

Really great drawing!!!
I love your style! It would look very good on a tshirt!!!
Or maybe KIDS TSHIRT!!! :cute::cute:

someone make T-shirt used this picture and If I meet someone wearing the shirt at the concert, i'll so happy:lol::D
Mistake mixing up era's, buts its to pretty anyway. Thanks Leesh!
So nice *_*
Yeah - but I think they may have got done for copyright or somethin' if they'd just done the image exactly the same, I dunno *shrug*

I can haz painting skillz?

I haz painting skillz?.....:shifty:

I haz lost them. *checks pockets* :lol:

maaan I wish my homework would go away:angry:! I need to do some more arttt maan!! :sad: If I catch up on it.....I might be able to do some tomorrow...:|
So I stole my brothers drawing pad today,
I never used one before so I practised about 2 hours with it , and then made this.
I wanted to do the whole band , but after bono I decided it was enough for today,
its taking so long becuase I screwed up so many things:lol:

any feedback would be great

:hyper: ooo this rocks, domo-k!

some wonderful shading! Good sunglass reflections. And goregeous hair highlights.

Face is very good...except for 1 thing. it almost seems that from his face "plane" to were the hair on his temples start, and were his ear begins just seem a bit too wide.

Backg round is interesting.Even though you (i think) basically crosshatched over black and whitish (w some ?pale peach) area, and yet maybe because the hatching is on the diagonal... it almost translates as a very blurred out photo background. Maybe the at angle cross-hatching translates sunconciously as a metal chain-linked fence.

good stuff!! MOAR PLZ!:applaud: :D
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