Every Breaking Wave - Song Discussion

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Anyone think there's a chance that we could eventually hear the NLOTH studio version? It'd be really cool if they did it as a B-Side to the EBW single or something.

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When you say B-side...
Anyone think there's a chance that we could eventually hear the NLOTH studio version? It'd be really cool if they did it as a B-Side to the EBW single or something.

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I'd say very little. MAYBE on a second disc of an NLOTH anniversary remaster, but otherwise I'm sure they'll stick with the new version.
I keep humming and humming this song again and again. Then I hum with or without you...and EBW is easier to hum. The melody of EBW is so inviting...so easy to remember.
I mean B-Side in the sense of Always being a b side to Beautiful Day and LWTSH being a b side to the Fly.

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Yeah I was just stirring. Seems to be a lot of talk about B-sides vs Bonus tracks and so on around here lately. :wink:
The BBC2 appearance overall was just the gem of a recording. All 5 songs were really brilliantly executed. This track was the heart of the show & it finally convinced me that this is a "real" U2 single. :up:

Perfectly said.

That they have the balls to play the new songs acoustically all over the radio/TV - kudos to them

That the songs are growing as they are performed live - means they are up there with the best of U2

I am really enthused for the tour - as long as they play more of SOE/I and avoid the cliched old tracks. These new songs really are superb - when performed with genuine emotion and not over-produced.
I think there will be a single mix that features a more polished version if the acoustic take to play on the strong reactions the acoustic performance has gotten.

I don't think the full band version will see the light of day.

Which I honestly feel would be a horrible move. The full band version is amazing and their best chance at a chart topping hit. That's not to say that the acoustic isn't beautiful and moving, it is, but there's a number of similar piano based acoustics occupying that space by other artists right now. If U2 hits the airwaves with one it could work against them imo

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Which I honestly feel would be a horrible move. The full band version is amazing and their best chance at a chart topping hit. That's not to say that the acoustic isn't beautiful and moving, it is, but there's a number of similar piano based acoustics occupying that space by other artists right now. If U2 hits the airwaves with one it could work against them imo
I don't find the studio version to be too polished or overproduced. On the contrary, it's fairly restrained and could have been a lot more over the top. If anything, the piano version, while certainly beautiful, is the more mainstream sound nowadays.
I have to say in generally really don't like U2 doing acoustic. The U2 sound is electric. Exception for me always was that North and South acoustic version they played for that TV-show on Omagh bombing I believe?

But to be honest, the acoustic EBW-version on the Jools Holland show was truly amazing!! The song's lyrics get so much more intense and powerful in this version!! It's a jewel of a song. So meaningful!
As beautiful the stripped down version of this song it really takes flight full band...I was listening to the early versions of this song and I must say kudos to DM or Epworth or whomever put the final polish on this gem. It somehow grabs at all of the U2-y touchstones that I love about this band and quite frankly was missing in the last couple of albums...
As beautiful the stripped down version of this song it really takes flight full band...I was listening to the early versions of this song and I must say kudos to DM or Epworth or whomever put the final polish on this gem. It somehow grabs at all of the U2-y touchstones that I love about this band and quite frankly was missing in the last couple of albums...

I'm tempted to say the same after the album's settling in, and based on the promo performances.
I don't know what I'm more sick of: the song itself, or its rabid fan base that thinks it's actually on the level of One and WOWY.

Why didn't the band promote the far superior Moment Of Surrender on 100 talk shows back in 2009?
I don't know what I'm more sick of: the song itself, or its rabid fan base that thinks it's actually on the level of One and WOWY.

Why didn't the band promote the far superior Moment Of Surrender on 100 talk shows back in 2009?

U2 Reasons.

I'm not sure that this promo version actually gets them a hit anyway. I think it sits a little bit too toward a forgettable short 'ah, that's nice' and not much more. Also don't get the fawning over the vocals around here. He punches parts of it, but spends most of it sounding like he was running late and had to sprint ten blocks immediately before stepping up to the mike. U2 fans 'get it' or are used to it, but I don't think these takes are really that impressive to the casual ear. If anything, if it's someone catching U2 for the first time in a long time, the reaction would be more likely 'well, I guess his voice is shot now'.

It would be really weird if, as suggested somewhere above, they decide to go with something closer to this as a Single Version or whatever. It's not like they've just stumbled across it, the song started closer to this and then was built up into Big U2 Song for SOI. Going backwards again would be funny. Remember the version that nearly made it into No Line/SOA was described as being a slow burner, only going big at the end. Also not unlike this.

U2 Reasons I guess.
I don't know what I'm more sick of: the song itself, or its rabid fan base that thinks it's actually on the level of One and WOWY.

Why didn't the band promote the far superior Moment Of Surrender on 100 talk shows back in 2009?

Interference, the place where people get sick of what other fans think is a good song, come on; same thougths was around when Acthung Baby was released, fans was complaining that songs wasnt as good as on JT... Its music will talking about, nothing serious like war and politics...
EBW is easily a new classic for alot of fans and me, that song have brougth tears in my eyes...
In my thoughts fans often stick to much to the old stuff,yes Wowy and One is great songs but MOS,NLOTH, COL, EBW,LH,New York, Iris, Troubles are to me in the same league. Every song I mentioned is good in its own way, cant compare them to each other beacause they are so different from each other.

When I first saw EBW on the tracklist on the album I was dissapointed, I thought it was a very booring song on the 360 tour. How wrong I was...
One thing that is very unique with this song is that the acoustic and the bandversion are two diferent songs, but they are so good in their own way.
I cant say which one that is the best version.
I don't know what I'm more sick of: the song itself, or its rabid fan base that thinks it's actually on the level of One and WOWY.

Why didn't the band promote the far superior Moment Of Surrender on 100 talk shows back in 2009?

Because a 7+ minut song at a plodding tempo won't interest most people ?
As far as Bono's voice, the guy is 54 and he's been singing rock songs for almost 40 years. Be glad he has any voice at all. I think he sounds damn good on the EBW promo performances. They'll be gone soon. Try to enjoy it while it lasts?
EBW is a song that is just cool enough to be liked by hardcore fans and just commercial enough to appeal to the Starbucks/Pottery Barn crowd. The band obviously believe in it strongly. During the Irish late night show, Edge called it one of the best songs they've ever written. So it's here for a while...the campaign for it is arguably a little overdone, as I think it's already been played like 15 times on various media outlets, but get used to hearing it for better or worse.

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While I was never crazy about the "I don't know if I'm that strong" original chorus, I think it sounds more natural than the latest version. It achieves that lost, aching, uncertain quality they were shooting for with the new one.
While I was never crazy about the "I don't know if I'm that strong" original chorus, I think it sounds more natural than the latest version. It achieves that lost, aching, uncertain quality they were shooting for with the new one.

It didn't have a chorus during 360. And that's fine. Not every song needs to have something people can sing-along to in a pub or around a campfire with an acoustic guitar (which is what U2 by their own admission are aspiring for these days. Timeless. Eternal. Classical. Beatles-esque.) So now we have "Baby every dog on the street". Because that's timeless, eternal, classical, Beatles-esque. According to U2.
I think as fans, we immortalize songs like WOWY, and One. And have a very hard time letting another song into that stratosphere until somehow it proves itself.

I fully believe, even on first listen, that this song is on the same level of those two classics. I think that the fact that radio stations in the US, are starting to slowly pick it up organically, even before it's officially released is pretty telling.

I love both versions, but I do agree with some of the recent posts that the album version is probably the better choice for them. For one, the acoustic version on the deluxe edition is good, but not as good as some of the recent promo performances. And l think they would definitely release the deluxe version if they were to release any acoustic version.

And yes, no reason to go up against the Adele's of the Pop music world right now that specialize in piano driven songs. Put forward what they do best, which is the album version.

I really hope this song takes off for them. I think they did put a lot of real effort into SOI and this would be a great reward.
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