Even More Things Australian

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How old do you reckon the subs at the Hun are??

Apparently you're not supposed to climb a ladder if you're over 50... Someone at work said the number of ladder-related accidents skyrockets after that point. Weird.

...I've heard, and it may not be true, that its something to do with the nerves/blood supply? in your neck. As you get older, you tip your head up and funny things happen to your brain......

a fountain of useless, fairly vague knowledge :lol:
Really? Tell that to my dad who is an electrician by trade..and 51 :laugh:

I guess it's not something that happens on the exact day of your 50th birthday... *L*

...I've heard, and it may not be true, that its something to do with the nerves/blood supply? in your neck. As you get older, you tip your head up and funny things happen to your brain......

a fountain of useless, fairly vague knowledge :lol:

That sounds about right... or the balance in your inner ear, or both, perhaps. I guess the older you are, the more wobbly you get up a ladder!
Jealousy? Is that how you felt after New Zealand beat Australia in the second Test?
So Hinch is a bit of a dick, but in terms of the radio shock jocks, he's far more tolerable than your Jones, Mitchell, et al.

This is his article upon getting out of house arrest. Good read.

Derryn Hinch: Inside my own private jail time | News.com.au

There were many other reminders: like a surprise visit from Department of Corrections staff at 9.15 one night for an unscheduled breath test. Unless your name was George Best I'd be surprised if anybody would blow over 0.00 within weeks of having a liver transplant. I didn't.

Another time I would have liked to speak out was when Herald Sun columnist Steve Price suggested I didn't deserve a donated organ for liver cancer because of my past drinking. He conveniently omitted that cancerous tumours, rather than cirrhosis, had given me a death sentence.

I guess what niggled me most about the column was the last paragraph.

In a sanctimonious line, which he repeated on Channel 10's 7pm Project, Price said: "Good luck, Derryn, and for God's sake keep off the grog."

That, aimed at an atheist who had stopped drinking five years earlier and had never had a .05 conviction. Unlike Price.

And had I been allowed on Twitter during the gay marriage debate at the ALP conference, I would have taken aim at another News Limited columnist, Andrew Bolt, and his dire "where will this all lead to?" line of opposing argument. My tweet would have said something like: "Yep, Andrew. They let the blacks ride up the front of the bus and now one's in the White House."

He also said he's going to continue to "name and shame". And to that I say :up:
Anyone who sticks it up to shitbags like Price and Bolt deserve at least a little respect from me. :up:
I would LOVED to have seen how Bolt responded to that tweet. Hopefully he will anyway.

Interesting that this article was published in the Hun though.
^sad to hear :(

Darren Hassan, participant from GBTWYCF, posting on the facebook wall:

"I've refrained from commenting until now but after the deaths last week I have to say that any other policies than the tough Howard era's have been responsible for those people drowning. The facts of the matter are that under Liberal policy, we had borders and the influx of asylum seekers under relative control. The Rudd/Gillard government, under influence of the Greens, dismantled these policies for a more 'humane' approach which has proved fatal, indecent and inhumane in every way.
Yes, these people are seeking better lives but we must have an orderly system, as lives are at stake and we should accept people on a priority/needs basis.
Who has a greater need? Those who have been in Kakuma for years on end (sometimes 15 years or more) or someone who has flown directly from their country to Malaysia/Indo and pays a smuggler to illegally enter Australia?
I don't care if you choose to attack me personally, you only show YOUR narrow mindedness, bigotry and hypocrisy in doing so. If anyone of you can quote any of my comments that were supposedly 'racist' then please feel free to repost them. It is all too easy to cowardly attack people because their views differ from your own- it is something that aggressive left wing bigots do well when confronted with arguments they cannot substantiate.
I welcome healthy robust debate on the issue in question here and am content to concede my opinion if shown better options on asylum seeker policy. Essentially, play the game and not the man. I have travelled throughout the 3rd world and encountered extreme poverty so am more conditioned to it than most of the other 5 participants, and incidentally have always believed in a greater intake of refugees through UN means. You may have missed that whilst only focussing on the anti boat stance I still maintain today. Racist? How so?
During 'Go Back' all 6 of us were confronted with challenges and were all impacted by what we experienced. We lived it in real life over a month- you only saw 3 hours of that experience (carefully edited to push an agenda!) and want to cast judgement on those whose views differ from your own.
All 6 of us engaged in discussion, sometimes heated debate, but respected each others viewpoints even when seemingly illogical. It was an exercise in tolerance between us all as well as our views on boat people, and we managed to agree to disagree without resorting to pathetic personal attacks. Perhaps some of you who posted here should practice what you preach and start exercising tolerance of other views than your own. You may even earn something in the process!
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a Happy 2012!
Darren Hassan
1/6 participants."

Again, I don't know the answer to debate. But you would think someone who experienced what he did would have a bit more sympathy.
If you lack basic empathy, it doesn't matter what you experience really.
At least all were unharmed!

Hail has been fucking intense, never seen it so persistent or intense before. Had solid hail for half an hour in Brunswick. Hate to think how badly damaged some cars on the street might be - heard of smashed windows, major dents, golf-ball sized hail, that sort of thing.

White Christmas, everybody! Been good times for us at least, safe indoors and marvelling at the hail and thunder.
That was written after a night of decent sleep and no alcohol yesterday. Thank fuck I'm off to my friend's Boxing Day bbq bash today. My posts will be back to their usual standard later tonight...
Last year I went to a pub crawl a couple days before Christmas... I still had remnants of a hangover on Boxing Day. Absolutely horrible. Made sure the same thing didn't happen this year.
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