Enough With The Snippets!

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War Child
Feb 10, 2005
Is anyone else getting a little tired and burned out from Bono's over-use of snippets from other songs in U2 songs this tour? In the past, often the use of a line or two from a usually appropriate either due to theme (Ruby Tuesday in "Bad") or as a musical reference that the U2 song obviously borrowed from (Not Fade Away, 1969 in "Desire") worked well and enhanced the performance. While Bono has increasingly included more snippets in several key songs, the practice never really got out of hand........ until this tour. Almost every song has often more than one snippet of another song that often wildly distracts from the performance of the U2 song itself.

Anyone else share my opinion?

i wish i was creative enough to come up with something to bitch about

ENOUGH WITH THE BASS! I hate bass guitar! They should make Adam play the Electric Triangle instead!!
I don't think I feel as strongly about it as the original poster, but sometimes it feels like he's just snippeting for snippeting sake.
Who thinks we should just start a random bitch thread? So you can throw all the really really important issues like Edge's mic, snippets, and Bono said "fat ass" into one thread.
Enough with Bono singing. Really, it's unbearable.

They should just play the songs instrumental for 2 hours. What does a band need a singer for, anyway. Bono has sung on too many U2 concerts, IMO. Always hearing the same guy sing the same songs. I've really had enough of that. :madspit:
I hate music. It shouldn't exist. Bono should just charge people $250 a seat so he can talk about justice, not charity, for two hours.
Why even mention London? why not mention newcastle or plymouth, i hate bono for not saying those random places.
I say they keep the stage, drop the band and hire somebody from the area they're playing and he gets a pack of U2 cd's and then he randomly plays some songs and leaves again.
Actually, I have the opposite problem. I feel like the excessive amount of U2 songs played wildly distracts from the snippets. I mean, we might get 10-12 snippets a night, but we're getting 22-24 U2 songs! It's outrageous! Why would I pay to hear songs I already have on my iPod? At least with the snippets I'm getting exposure to songs I might not have. I hope U2 vary their setlists more on the US leg with less U2 songs, but they probably won't. Bono's too fat and lazy to learn other artist's songs or come up with new ones on the spot, and i really feel that Edge's mic limits his musical abilities.
The more snippets, the merrier. Where's the bitching thread for shows with too few snippets?
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