Dumb things you do but should not do list

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< STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Never EVER EVER EVER ask someone " when is your baby due"? Did it yesterday, my friends Bbq, it was her cousin. oops she wasnt pregnant. Boy did I feel like shite! I pulled a total Larry David ( curb your enthusiasm) and paused in silence and I said "chip"?
(offering her chips and dip, lol, curb fans will get it

Ouch :yikes:
< STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Never EVER EVER EVER ask someone " when is your baby due"? Did it yesterday, my friends Bbq, it was her cousin. oops she wasnt pregnant. Boy did I feel like shite! I pulled a total Larry David ( curb your enthusiasm) and paused in silence and I said "chip"?
(offering her chips and dip, lol, curb fans will get it

Whoooops. I know someone who once told a colleague that it was obvious she was pregnant. She wasn't. His girlfriend made him buy the girl a huge bunch of flowers.
Procrastinate. Especially studying for my exams...
Having my cellphone near when I'm drunk. It's ALWAYS a mistake.
Cursing. Damn. :D
Being a smartass.
Hating anyone who wakes me up, even though I asked him/her to do it.

Love that.

I stay up too late on days I need to get up early.
Put the milk in the cupboard and cereal in the fridge

I thought it was just me who did things like that.

I dance around the shopping centre thinking no one knows me, no doubt I run into someone I know.

I leave my assignments to the day the are due. Then freak out and do a horrible assignment or don't go to class.

Yell at objects in public places.

Have a conversation with myself, or say what im thinking out loud while daydreaming.
< STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Never EVER EVER EVER ask someone " when is your baby due"? Did it yesterday, my friends Bbq, it was her cousin. oops she wasnt pregnant. Boy did I feel like shite! I pulled a total Larry David ( curb your enthusiasm) and paused in silence and I said "chip"?
(offering her chips and dip, lol, curb fans will get it

Some lady congratulated me the other day and asked me when I was due. She was saying how everyone she knows is pregnant. I told her I wasn't pregnant. :| And she mumbled something and walked away.
1. Procrastination. You name it, I can ignore it....studying, assignments, cleaning....
2. Stress out about things that are imminently due.
3. Chat and surf waaaay more than I should.
4. Stay up far too late...
5. Utterly fail at staying in touch with people, even close friends.
6. I sing along to songs....in public.
7. I use "..." a lot. I can't seem to help myself.
8. I don't backup my files :uhoh:
9. Oh, and I crack. Everything. A lot.
10. Ever allowed myself to associate with NSW. :angry:

I pull faces and carry on at people when they're not looking. Like last weekend, for example, I was paying the husband's soccer game fee and the bitchy manager snatched the money and stalked off with the shits about something so I pulled faces at her behind her retreating back. I'm incredibly mature. I also patronise people. Like, all the time. My SIL loves to state the obvious, so I love to be dumbfounded back at her. It's my very grown up way of saying, "thanks, captain goddamn obvious!"

Awesome :love:
You're my kind of peoples.

< STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Never EVER EVER EVER ask someone " when is your baby due"? Did it yesterday, my friends Bbq, it was her cousin. oops she wasnt pregnant. Boy did I feel like shite! I pulled a total Larry David ( curb your enthusiasm) and paused in silence and I said "chip"?
(offering her chips and dip, lol, curb fans will get it

Oopsie :silent:

(still funny tho :reject:)
1. Get mad at somebody for no reason at all.
2. Being lazy.
3. Being deaf when I'm busy with something.

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