Dubya: "do you have blacks too?"

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Well, I don't think it is fair to judge z edge. There was no reason for this to get personal, and I think that some of you here owe him an apology.

Me? I'm not a fan of the Bush family by any means. I think Bush's question is an earnest one, which scares me. But, if anything, it should prove that the way you talk DOES influence how people perceive your intellect. Think about that, folks.

melon said:
Well, I don't think it is fair to judge z edge. There was no reason for this to get personal, and I think that some of you here owe him an apology.

Me? I'm not a fan of the Bush family by any means. I think Bush's question is an earnest one, which scares me. But, if anything, it should prove that the way you talk DOES influence how people perceive your intellect. Think about that, folks.


Thank you Melon.

And I think Bush is an honest man, very honest. Not trying to scare you though;)

Perhaps he speaks quickly-too quickly at times. This is possibly attributed to the fact that he does have dyslexia. It could be a sort of "over-correcting" or defense mechanism that he has because he is self conscious of his problem. I actually cannot think of the words I am looking for to describe it (I have that problem a lot, with confidence and over compensating for it so I am trying to relate)

I wouldn't say it is an "intelligence" issue though. A lot of very intelligent people have mannerisms that some find odd, to include the appearance of ignorance. And all of you here know this, some of you would rather stir up a debate over it then complain about the results of the debate.
None of us really know how clever or otherwise Mr Bush is.

The fact of the matter is that he comes across as being at least ignorant and at worst prejudiced, and certainly something of a simpleton.

If he isn't any of these, then he is doing a good job at disguising the fact.

In any case, none of it matters. We live in an age of STYLE over SUBSTANCE. The media has made it that way. The media can turn anybody into anything they want. They've come to the conclusion that Mr Bush is a bit dim and a lot ignorant... it's up to him and his spin doctors to change that.

And let's get one thing straight... you spell it "strategy".. ok? ;)
bullet the blue sky said:

The fact of the matter is that he comes across as being at least ignorant and at worst prejudiced, and certainly something of a simpleton.

thats your opinion, which does not necessarily = fact
z edge said:

thats your opinion, which does not necessarily = fact

But your opinion is affected by your obvious admiration for the said person. I, on the other hand, really do not care. I am simply stating what the average person would think. As well as the exceedingly above average people... people like me in fact ;)
bullet the blue sky said:

But your opinion is affected by your obvious admiration for the said person. I, on the other hand, really do not care. I am simply stating what the average person would think. As well as the exceedingly above average people... people like me in fact ;)

Yes my opinion is to an extent.

And there you go again, how do you know what the average person thinks? Or the above average people?

Once again, you need to use IMO or IMHO when stating things as such.


z edge said:

Sorry I didn't realize this was your forum. Or is it?

I mean who are you anyway? "Kingpin"

Other than to instigate trouble so your cronies can complain about our responses, what is your purpose in all of your 100 or so posts?

I believe you to be hiding behind an alter.

Anyway, I guess with your logic I am damned if I do and damned if I don't.

How else should I respond to someone who refers to me as

deaf and dumb

calls me coward (at least 5 times in one post)

Not to mention that your thread here is just another re-hash of the same crap shoved down our throats every damn day.

Your whole purpose here is to start trouble, as proven again here in your remarks.

I'm not going to run tell on you like a little sniveling coward, but not only am I calling you out on it I will dish it back to you with a :)

And I will be watching you just as you are me.


Okay, here we go.

My name is Nick, I live in Edmonton (Alberta) and when I registered I lived in St. John's (Newfoundland). You'll notice that I registered in July of 2000. If you look at Like Someone To Blame's info, you'll see he registered in May 2001. So we can see that if anything, he would be an "alter" of me.

As for my "cronies", well, the only person I really know here is Basstrap, and I know him in person, and have for years. He can attest to my authenticity, if you believe him. Like you said, I haven't posted a whole lot up until recently (mostly due to me traveling and being in school) but I started coming back due to my interest in the Other Religions thread, with Bubba's eloquent posts and RavenStar's refreshing point of view. Now I'm here just to chat, and vote in the occasional poll.

Now as to the post you were referring to, and your response. This isn't a "damned if I do damned if I don't" situation. You're only "damned" if you don't treat others with respect... if you laugh at them when they disagree with you or when they bring an argument to you. No I don't own the board, and I don't pretend to (I don't even know who the moderators are), but I just expect the people here to treat each other with some respect... not to patronize them, or to laugh at them, or to condescend. If people don't back up comments, that's fine, whatever. If people choose not to respond, that's fine, it just betrays the weakness of their argument. But to laugh at others as if they're inferior is not only a poor debating technique, but it's juvenile.

As to the purpose of my posts, it isn't to start trouble. It's the same as yours (hopefully)... to express opinions and ideas in a public forum. But maybe my purpose is greater... to bring a breath of fresh air to the forum. To bring the opinions of somebody who agrees with people like Bubba in the religious/spiritual threads, but disagrees with them in the political/social threads. To be somebody that isn't easily classifiable. Maybe to be a devil's advocate, trying to see if you can defend the positions you take.

I appreciate you not telling on me, although it wouldn't really make any difference, as I'm not an "alter" of anyone. Thanks for "calling me out" but I'm afraid you're hunch was wrong. And feel free to watch me, I'm not going anywhere... but sorry to disappoint, I haven't been and won't really be watching you too intently.
melon said:
Well, I don't think it is fair to judge z edge. There was no reason for this to get personal, and I think that some of you here owe him an apology.

Me? I'm not a fan of the Bush family by any means. I think Bush's question is an earnest one, which scares me. But, if anything, it should prove that the way you talk DOES influence how people perceive your intellect. Think about that, folks.


Great reply and second that. And anyone who is knocked down by a pretsel ( or something like that ) deserve a break :D.

I think that the Brazilian president had a great laugh after the meeting with bush . But declairing war to a brassband ? I can only agree with Bush, brassbands are boring and a danger to good music.

I wonder how he spells, potato.
RavenStar said:
I never thought he was bright anyway. He is smart in the sense that he managed to be the President but I think he just lacks real-life smarts. He seems more of a book-smart guy than a street-smart guy. Do you get what I'm saying?

I think the exact opposite. I think he's got street smarts but not book smarts.
Obviously he has to have a certain level of intelligence to become Pres (including alot of street smarts, people skills etc), but compared to other world leaders I don't think he'd do to well in any IQ test.
All I can say is as a person he seems like a good guy, when not in President Mode he's probably pretty funny, seems nice, but as a President of the US... thank god he's got Rice and Powell.
I think he's really damaged the US' reputation and image around the world as well. I don't really know or care about how he is with domestic stuff (not being American and all) but he's terrible for US international relations. Only Tony Blair and the Aussie PM (and I guess Israel) seem to trust him, or even like him.
Kingpin and z edge (and anyone else who's considering it), if you want to get personal, please take it to PM or e-mail.

You know, on another forum that I frequent, they have a forum devoted to people who want to have cyberfights. Something for Sicy and Elvis to consider? ;)
Sorry, I just wanted to set the record straight so that everyone knew I'm not hiding behind an "alter". If I'd done it in a private message, it might be misconstrued by others that I didn't answer him because he was right.

Sorry, I'll try to keep it out of the public forums.
paxetaurora said:
You know, on another forum that I frequent, they have a forum devoted to people who want to have cyberfights. Something for Sicy and Elvis to consider? ;)

Bwahahahahahhaaa.... riiiiiiiiiiight.
I'm with you...

MiniFly said:
Bush = MORON.

His numb-skullness has overshadowed even Dan Quayle, a truly great feat. This level of indiocy is rivaled, however, by our own Z Edge, who apparently doesn't share political ideologies or intelligence levels with his name sake.

Did you guys know that Bush once waved to Stevie Wonder? :rolleyes:.

I don't find him to be one of the brightest people on the planet, either. I mean, yes, we all do make mistakes when we talk, but when someone has an entire book that is full of their slip-ups and all that...I don't know about you, but I find that rather pathetic. I'd kinda like to have a president who knows what the hell they're talking about.

And I haven't agreed with practically any of Bush's policies (yep, liberal right here). For example, he's pro-life, I'm pro-choice. He tried to get birth control banned, what was it, last year, and I thought that was a bad move. And so on and so forth.

And I'm also not thrilled with his getting us involved in a war that I really don't think is necessary, but that's a whole other topic altogether.

I'm sure Bush is probably a nice guy-I don't know the guy personally.

But as a president...I really think we could do better. No offense to Bush supporters, that's just my opinion.

Three things, Angela:

1) I'd well imagine that anyone's mistakes could fill a book if the scrutiny was intense enough. Recall that the media was questioning his intelligence long before he made these verbal flubs, pointing to his merely average grades at an Ivy League school (we all know how easy those schools are) and the fact that, as a candidate, he had not memorized the names of world leaders (apparently, a little-known requirement for running for President).

I readily grant that the media has a ready-made spin about both political sides of the fence - that liberals generally care too much about their issues, and that conservatives are uncaring (or, in the cases of Quayle and Bush incompetant). But in an age where caring about an issue is far more important than knowing how to solve it, the spin about conservatives is much more detrimental.

2) I don't think Bush "got us involved" in this war. Just as our involvement in World War II was precipitated by the surprise attack on our fleet at Pearl Harbor, our involvement in THIS war was precipitated by terrorists ramming passenger jets into office buildings, killing 3,000 innocent civilians.

Further, regardless of who started this war (the terrorists did), I strongly disagree that it's probably unnecessary. 9/11/01 was clearly an act of war. It was not the first act, considering the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole, American embassies, etc. We've stopped other plots and found in Afghanistan research into weapons of mass destruction, so it certainly was not going to be the last act, either. War appears to be a proper response, it was probably the only correct response, and it appears to have been effective thus far.

If a just and necessary war is ever possible (and I think it is), THIS is it.

3) I am completely unfamiliar with any efforts on Bush's part to ban birth control. If you would (or if anyone else knows), please enlighten me.
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Some of my favorite "Bushisms" :

"This is a nation that loves our freedom, loves our country" Washington D.C. May 17, 2003

"And so, in my State of the, um, um-my State of the Union, um, um-or state--my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation--I asked Americans to give 4,000 years--4,000 hours over the next--the rest of your life--of service to America. That's what I asked--4,000 hours." As quoted in Bridgeport, Connecticut, April 9, 2002.

"It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber" Washington, D.C. April 10, 2002

"For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times." Tokyo, Japan, Feb 18, 2002.

"We've tripled the amount of money-I believe it's from $50 million up to $195 million available" Lima, Peru March 23, 2002.

"There's nothing more deep than recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all...I can't think of anything more deep than that" Washington D.C. March 13, 2002.

"I understand that the unrest in the Middle East creates unrest throughout the region" Washington D.C. March 13, 2002.

"Brie and cheese"--Taunting a reporter who recently spent time on the West Coast, Crawford, TX Aug 23, 2001

"There's a lot of people in the Middle East who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process. And--but first things first. The--these terrorist acts and, you know, the responses have got to end in order for us to get a framework--the groundwork--not framework, the groundwork to discuss a framework for peace, to lay the--all right." Referring to former Sen George Mitchell's report on Middle East peace, Crawford, TX Aug 13, 2001.

"My administration has been calling upon all the leaders in the--in the Middle East to do everything they can to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved that peace will never happen." Crawford, TX, Aug 13, 2001.

"Well, it's an unimaginable honor to be the president during the Fourth of July of this country. It means what these words say, for starters. The great inalienable rights of our country. We're blessed with such values in America. And I--it's--I'm a proud man to be the nation based upon such wonderful values" Visiting the Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C. July 2, 2001.

"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease" Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001.

"It's very important for folks to understand that when there's more trade, there's more commerce." Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001

"I also have picked a secretary for Housing and Human Development. Mel Martinez from the state of Florida." Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000.

"They misunderestimated me". Bentonville Arkansas, Nov 6, 2000.

Countless more of these examples exist. It's downright embarrasing to have a President who appears so challenged with the English language. Maybe if he was more interested in public policy and less about weighlifting, jogging, vacations at Camp David and Crawford, and the Texas Rangers he wouldn't sound so dumb.

Was his MBA issued by Sears & Roebuck? Just curious.
I'm no great fan of Bush, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't he speak fluent Spanish? It does take a certain measure of intelligence to speak two languages functionally.
Given the combined liberal logic here (with notable exception of Melon), I guess Bono would be considered stupid too then. Why? Have you ever watched the man speak? Between rubbing his eyes and nose constantly, repeating the same old cliches from interview to interview and then the actual language / grammar he uses??? "Ummmm........ (insert cliche).....uh..... ammmm ....applying for the job.......ummmm......uhhhh....god is catholic........mmm.......uhhhhhh..."

Seriously, the guy (Bono) stutters waay wayyy waaaaaaaaaayyy more than President George W. Bush!!!

Now, are you same liberals ashamed of Bono? No, it's okay if he speaks like what you consider to be an idiot. However, if he were a republican president I bet you would. Truth is, he is a very smart man who fucks up alot too.

And those of you who started this thread and contributed to the already beaten to death everyday in a new spin-off thread topic in a judgemental manner, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

The truth that none of you seem to be able to handle is as follows:

*Everything you and your fellow libs and dems try to stick at President Bush fails and you look foolish as usual.

*You are so pathetic in your attempts at slander that this type of crap and criticism is all you can find on our President.

*You are still wounded that your hero Mr. Clinton was caught in lies and scandals and was impeached. Thats right Impeached

*And you are still in denial that GEORGE W. BUSH WON THE 2000 PRESIDENTAL ELECTION

And can someone even tell me why this SPIN-OFF thread is even still open??


PEACE, LOVE, and STRATEGRY to all :heart:
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Like someone to blame said:
Countless more of these examples exist. It's downright embarrasing to have a President who appears so challenged with the English language. Maybe if he was more interested in public policy and less about weighlifting, jogging, vacations at Camp David and Crawford, and the Texas Rangers he wouldn't sound so dumb.

Or maybe if we focused on the guy's policy, his opponents wouldn't appear so mean-spirited.

Honestly, I think it's part of his strategery to be misunderestimated. I think what you're knowing: "A who to the what now?" Well, you said what I heard me. STRATEGERY.
Like someone to blame said:
Some of my favorite "Bushisms" :

"This is a nation that loves our freedom, loves our country" Washington D.C. May 17, 2003

so dumb.

Was his MBA issued by Sears & Roebuck? Just curious.

Mr SomeOne-
Where DID YOU get your degree?
Box of CrackerJacks?
diamond said:

Mr SomeOne-
Where DID YOU get your degree?
Box of CrackerJacks?



Very good catch Diamond, thats okay for them to make mistakes and not be called stupid though!!!!!!!!


paxetaurora said:
I'm no great fan of Bush, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't he speak fluent Spanish? It does take a certain measure of intelligence to speak two languages functionally.

His Spanish is not exactly fluent. But I think is good enough.

When he meets President Fox (another with a long story of dumb comments) Bush always try to adress our media in spanish, and it always end in some funny expressions, making everyone laugh, at the point that our media think he is a funny guy.
paxetaurora said:
Wow, I got no love for defending Bush.

I'll remember *that*, FYM Conservative Corps. ;)

Speaking fo all 7 of the Conservatives here, we appreciate your defense, just as we appreciate all types of Defense

paxetaurora said:

Im glad that GW's THINKING and HEART has NO BOUNDRIES easily leaping over Man's misconstrued INTERPRETATION of what is Polictallly correct...:)
GW is the man regardless if u get it or not..

Glad Bono is comfortable w him..yes he is GOD FORBID!:ohmy::cool:
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