Download the two Boston DVD Easter Eggs

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Jul 30, 2000
Porto Alegre/Brasil
For those like me who didn?t manage to see the bonocam effect, don?t ask me why, I had already given up...

avi format, 12 MB each one. Haven?t seen it yet.


"To me a rock and roll concert is 3-D, it?s a physical thing - it?s rhythm for the body. It?s a mental thing in that it should be intellectually challenging. But it?s also a spiritual thing, because it?s a community, it?s people agreeing on something, even if it?s only for an hour and a half." (Bono, as quoted in the book U2 The Road to Pop)
Thanks follower! I had given up hope of ever seeing these...

Wow, on the UTEOTW one, if it really looks like that to Bono it's a wonder he doesn't fall of the stage every night! (How do you see anything?)

She's gonna dream up a world she wants to live in / She's gonna dream out loud.
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I finally got to see it. It?s great, especially during UTEOTW...I don?t know what happens with my DVD, it?s a brand new LG 3230N...well, maybe you don?t have those ones there, but anyways, I tried using enter after the numbers, without enter, several times, and nothing. At least now I have an idea what it looks like.
Hey! What gives? "Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons." WHAAAHHH! I want my Bonocam!

They say that magic and the science world collide
Oh, but Einstein saw me lookin' at her and he joined my side

Jonathan Richman
"A Higher Power"

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