I'm not the biggest fan of the song, though I don't mind that they haven't closed with it at every show recently. I kind of hope they close with something else at Philly...
I hope they keep it up, though I don't think it's necessarily that they're getting tired of the song. They may, however, be finally recognizing that it's not the greatest closer.
My sis reminded me after we left NJ/GS (in the sense that I forget this aspect of R&R concert endings) that MOS is a song to ease the crowd energy down .
So is 40. ...etc (just in terms of crowd logistics.)
I happen to prefer leaving on a up & out expansive note....
but that's ok....
Having a slow closer never deterred me from the
incredible Live performance that is U2.
That's really why I was more disappointed w MOS as a closer.
it IS a beautiful, complex song both musically and lyrically (and i love the final closing chords/notes by edge).... and it has grown on me as the closer.
I really listened to it, taking it in as much as I could on my last of the whole 360 tour shows...which was NJ/GS....
as the final live song i'd hear by them this go around.
And then they surprised ( b/c i didn't hear about the set list rumours <real SL? or not going on in the SLP with any body mentioning it around me in the outer rail - no Interlander that I knew of near me > the heck out of me.....
..by playing OOC!!! a high energy endingI'd want
and a song i fell in love with ( along w IWF) oh hell years 30 years ago! 30 years with this band! wow!
Powers i love 'em!
YES. I always feel so bad for them (and for me!) when WOWY is met with thunderous response, and MOS gets such a half-assed round of applause at the end.
Good call, wait, that's a great call.
And to answer the original question, I do not think they are sick of it. IMO, it's a beautiful song and the band seem quite proud of it. They've played many other songs 100s of time more than MOS, yet still play them, I think because they enjoy them (SBS, Pride, WOWY, Beautiful Day, One, Streets etc)..
I think U2 feel a connection to those songs and a connection with the audience when they play them)
hope they feel proud of it ....
I'd hope that and it's hard in this current American Culture to NOT equate money $$$$/high sales = creative worth !
I'd hope some day again they'd really feel proud of this incredible album that is NLOTH!
As as recovering perfectionist and long time artist (drawing, painting, sculpture, digital computer art & photography ) I know the struggle to want to and do your best and exceed it. i know the struggle and quiet and high exhilaration of doing this and exploring new territories as well.
As for the other songs you've mentioned probably a mix/ a maybe sometimes difficult balance of what they still love playing ( and be proud of artistically <and of others not played> ) and what they know their fans want to hear.