Denver II Setlist Watch and Thread Party.

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I can't believe they would skip Streets!!! I mean wtf!? Do they really need to do the Africa thing? Fucking A!

I cannot believe they didn't play the Zoo Station. Bono is out of his friggin mind.

This whole setlist is shit tonight.

There may just be a riot if Streets is not played.

If U2 do cut it, it would be a very vivid demonstration that nothing is sacred.
timothius said:
If somone came up to me and said, hey man you give me you're Streets & Zoo Station and I'll give you my OOTS...I would've stared, laughed, and punched him in the face.

Start punching dude.

* Beautiful Day
* Vertigo
* Elevation
* Ocean
* Miracle Drug
* BTBS // johnny comes marching home
Declaration of Human Rights
* Pride // Mr. B's "Mandela MLK Jr. Africa" speech
ONE Campaign Speech

* The Fly
* Mysterious Ways

* All Because of You
* Original of The Species
*40 (crowd sounds AWESOME!!!)

||Setlist Guru invites Interference & Zootopian setlist watchers to join in together .... "hooooowwww long...."||


Looks like Streets is not the only song that was dropped no Yaweh either :eyebrow:

Are we SURE Streets wasn't played? I'm having a hard time believing this. 21 songs, one of them The Ocean.
Holy Crap, No Streets!

Ah, well, it was another fun night setlist watching. I'm glad we got to bond a bit with our fellow Zootopia brethern (at least some of them...)
Now, bed...:drool: :wave:
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

You are going to have to ask angel_28 for that one....I don't know how that all happened.

I have no idea...I'm only copying and pasting whats being own comments if i make any, are at the very bottom of the page.

Although i find Mr B...quite cute...:)
I think one of the reasons U2's setlist(s) has been pretty tedious this tour is because they have so many songs that they "have to play." I think the best way for them to start having more interesting and varied setlists is to be liberated from the idea that they have to play anything. Nothing is sacred and they should drop Streets for any damn song they feel like playing. It would certainly liven things up.

And hey, Bob Dylan frequently goes through entire shows without playing Like a Rolling Stone, Tangled Up in Blue, All Along the Watchtower, etc. Losing Streets isn't so bad (although there are certainly other songs that I would rather see cut. *Cough* Bullet the Blue Sky **Cough*Cough* Elevation *Cough* Pride).
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