Dec. 19, Rose Garden in Portland

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I'm in Section 103! I'll help. I'll be driving down from Seattle Monday morning sometime. Can't wait!
Hallucination ---> I'm in Section 229 too! I'm in Row A (which I'm really praying is the first row). I plan on passing out my signs to my entire row plus the rows right behind me. Seems like a cluster of signs like that will be seen by the band. My total count is still at 100.

OK, now here's the teacher in me speaking. If possible, as you are passing out signs, make a suggestion to fold the sign up in quarters and store it away in pocket or purse. To me that's total common sense :huh: but, you know, people aren't going to want to hold their signs for the first 9/10 of the concert and they'll just put it on the floor (if they are in seats) and get beer soaked and very possibly, ripped. Soggy, ripped signs will suck. Slap me now for being VERY Type A.:crazy:
hotpepper said:
Hallucination ---> I'm in Section 229 too! I'm in Row A (which I'm really praying is the first row). I plan on passing out my signs to my entire row plus the rows right behind me. Seems like a cluster of signs like that will be seen by the band. My total count is still at 100.

OK, now here's the teacher in me speaking. If possible, as you are passing out signs, make a suggestion to fold the sign up in quarters and store it away in pocket or purse. To me that's total common sense :huh: but, you know, people aren't going to want to hold their signs for the first 9/10 of the concert and they'll just put it on the floor (if they are in seats) and get beer soaked and very possibly, ripped. Soggy, ripped signs will suck. Slap me now for being VERY Type A.:crazy:

I love your Type A way of thinking. Sounds logical to this anal retentive Virgo!

Miroslava - I'm in GA too and my current count is 250. I hope to get to 400 by the time I leave
hotpepper said:
Hallucination ---> I'm in Section 229 too! I'm in Row A (which I'm really praying is the first row). I plan on passing out my signs to my entire row plus the rows right behind me. Seems like a cluster of signs like that will be seen by the band. My total count is still at 100.

OK, now here's the teacher in me speaking. If possible, as you are passing out signs, make a suggestion to fold the sign up in quarters and store it away in pocket or purse. To me that's total common sense :huh: but, you know, people aren't going to want to hold their signs for the first 9/10 of the concert and they'll just put it on the floor (if they are in seats) and get beer soaked and very possibly, ripped. Soggy, ripped signs will suck. Slap me now for being VERY Type A.:crazy:

I was thinking the same thing too hotpepper! I know that if some random person passed me an extended sign and I wasn't prepared for it I'd be all "ok" :huh:

I'll have plenty of time to fold signs while waiting in line :crazy:

I will add you to the list :up:
Updated list

Hallucination 2300
Miroslava 260
Bratty_cat 250
Hotpepper 100
Carek 100
Total 3010

Anyone else?

Also, I would think that we need to start finding people with seats in the sections NEAREST the stage or at least people with seats that can volunteer to go to those sections and pass out signs...

Maybe we can start a list like we had for the Cleveland thread to see who's where... For those with seats, section would be great :happy:

I Move in Mysterious Ways
StarsforU2 and U2bonogirl

6620ross (Section 105)
Carek (Section 223)
Fah (Section 308)
Hallucination (Section 229)
Hotpepper (Section 229)
Martha (Section 221)
Sukha (Section 103)

Seating chart

Also, I think some of us need to exchange numbers. Obviously I will help coordinate the floor along with my friend Casey. We will take care of whichever section we are in (inside or outside) but I will need a couple of other GA-ers willing to help knowing that some will be on the inside and some on the outside.

We need a couple of people to help coordinate the seats. Obviously Hallucination will need help passing all those signs out, but since Hallucination and hotpepper are obviously the perfect team for that section and maybe the neighboring ones?. :happy: We may need a couple more teams at least. :D

This could turn out to be pretty damn fantastic! :hyper:
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I'm more than happy to team up with Hallucination and get signs out. We could work on Sections 228, 229 and 230. This is going to be great!:hyper: I'm so excited! Just a few more days. Hallucination - can you PM me so we can figure out a plan?

Miroslava - I really agree with you. It would be great to get some more seated people involved, especially in the 100's.

And everyone. . . thanks so much for being so supportive of my hyper-organized ways!

You're not the only anal retentive one...

i did this proposed chart before I read your post


Key word being proposed of course :reject:
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I can always pass my signs on to folks in seats if we feel that the GA floor will be covered. Just let me know, I'm happy to go with the flow!
I just realized I made a mistake... I put you up next to hotpepper instead of hallucination


And yup... 100 level people, come out, come out wherever you are... otherwise if I get outside the ellipse (which is very likely and fine with me) those people in the front row are going to find themselves talking to a scary looking mexican chick on the floor waving pieces of paper saying.

"Here, come down here. Take these. Pass them on. :angry: Thanks! Do it now! :flirt:"

But seriously, if I am outside, I would trust my friend's ability to save my spot and my ability to get back in there enough to call down hallucination or someone with LOTS of signs to give me some (I can only take so many with ME to the floor) and then run around to the sections nearest the floor and recruit assistants :happy:

Hell, even if I scanned in, I would trust my ability to get back to my spot provided we had a rail spot...

Still, would be nice to have assigned people to those 100 levels :happy:
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hotpepper said:
Miroslava - You're good!!! Great minds think alike. :applaud:



If this works out half way as great as I think it is going to work, I am going to be bawling my eyes out :reject:
Heh, how will I find you guys to get the signs? My hubby and I will be at the Rose Garden about 130pm. Should I just go by the GA line?
I think we should get a "volunteer" cell phone list to share with just those that are passing signs?

I am going to guess that since hallucination will have the greatest number of signs, he will be one of our main people to go visit and claim signs from. That is if it is ok with him :)

Those interested, can email me directly :D
Sorry guys I'm a cheap member here at interference as I haven't paid to be a premium member:reject: so I can't send private messages but anyone and everyone is free to e-mail me at Hotpepper that would be awsome if you would be willing to help me hand out signs. I have 2302 signs now and I'm actually worried about having to hand that many out by myself. It would take me forever. As for handing them out in our section that would be awesome but here's a thought, hear me out:

With haveing 2302 signs I think that would be enough signs for everyone in 4 of the following sections: 103, 102, 101, 110, 111, 112. That would completely fill four of the six closest sections to the stage on the lower bowl. Just a thought.

Also it seems as though we have way to many people helping pass out signs but not enough people making signs the following is a list of people who are helping and the ones in bold are the ones actually making signs.

I Move in Mysterious Ways
StarsforU2 and U2bonogirl

6620ross (Section 105)
Carek (Section 223)
Fah (Section 308)
Hallucination (Section 229)
Hotpepper (Section 229)
Martha (Section 221)
Sukha (Section 103)

That's eleven people who are helping but aren't confirmed for signs. at 100 a peice that's 1100 more signs. That's two sections worth. C'MON!!!!!! People!!!

Again I hope to have 3000 signs by Friday or Saturday. Also here is my e-mail again I could also hand out my cell number via e-mail but as lovely as all U2 fans are I don't feel comfortable posting the number here in the forum. No offence.

Another thought is what about just placeing signs at each seat or every second seat in sections. People would get the signs as they got to their seats. Every second person having signs in a section would double the amount of sections we could cover.
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No, no. You can email it to me, and then I would distribute the list via email ONLY to those distributing

And I would love to fill the sections you mention too. I am just wondering if security will let you go down to those sections if you have level 200 seats :hmm:

I believe my friend casey is making signs too, I'll try to get a number out of her... and look who's still in the office after 5. :happy:

Just need to get rid of a few more people :shifty:
Miroslava said:
No, no. You can email it to me, and the I would distribute the list via email ONLY to those distributing

And I would love to fill the sections you mention too. I am just wondering if security will let you go down to those sections if you have level 200 seats :hmm:

What is your e-mail Miroslava? I'm postive that the security would let me or anyone else down inot those sections before the show. Especiially if they knew what we were doing. Like I mentioned above, would it be a good idea to just distribute the signs to the seats before people arrive? Just throwing out ideas. I'm so pumped about this now, I just want it to be great. As well as being a nice gesture from us I also want it to look as amazing visually as possible.
If security would allow people there, that would be awesome. I think leaving the signs in the seats would be just fine. We have one person already on 103, so we would just need a couple people more helping on that side. And then another team for Adam's side.

Ok hallucination, you are rocking my socks off :love:
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Miroslava said:
If security would allow people there, that would be awesome. I think leaving the signs in the seats would be just fine.

Ok hallucination, you are rocking my socks off :love:

:laugh: Another thing I was wondering is what happens if nobody gets inside the elipse? How will we fill the floor inside?
Hallucination said:

:laugh: Another thing I was wondering is what happens if nobody gets inside the elipse? How will we fill the floor inside?

You underestimate my long monkey arms and my ability to be bossy :wink:

Worst case scenario, I can yell at someone across the ellipse, pass the signs via security and that is that. But I can pretty much guarantee that someone I have met through this past year will get in.

WORST, WORST case scenario, I can PROBABLY talk my way in by requesting that I be escorted for a couple minutes just to pass signs around... :hmm:

Oh, and my email is in my signature banner :drool:
Miroslava said:

You underestimate my long monkey arms and my ability to be bossy :wink:

Worst case scenario, I can yell at someone across the ellipse, pass the signs via security and that is that. But I can pretty much guarantee that someone I have met through this past year will get in.

WORST, WORST case scenario, I can PROBABLY talk my way in by requesting that I be escorted for a couple minutes just to pass signs around... :hmm:

Oh, and my email is in my signature banner :drool:

What a horrible feeling that would be. getting into the elipse but then having to leave it after you're out of signs.

I'm going to Trailblazer's game the night before so I'm gonna scout out the arena. I'll know it inside and out before the concert so I'll be good to go when it comes time to pass out the signs in the most efficient way possible.
Hallucination said:

What a horrible feeling that would be. getting into the elipse but then having to leave it after you're out of signs.

Poor lil Miroslava has been deprived of nothing this tour. Not a thing. So I KNOW I could handle being in there and joining my friends outside if that's where the chips fall.

And yay, scouting!

Ok, I could only sneak in about 40 more signs. Still a couple people in here :madwife:
I've decided that I'm gonna be a scrooge. I'm not passing my signs out for free. I'm gonna charge people $1.00 per sign. I'm all about making a buck.

:lmao: Just kidding. I'd be stuck with alot of signs I'm affraid.
Psst, I'd love to help print out signs.
I have a copier here at home.
As well as a printer.
I refill the inkcartridges myself.
Still have plenty of ink left.
I just bought a box with 5000 sheets of paper at the Costco for my work.
And 2000 of those are rightfully mine.
Because I bought at least 4 packs of 500 sheets without asking to be reimbursed.
Nobody here to disturb me, so I could print/copy away during the day.

Only problem is: I will not be at the concert in Portland.

But if anybody from the SF Bay Area is willing to take copies with them, I could hand them over to them.

Or if anybody from here is actually living in Portland, I'd be happy to send them there.

Just let me know, if it's needed.

Of course, what you could do for the seats higher up (but this can only be done, if a few people with seats in those areas show up early), is form the letters T H A N K Y O U (or T H A N K S U 2) by putting sheets on select seats (perhaps with an explanation written on them).
Just an idea.
But you won't need signs for everybody that way.
Thought I'd through it out there.
(It'd look even cooler with glow sticks, but that would cost a lot more)
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:love: Miri... your offer is amazingly generous and just :heart:

I feel bad that you'd be going through all that trouble. BUT if you really, really want to do it and no one can pick them up AND you'd be willing to mail them, I arrive in Portland on Saturday. Completely up to you, but just the fact that you offered is amazing to me. :bow: :hug:

I stopped at kinko's and dropped $10.00 in exchange for 110 signs. Works for me :D. So my total is 420. I will try to at least round it off to 450.

And randd, I don't think anyone really knows much about the GA line... I thinkwe're just playing it by ear. Perhaps when romi is done stressing about Mexico tickets he will enlighten us. :D

So here's the updated numbers:

Hallucination 2300
Miroslava 420
Bratty_cat 250
Hotpepper 100
Carek 100
Total 3170

Also, I was thinking that someone with seats MAY have to bring in the signs for me. Even with another person in my party, I do not know if I will be able to bring all these signs in myself. So I may just have to meet someone with seats to get additional signs issued to me for distributing. We will have to see :hmm:
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I live in Stockton..... if you can get the signs to me (I don't have time to go to the bay area before I leave) I will take them up
Miringeltje said:
Psst, I'd love to help print out signs.
I have a copier here at home.
As well as a printer.
I refill the inkcartridges myself.
Still have plenty of ink left.
I just bought a box with 5000 sheets of paper at the Costco for my work.
And 2000 of those are rightfully mine.
Because I bought at least 4 packs of 500 sheets without asking to be reimbursed.
Nobody here to disturb me, so I could print/copy away during the day.

Only problem is: I will not be at the concert in Portland.

But if anybody from the SF Bay Area is willing to take copies with them, I could hand them over to them.

Or if anybody from here is actually living in Portland, I'd be happy to send them there.

Just let me know, if it's needed.

Of course, what you could do for the seats higher up (but this can only be done, if a few people with seats in those areas show up early), is form the letters T H A N K Y O U (or T H A N K S U 2) by putting sheets on select seats (perhaps with an explanation written on them).
Just an idea.
But you won't need signs for everybody that way.
Thought I'd through it out there.
(It'd look even cooler with glow sticks, but that would cost a lot more)

that is wicked!! So very cool of you Miringeltje. If this can be done we need to find a way to make it happen people. It would near double our signage. We'll worry about distributing them after. If we ca just get the signs to the gig everything will work. Once people see what we're doing nobody will hesitate to help if asked. I'd come get the signs myself but I live in Alberta, Canada and ZI don't arrive in Portland untill sunday afternoon. Think people think. Miringeltje has made an absolutely amazing offer. Let's not waste it.
My friends who are coming down with me have seats directly across from me (I'm in 103). They are on Adam's side. I know we'll be down in Portland by the afternoon and have dinner plans at 5:30 but can pick up signs before (or after?). I'm having trouble keeping up with all the messages back and forth but there is still a few days.
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