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I do agree with you about something being a bit off with all the insults toward Todd at the very end, and I was thinking the same thing about the similarities to "Calligraphy."

Arizona backwards is still Arizona.
Did I miss the firemen?

I though that was great, Chang's b-story was fucking hilarious, the sax especially. Pierce has been great so far this season but I'm kind of bummed they have completely forgotten about the big move they made with him in the s2 finale. Britta has taken back the #1 hottest Community title, I felt a bit of movement during the tag.

Wouldn't have had a problem with the ending if the camera hadn't panned to Todd. That sort of shit goes on at schools all the time.

Don't tell me what I'm thinking or feeling.
Now this is their first classic of the season.

Magnitude & Vicki as lab partners, :lol: ("You know they're laughing at you, right? That's my theory"). I lost it when Chang started acting like a character in a B-movie film noir, that came out of nowhere but was much appreciated, and only got better when the Dean's inner monologue starting going over Chang's.

I gotta say, like the silent unmentioned moment with the straw/Troy last week, Jeff forcing Annie's hand down this week probably got my biggest laugh. That and pretty much every single line Troy had this week, and yeah Pierce was the other mvp here.

That poor, partially-charred turtle, :sad:.
"You don't want to work with me, I have a developmental disorder. Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars. Cool, Cool, Cool."
In the reality with the troll grinning at Troy out through the fire I was rolling on the floor laughing.
There were more little things to laugh at during this than many pretty good comedies have in their whole run, and it just compunded the overall hilarity of the episode. And yet, somehow they really managed some great character development in it.

I almost fell out of my chair during the whole aftermath of the dark timeline. Shirley's "For Pierce, may he rest in Pierce" slurring, and even moreso for "Evil Troy and Evil Abed!"

"You know nothing about defeating trolls".

Also, love love love the (Annie) Chekov's gun.
Shit, I was not nearly as sold as you guys. I'd have to watch it a few more times, I felt like it went over my head a bit. It was extremely fast-paced. Maybe I focused too much on the dark aspect of it and less the humour which balanced it out. It came as no surprise to me that my favourite timeline was the one where Troy and Britta connected. Also really loved the one where Jeff had to go get the pizza, which resulted in a heart-warming (and hilarious) ending.

It also reminded me of the Halloween episode (using a song as incongruous background music) and the clip show episode. Glad y'all dug it though.
Alright, I've never participated in this, but it's the perfect time for it: friggin' cobbler!! :angry:

This is excellent evidence for a theory I'm testing; which is that everything Community I love cobl hates and vice versa.
The extras are terrific. Great behind-the-scenes doco on the Christmas ep. And listening to the commentary, apparently they made 50+ dolls for that ep, at a cost of $8k-$10k each :ohmy: anyone know what their budget is per season?

Alright, I've never participated in this, but it's the perfect time for it: friggin' cobbler!! :angry:


haha congratulations, everyone gets there eventually :wink:
Joel McHale cracked me up in What's Your Number. Went to a movie at Mrs. Tourist's behest and didn't realize he'd be in it.
Had a $25 gift card to Target, picked up Season 1 on DVD. How are the bonus features? Are the cast/crew commentaries good? I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere but, yeah. I'll probably settle down one night this week and watch a bunch of the commentaries.

The Kickpuncher comic is dope. Annie and Britta unleashed! :drool:
Unless you're weird like cobl you'll love the commentaries because it's a concentrated dose of Dan Harmon and the crew, and an entertaining, worthwhile means to learn more about the show's craft. Which is about all you can ask from a commentary, I think.

There are a few more fun extras like the "Cast Evaluations" which is pretty funny but also kind of short.
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