COBL Shimmer intro

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edgey steve

Oct 23, 2006
cornwall UK
We are looking to open our set with the start of COBL, I have a reasonable "budget" Edge type rig with signal split to drive my shimmer through front of house and can get some pretty convincing Edge type sounds but we also cover several other bands material so I am not soley dedicated to U2 sounds.

I am interested in the tab and how Edge actually plays the opening of COBL as per Chicago DVD etc. I have heard a recording on the Edgerecording site that shows it can be played and may not be a sequencer backing track and want to try and do the same but I'm not certain of what Edge is playing. I am not talking about the pur delayed guitar part but the soaring shimmer etc at the very opening of the track.

I think it's a variation of what Edge plays during COBL, A -> G -> D -> C#.



But it's most definately Edge playing with the signal going only, or mostly, through the Shimmer signal route, driving probably both ASM 1580S delays. Which are Edge's main shimmer units. And using both units would give him that massive shimmer sounds. Only to then bring up his main guitar signal once the song really starts.
Thanks for that - yep I think I agree and have also realised he is playing it with the slide, I will try boosting my shimmer master level and using the expression pedal more to pull it back for other tracks that don't need such a big sound. We don't have the luxury of a front of house sound man to do this for me at the desk so its all down to the feet tapping once again!
I think Edge also does it himself using volume pedals and ofcourse his massive Skrydstrup controller. :drool:

It's probably why he's always stomping his foot in tune with the music. The guy just can't stop tapdancing. :wink:

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