Chicago 1 & 2 Boots

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
Yeah, I know it's maybe a little early to be asking, but is anyone lucky enough to have them or know where I could get them?

Please email me at



"I'm gonna start a day care!"-Bono
Just bumping this up because:

1. I'm cool

2. I want the bootlegs

3. I'm sure many other people here want the bootlegs

"I'm gonna start a day care!"-Bono
I would give it another week or two. I know of two people that were taping both shows, one with a DAT recorder and one with a mini disc. They will turn up soon enough.
no disk, there were no metal detectors at the Chicago shows or the Notre Dame show. I didnt even get patted down at any of them.
Originally posted by thehepcat:
I have a trade in the works for both of these shows (including the Garbage sets!)

Hey hep!

I don't have a burner but could you do a B&P please?! For both shows, plus the Garbage sets?

Pretty please with sugar on top?

Proud Owner of Larry's Stick!!!


*~The Official POP_Whore of Interference~*

Originally posted by Blue Room:
He got busted right in front of me about half way through Elevation. I saw a guy get busted the first night the same way about half way through Elevation. There will probebly be a video out there but it wont be shot from the heart that is for sure.

What did they do? Did they kick him out?
The guy on the 2nd night was thrown out as I believe he tried to do the same thing the first night (I think it is a two strikes your out type of thing). The guy on the first night was let back into the heart though, minus his camera. I saw him in line the next day and he said they gave him his camcorder back the after the show and confiscated his tape.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 10-19-2001).]
I know its been a long time since I posted anything on this forum so most of you probably don't remember me. I was at tuesday nights concert and would love a bootleg of it when it becomes avaliable even Garbage's set with the equipment mishap. The whole show was amazing.
Originally posted by Blue Room:
The guy on the 2nd night was thrown out as I believe he tried to do the same thing the first night (I think it is a two strikes your out type of thing). The guy on the first night was let back into the heart though, minus his camera. I saw him in line the next day and he said they gave him his camcorder back the after the show and confiscated his tape.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 10-19-2001).]

Was this the guy with the 'BIG ASS' video camera, near the tip, on the inside of the heart on 10/15?? Jaysus! That was a monster!!...

"Hey, pardon me for askin', but who's that little ol' man?..."
Did anyone see the guy in line who was sneaking in a camcorder? I wonder if he got anything, and where we could find video of the show if he did.

Change is the only constant
He got busted right in front of me about half way through Elevation. I saw a guy get busted the first night the same way about half way through Elevation. There will probebly be a video out there but it wont be shot from the heart that is for sure.
Yep, there were 2 guys who got busted. One of them was trying to get me to let him "join me" in line, and he was going to change his number on the card. Didn't happen. He shoulda gotten there earlier. I didn't see him IN the show on Tuesday, just before. The other guy -- he took his battery off Monday night, thinking maybe they wouldn't be able to get the tape out. But apparently they have their own adapter so they could turn his camcorder on and get the tape out. Oh well...he tried...sigh!

BTW, Hepcat, I'll email you, as I'd love to get boots of the 2 Chicago shows...both U2 and Garbage. Dunno what I have to trade...maybe prints of my pictures??

"You're dangerous...'cause you're honest"

[This message has been edited by MysteryGirl (edited 10-24-2001).]
If anybody has a boot of the 2nd Chicago show, wouldn't mind the Garbage set. I will be willing to trade, possibly even some of my photos. If I don't have anything you want I will be will to pay for the cost of the disc, shipping, and a little extra for the trouble. You can email me at if you want to let me in, PLEASE!!!!!
Count me in for any Garbage boots....I'd love to have those!!

I think I'm getting 10/15 from someone already, but if there's an awesome 10/16 out there e-mail me and I'll send you the cds to burn them on!


She don't care what it's worth
She's living like it's the last night on earth

Proud Owner of Larry's Stick!!!

The taper I am getting them from is at the NYC shows this week (and will attempt to tape them as well), so he is not making my discs until he gets back. He definitely has both Garbage sets as well!

Looking for U2 bootlegs?
Originally posted by kariatari:
thehepcat, you're from Dubuque, IA?!! AH!! I'm in Cedar Falls!

Not so far away then! Glad you like the website, although I think it's pretty much crap. I don't spend a lot of time working on it to make it look like all the other fantastic U2 sites out there. It serves its purpose however, which makes me a happy man!

Looking for U2 bootlegs?
Originally posted by pvanort:
Was this the guy with the 'BIG ASS' video camera, near the tip, on the inside of the heart on 10/15?? Jaysus! That was a monster!!...

Just dawned on me...that guy was standing right next to me, and he was the one who tried to get me to let him "join" me in line the next day. He had a camcorder, a digital recoeder and some other kind of recorder. Mercy! I don't know where he ended up the second night. I wish he hadn't been busted, though...for selfish reasons...LOL

"You're dangerous...'cause you're honest"

[This message has been edited by MysteryGirl (edited 10-24-2001).]
He made it into the heart somehow on the 2nd night because he was right in front of me when he got nailed. He had his camera up the sleeve of his coat and was pointing it at Bono. It almost looked like he had a weapon or something and I think U2's security was keeping an eye on him from the prior night as they weren't 1 minute into Elevation when they pulled him out of there. He did not return to the heart after that so I think he probebly got kicked out.
Originally posted by adamgirl:
I was at tuesday nights concert and would love a bootleg of it when it becomes avaliable even Garbage's set with the equipment mishap. The whole show was amazing.

The whole smoking equipment fiasco would be a great bootleg to have!
I'd love to get some of this 10/16 action, if it's not a problem for anyone.
Hepcat, etc. There is a U2-Midwest egroup with a few other people from Iowa. If you want info on it, email me and I'll send it along. They had a party at the Hard Rock on Oct. 14th, too!

LOL...that guy was "practicing" how he was going to hold his camcorder up his sleeve, while he was in line on the 16th. Another guy was telling him they're gonna think he has a weapon. He said "Nah, they'll think I'm waving like everyone else." With his hand hidden in his sleeve?? Dude needs to get a smaller recorder...that's all there is to it!

"You're dangerous...'cause you're honest"
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