Caption Thread #22: Bono's Revenge!

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Interviewer: So this new film you're featured in is your first serious foray into acting, Mr. Mullen. Would you care to show us some of your work now? Can you pretend to be pensive? Ok, how about mischievous? Sad? Frustrated? Confused? Amused? Happy? Wow! Such talent. Thanks for taking the time to speak with us today!
Thank you, thank you. :cute: I'm happy to have returned to my loyal subjects. :sexywink: :wink:

I'm a bit rusty, but I could get back into the swing of things..........
How many people actually rushed on stage this tour? Quite a lot I think.

There was one in Mexico as well , and I remember a girl somewhere.
And that someone that got tackled by Darren, and Brian jumping on a stage much higher than him, in nothing more then a blink.

Security guys can be so quick :crack: I wouldn't want to mess with them.
^You are the bomb!!

:lmao: "Adam bouncing around so much"

:lmao: "holding up a sign saying that my acting sucks"

Great way to tie together all the real U2 stuff that happens (not that Larry's acting sucks...)
Funny that Edge is totally oblivious to what's happening. Streets tend to make him go al alienated :cute:.
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