Caption Thread #19: I swear it was THIS big!!!!!!!!

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Ok, I'm a little bored at the tour forum... I'll try something. :shifty:


:bono:: Y'know... Edge... you amaze me in so many levels...
:edge:: :flirt:
:larry: *thinking*: ...heels... there's why Bono is taller lately...
:adam: *thinking*: I wonder if those guys can really play with their teeth... maybe if I just... :hmm:

My first time... :shifty:
Ok, I'm a little bored at the tour forum... I'll try something. :shifty:

:bono:: Y'know... Edge... you amaze me in so many levels...
:edge:: :flirt:
:larry: *thinking*: ...heels... there's why Bono is taller lately...
:adam: *thinking*: I wonder if those guys can really play with their teeth... maybe if I just... :hmm:

My first time... :shifty:

:lol: :applaud:

:edge: Giant hammer! :yikes: This reminds me of a nightmare I had once when I fell asleep during The Wall.
:confused: WTF is with the giant hammer? :lol:

I'm sure it's forced perspective and that's a smaller prop in a fan's hand that's closer to the camera than Edge (way to ruin the illusion, right? :lol:) but still, an inflatable hammer? WTF?
I keep trying to caption that pic but all that comes out is some half-assed Wall reference that's not really that funny. :| I fail.

:bono: : Ohh my...:ohmy:...I think I just figured out why Adam dared me to do this...and it wasn't because of the barbed wire
:adam: :edge: :larry: : :lmao:
:edge:: Um, Bono, I've been meaning to tell you...Larry accidentally got rid of all of your beachballs
:bono:: Whaaaa?? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :sad:
:adam: :giggles: Sure, accidentally....


:bono::crack: I feel strange
:edge: Mind control Procedure 99% Remain close to object "Bono" For succes.
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