Caption-ing #13 - Hey.. What's so funny???

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Kristin Machina said:

You think that guy was huge, check this out:

Big Dude: Bonos! Git yer red hot Bonos here!
PLEBAns: I'll take one!:wave::hyper:
:bono: Oh Sweet Jesus...HEEEELLLLP! :scream:

:wink: didn't you mean Red ROCKS Bono?

:drool: red hot fer sure ya!
B_Diddy_Ono said:

Oh my.... that's a lil' scary!!

I think I've been in denial about how little Bono really is up until now!

And yes - if the Bonos are going - I'll take one, yes, please, thankyou.

He is not little, he just came to the world in bite size for all of us :tongue:
He thinks PLEBAns are scary?
He KNOWS what PLEBAns are?

Hmmm maybe PLEBAns need bodyguards too.... or perhaps just some lackeys to hang around and do our bidding? :eyebrow:

PG: "HEY LACKEY MINION... fetch me that man over there!"
Lackey-minion: "Yes Pleban... which one?"
PG: :eyebrow: "The little one... oh and bring the beanied one for my friend here...."
{{PLEBAn Power?}}

I realise I'm here and all... but I don't know what HERE actually is... :huh: :)
PLEBA stands for Paul Larry Edge Bono Adam...

Sorry if I'm stating the obvious :)

I've heard support for adding a D for Dallas Schoo, but that might mean all the techs will want their initial added too. :hmm:

I'm also getting addicted :)

Bono: Oh....its come in a bit chilly then earlier :uhoh:
John: Put your hoodie on, Bono, we dont want you getting cold
Bono: Good idea!!! :happy:


Bono: Hey up, me hoodie is broken, John. Help me please :(
John: Hmm, lets see.....


John: You need to pull the sleeve out, Bono.
Bono: Like this?
John: the other way
Bono Oh, like that!! :happy: :hyper:


Reporter: Having wardrobe problems, Bono?
Bono: Yeah, my jacket been difficult
Reporter: Need some help?
Bono: Well....
John: Will you step back please, he has to learn how to do it for himself.

Bono: *watches some guy putting on their jacket* :shifty: Ooooooh, like that!!


Bono: *mubles to himself* arm go through there like that....


....move other arm round back to pulll jacket round. Seems simple enough :happy:
Oh, you have a camera!!! Hi Ali!! :wave:

Bono: Adjust my sleeves to add extra cutiness...
John: :rolleyes:........He's gotta go now folks.
Bono: I do :hyper: It was nice talking to you all :yes:


Bono: So where are we going?
John: You have a meeting to attend
Bono: we going for ice cream too? :hyper:
John: Are you buying?
Bono: I did my jacket myself, i deserve a treat :D
John: AKA. you've forgotten your wallet?
Bono: :uhoh: :whistle:
John: :rolleyes:
Caroni said:

He is not little, he just came to the world in bite size for all of us :tongue:

You know, for some reason if Bono was tall, i can't help but think he wouldn't be the same. Isn't that a weird thought? I think the fact that he has always been short for a man, has had an effect on who he is in a way. Like he's compensated in a way. And for some reason that makes us like him even more? I know. weird thoughts ... sorry ... :reject:

I just can't imagine a tall Bono, looking down on people. I can't. :shrug:
thankyou said:

You know, for some reason if Bono was tall, i can't help but think he wouldn't be the same. Isn't that a weird thought? I think the fact that he has always been short for a man, has had an effect on who he is in a way. Like he's compensated in a way. And for some reason that makes us like him even more? I know. weird thoughts ... sorry ... :reject:

I just can't imagine a tall Bono, looking down on people. I can't. :shrug:

:yes: It's called the napoleonic complex, and there's a thread about it in EYKIW.... I do believe that, and Bono's loss of his mother has shaped him the way he is...
I love that "me jacket is broken... help me" LMAO.

It just makes him seem so cute.
Anytime he can't do anything - it's broken. LOL.
I love these caption threads... You guys rock - big yourself up!
More fishtales, as per request by GG:


:bono: Yep. I swear, it was THIS BIG! If you stood it upright, it was almost as tall as me! Which would make it 5'- errr.. 6'2" :yes:


:bono:: :blahblah: Africa :blahblah:
Harry Reid: :|
:bono:: :blahblah: Funding :blahblah:
Harry Reid: *quietly* Okay, I give up. Who is this guy, and why won't he stop talking to me? :|
Other guy: I think he's some kind of rock star... *pause* perhaps offering him coffee wasn't the best idea :eyebrow:
LMAO... 5' errrrrr 6'2" hehehhehe.
Love it.

The crazy captions here somehow make bono hotter... how is that?
Oh.. yeah, Bonofox - your sig pic: Wa wa wee wa. HOT. :drool:


Thankyou for being the beautiful distraction in my day.
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