Canada Road, Tennessee Superthread

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guys could someone please post the cornflakes smilie for me please?

tia :kiss:


I thought you'd interpreted me as saying Bono had overdone it on the whole album, not just Breathe, since you cited Stand Up Comedy and NLOTH I in your post.

The only song where I think Bono overdoes it is Breathe. Everything else? He nails it.

Oh man, you're right. I thought the "O come all ye people" line was from Breathe. That's the problem.
Moment of Surrender is the big standout, for me. The obvious centerpiece of the album. Beautiful.

I'm also very fond of Let's Get Drunk If We Don't Get Drunk Tonight.
Incidentally, in Survivor, NLOTH gets just two songs in the finals.

That's going to be brutal.
Oh man, you're right. I thought the "O come all ye people" line was from Breathe. That's the problem.

:lol: I was trying to place it and initially wrote Crazy Tonight. I was just about to post when I realised it was Stand Up Comedy.

The dangers of early commentary!
Any supposed "day/night" split HAS to be at GOYB. That's a horrible segue out of Crazy Tonight. It literally splits the album in two.

And the entire fanbase, incidentally.
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