Canada Road, Tennessee Superthread

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One will obviously be Magnificent. The other? :huh:

Yeah, I genuinely have no idea. Will the hype be enough to carry MOS?

I'm kind of tempted to just arbitrarily change things so that the album at least gets a third song in the finals.
Yeah, I genuinely have no idea. Will the hype be enough to carry MOS?

I'm kind of tempted to just arbitrarily change things so that the album at least gets a third song in the finals.

I think you should. That way MOS would have quite a good chance of going through, I should think.
So WTAHAN is now awash with appreciation threads.

It beats 59,000 non-leak threads, that's for sure!
Yeah, pretty much. I get a vibe that they're trying too hard.

Interesting. To me, songs like that come too easy for them. The last thing I'll ever have an issue with is U2 sounding like U2. Cos I like U2. Don't get me wrong, new sounds (new for them) are exciting, and I embrace them...but I cannot fault my favorite band on earth for doing what they do best at times.

I get the same thing from Crazy Tonight.

Magnificent is brilliant though, sorry Bon Bon. :sad:

Oh dear, I'm not sure if this is just because I've heard GOYB before, but the transition from Crazy Tonight > Boots doesn't do it for me at all, it's too abrupt. I think someone might have already said that...
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