bonos rosary necklace??

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Apr 8, 2003
Back on the blue crack after a long break
can anybody post a really good pic of his necklace?? i like it a lot and i want to get one like it but after looking through my hundreds of pics i cant find one good one to compare to! :huh: please somebody help me!
One of my favorite subjects :drool:


there are better pics of the necklace itself, and I'll find some, but I had to post this one of Bono looking so :combust:
Here's a good one, still looking for color ones of the whole thing


Psst Kelly? :sexywink: You must have a huge one that shows the detail in his necklace :hyper:
As a practicing Catholic I am familiar with rosaries and I know that they aren't *intended* as necklaces. But there is nothing wrong with wearing your rosary. I don't wear mine because I use it for prayer, but it's Bono's rosary, and the "Bono rosary" craze was started here by another Catholic PLEBAn, Sherry Darling.
I heard that once when we first saw the pics, I think it was Mona (also Catholic) who said you weren't supposed to wear it. But I'm sure Bono wears it respectfully and only for the best reasons :angel:

and it does look good with that unbuttoned shirt :drool: :censored:
You can see an extremely clear image of it at the beginning of the Rio version of Walk On. Someone must have a still of that.
biff said:
You can see an extremely clear image of it at the beginning of the Rio version of Walk On. Someone must have a still of that.

I've seen that! I know somebody must have it. It's one of those 'on my old computer' things for me. :grumpy: One of 4000, and over half of those were not yet uploaded to my pages. Thanks biff!
You're welcome.:wave: So awful about your computer. Mine died last summer and I lost everything, so I know how frustrated you must feel.:(
biff said:
You're welcome.:wave: So awful about your computer. Mine died last summer and I lost everything, so I know how frustrated you must feel.:(

Thanks :hug: Sorry about yours too :(

I did find it on another site!

biff said:
Bingo! It's apparently modelled on one designed by Michaelangelo. Good find!:D

Yes, it's commonly called "The Michaelangelo Rosary" and is given out by the Pope. Mine was actually blessed by the Pope, but he didn't hand it to me.
Bless me Father for I have sinned

:drool: :hyper:

Yeah, technically, you're not supposed to wear it. But then, technically, I should be lecturing my friends about birth control and shouldn't have support my folks getting divorced and remarried later on to terrific people they're much happier with.

Anyway, rosary pics are :combust: :D
Brazil is a catholic country, and here, only the very very devout woman wear hers rosary like necklace to prayer all day.
But I believe that is fashion for Bono wear it like necklace!:sexywink:
I am Catholic and Bono is the first person, I have seen. To wear a rosary around his neck. The rosary is held in the hand when reciting, a series of prayers.

Mysteries Of The Rosary include,

The Joyful Mysteries,
1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Birth of Our Lord at Bethlehem
4. The Presentation of Our Lord
5. The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple

The Sorrowful Mysteries

1. The Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourting of Our Lord at the Pillar
3. The Crowning of Our Lord with Thorns
4. The Carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord

The Glorious Mysterious

1. The Resurrection of Our Lord
2. The Ascention of Our Lord into Heaven
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption of Our Blessed Lady (Jesus' mother)
5. The Coronation of Our Blessed Lady

Millions of Catholics, pray the Rosary for world peace.
I used to wear my rosary when I was little. My mom used to get mad at me for doing it. So seeing Bono do it now, brings back good memories :)
Even though Bono isn't Catholic (he was raised in the Church of Ireland, the Anglican congregation in Ireland) he does really like and respect the pope. I think this has something to do with why he wears the rosary, the pope gave it to him. Plus the Michaelangelo design is beautiful and I think he likes pretty things. Artistic people have a strong aesthetic sensibility.
I think Bono is kind of Catholic, at least now. His father was Catholic and his mother was Anglican. He went to her church growing up and in his teen years became involved in Shalom. I have heard him criticize organized religion, while still having faith in God and Jesus. I have also heard him mention one of the reasons he helps with the poor is his "Catholic guilt." Bono has on many occasions called himself half of both. But it looks like maybe in recent years, especially after meeting the Pope and losing his Dad, he has become more Catholic than he used to be.
Also, it would seem his kids are being raised Catholic, as they've been spotted attending the local Catholic Church for Sunday mass.
I think one of our people in Dublin saw Ali picking them up at a Catholic school, too.
U2Kitten said:
I think one of our people in Dublin saw Ali picking them up at a Catholic school, too.

That initially struck me as a strange choice, since both parents are Protestant (and were married in a Protestant church). But Ireland is so overwhelmingly Catholic they may have decided to raise the kids Catholic so they wouldn't be seen as "different" from the rest of their friends, which is reportedly what Bono experienced when he was a child.:shrug:
i went to a catholic primary school. i never had a rosary! or mabey i did and i lost it...jeez im a bad catholic! agnostic catholic.
ah well, still looks good on him catholic or not, and that woman in the pic is wearing hers too so it cant be all that bad.
ya I have the same rosary which was passed to me through my grandpa .. he never wore it around hi neck but he did carry it every where he went ..more out a sign he said of respect he had for the Pope, it had senitmental meaning
when I was a little kid I use to run around wearing that rosary when I played dress up.. my very catholic grandma almost had a heart attack ... but on the protesant side thy never made much of it
anyways I do think becuase Bono respects the Pope so that is part of why he wears it and maybe for other reasons too.. Quincy J. wears his Rosary as well
Yeah, I've read about Bono talking about his "Catholic guilt trip". At one point, anyway, he said he had both a Catholic and a Protestant heritage because of his mixed parentage. But Ireland is a heavily Catholic country, I've read about him and Ali taking the kids to mass, etc. I didn't know about the Catholic schools, but I didn't know anything about the kind of schools they send their kids to. I wouldn't be surprised if they send them to Catholic school. As per religion that the kids will follow as adults, I'm sure Bono and Ali are letting them choose for themselves, and are just giving them an education about God, religion, churches, etc, etc.
I think Bono is a more Christian than going deeper than that. He does have ways like Cathloic but he is open to bascially anything.
I guess the Shalom group they were in when they were married was technically "Protestant." They used to meet at each other's houses and didn't have an actual church. I think Bono and Ali were married outside. The Shalom group (some would call it a sect, or even a cult) would meet on the beach on New Year's eve, write things that bothered them in the last year on paper and throw them into a bonfire, a form of cleansing and starting new. I think I read during the Elevation tour they still like to do that even though they haven't belonged to the group for years. They were all members except Adam, well, most of you know the story;)

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