Bono's hair

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I guess it really is just a matter of opinion on what everyone finds sexy - we are all on this forum because we find some aspect of u2 appealing . My reason just happens to be that Bono and the other members of the band strive for more than just making music for the sake of being number one or being a pretty face. When all of that is gone they’ll still have something left that stands up and they’ll have made the world a better place - that is sexy

But then again I think that Einstein was also pretty damn sexy :D

bonocomet said:
I'll admit it. I love the mullet. Still doesn't change the fact that I love him inside out. Love what nurse chrissi said. They have grown up well. :) Awesome men, all 4.

(And I do think Bono looks hot, even without tons of hair)

As long as he can still bounce like in your gif hes hot.....:drool:
and going back like 25 years I loved him when he had the mullet when I look back at my hair 25 years ago I'm like what was I thinking?????:eyebrow:
Jam Jar said:


I have not seen this picture on here before!

I had a life size version of that picture stuck up beside my pillow from when I was about 14 till I moved in with my now husband when I was 19!!!

The nights I talked to it and ran my hand over it and dreamed.... I think I best stop there! lol

There was that by my bed, the Rattle and Hum poster across from it, and lots of little pictures collaged all together all over the walls. And I used to sleep in the LoveTown tour Tshirt, so then I could say I took Bono to ..... well know..... lol

I feel like I am back there again, instead of this mature kind of Man and a Woman kind of love..... lol
ohhhh granny I don't agree with you :yikes:
ok the picture might be pretty hot.,... but the bald head..... uuuugh I really don't like that :yikes:

strange thing is, John looks pretty good bald, so does Edge..... but just.. not Bono!!! :no:
RocknRollKitty said:

I think the mullet looks hot. The only mullet I didn't like was the one shaved on the sides he had in late '84. But I see you all are going to think it's funny to play jokes on me, even you granny so forget it. I thought it was safe here, but now I don't even like PLEBA anymore. It's just not worth it.

:eyebrow: We've been having fun posting pics of goofy looking hair for quite a few days now. If it offends you there are plenty of other threads to drool over. Get over it and move on.
RocknRollKitty said:

I think the mullet looks hot. The only mullet I didn't like was the one shaved on the sides he had in late '84. But I see you all are going to think it's funny to play jokes on me, even you granny so forget it. I thought it was safe here, but now I don't even like PLEBA anymore. It's just not worth it.

Why?? Why do you do this to yourself? I'm really frustrated with the fact that you think that everyone is out to get you on here. Stop taking things so seriously on here, please. Noone is out to get you ok? If you keep talking this way, how can anyone have a normal conversation with you?
u2granny said:

I actually think so too, in a weird way.

I have to agree with Kelly over at @u2 on her assessment of Pop Bono


Not to mention the "A Streetcar Named Desire" reference :drool: :combust:
oh this picture is now in my diary... and I love it... the short fuzzy hair is fine by me.. just as long as tehre's hair, I don't mind it!
those twinkly eyes :cute:

I think it was kelly who posted this pic on PLEBA... I'm soo thankfull... :bow:
*stares at pic for next hour*
U2Girl1978 said:

Stop taking things so seriously on here, please. Noone is out to get you ok?

I beg to differ. I know 3 who are, you have no idea the history or what's gone on in private so keep your 'advice' to yourself. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

If you keep talking this way, how can anyone have a normal conversation with you?

Oh well, you don't have to talk to me. :wave:
Gg and probably Kelly THANK YOU for that big Pop Bono pic above! That is lovely! And thank you nc for posting the Pop Bono painting and definition, I LOVE it!!!!!
U2Girl1978 said:

No. A man who cares about kids and other people is sexy in my opinion.

Do you each realize that it is just your opinions about what is sexy? Can;t we just all get along, its silly to fight over it.

Be Friends please....:hug:
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