Bono and Bill Gates pic

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Jan 28, 2002
living in a rock and roll fantasy- and what's wron

And yet one way or another, you all use his software!


"See, the rock star gets his way! Thank you very much. This feels very Elvis. Thank you."

Bono ~ Houston, Texas 4-02-01
Bono looks pissed in that picture! I wonder if he's been reading my stuff again
Originally posted by z edge:
Bono looks pissed in that picture! I wonder if he's been reading my stuff again

I think Bono's just reacting to the gentleman saying "why should we listen to a man who likes to dress up like a fly and ride around in a mirrored lemon?"

Is US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill sleeping while Bono speaks? Heresy!

Change is the only constant

Bono: You wanna fight..punk..yeah..I'm talking to you

[This message has been edited by Arun V (edited 02-02-2002).]
Ha! This entire thread is hilarious. I mean, if you really sit and think about it ... it's just so damn bizarre!

"I still can't play guitar
How the hell did I get this far?"

~Bono, Detroit

There is no way we could possibly do infinity push-ups.
This is hilarious.

But yet very unnerving at the same time.

She not waiting on a saviour to come
She's at a bus stop with the news of the world and the sun sun here it comes
She's not waiting for anyone

The Lemon Pure PopAngel
Originally posted by Desire4Bono:
I don't know if I like this look he's giving Bono!



' I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name. . .'
.:. U2: Rock's Unbreakable Heart!

Love is...cold steel/Fingers too numb to feel/Squeeze the handle/Blow out the candle
Love is blindness.../A little death/Without mourning/No call/And no warning...

[Thanks M.P.]
Originally posted by MacPhooey:
Its the Gates of hell!


bill gates is creepy. i wonder if bono was drilling him about that fund bill and his wife have set up to help with pediatric medical costs in third world countries?

)|( Vande )|(

"A word I've always liked more than happiness is joy. Happiness is a mood that comes and goes, whereas joy is just there." -Bono

The CIRCLE only has one side.


Visit my webpage for U2 wallpapers:

In my dream I was drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows they learned to swim...

No, seriously, get your hand off me please!

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert

Well tonight thank God it's them, instead of you...
Originally posted by Foxxern:

Is US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill sleeping while Bono speaks? Heresy!

Yeah that old dude looks like he's passed out

Isn't that funy how they have a 'BONO' name tag. It probably used to say Sonny Bono and they just cut it in half. I wonder if Bono swipes the tag when he leaves.

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