Blue Eyed Bly meets brown eyed girl

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The Fly
Jun 9, 2006
~under a cloud in the the rain~
This is so crap but will post it anyway:wink: it was the first ever fanfic i'd wrote so that explains the lameness of it

Its not finished but will end it more quickly than originally planned.

Bono rarely ever step foot in the library, it just wasn't cool. But today was an exception; he is pursuing that beautiful girl Ali.
He sees her immediately at the 'Social Science' section.
"Go on then! go talk to her." his mind urges him, and as he bucks up the courage he notices Ali is with her friends.
"Oh feck." Bono keeps out of sight in the food section, peering through the gaps keeping an eye on Alison. His big blue trail across the aisled books in front: Cake Decoration, the Definitive home-made dishes, Cooking with Aunty Shelly. Bono cringes.
He shuffles over to the next aisle and picks out a random book, flicking through the pages when something disgusting catches his eye.
"Bono!" a bright voice greets from behind, making him jump. He spins round to see Ali, her eyes sparkle as she smiles.
"Oh, hi Ali." Bono's voice trembles, this wasn't how he planned it, not at all.
"What’s that you're reading?" she looks down to the book in his hand to see the title 'Pregnancy and Birth'. "oh..." she raises an eyebrow at him, what on earth is he doing reading that?
Blushing, Bono shoves the book back on the shelf. "Must've picked it up by accident," he runs his fingers through his hair nervously, a cheeky smile spreads on his face. "So, how are you?"
"I'm okay. Just picking up some stuff for class."
For a moment they just look into each others eyes, and Ali giggles. "See ya later, B."
Bono reaches out, putting his hand gently on her arm. Ali turns back to face him, she’s smiling.
"Ali, can we talk, after school?"
"After school." she flashes him a smile then disappears off with her friends.

In class, Ali wonders to herself. The teacher's gibberish was sending everyone half to sleep anyway.
‘I wonder what he wants to tell me? does he know I like him?’
To none of Bono's knowledge, she secretly fancied him enormously: from the first moment she had seen Bono she knew he was the man for her. Apart from being among the most popular kids in school, he wasn't arrogant or typical, he was charismatic as well as exciting.

Once the time reached 3:15 everyone was desperate to get out of school, it was always such a mad rush.
Bono waits behind the wall near the school gates, unfortunately accompanied with his group of curious friends.
"Who are you waiting for, Bono?" Guggi pressures him.
"No one. Can you guys please fuck off?"
Larry passes the football to Bono and, not entirely concentrating, kicks it up hitting Edge's head. Edge looks dazed for a moment.
"Ah, how can Edge play guitar with brain damage, B?" Adam puffs at his fag.

Ali waits for it to quieten down before meeting Bono at the gates, she’s interested in knowing what he want, she doesn't know for sure if he actually does fancy her anyway!
She ruffles her hair and makes the way to the gates, surprised to see him messing about with his friends.
The group look at her, then at Bono, and crack up.
Bono leaves them to accompany Alison, and the two walk the opposite way of the group. "Behave now, children, no hanky panky now!" one of them taunts, Bono gives them the two-finger salute. "See you eejits later."

"Sorry about that lot, they have mental issues."
Ali giggles beneath he breath. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"
They casually converse as they take the long route from school. In just this small matter of time they realise how much they have in common, and their concern of world issues. Bono feels at ease talking to her, he has always felt comfort from being around women.
The conversation moves onto Bono's dream as a singer and the "band".
"I know we have it going for us. We're a completed picture now all we need is to be noticed." Bono may sound egoistic, but he believes in himself and the band enough to achieve something of success.
"me old man tells me to stop being a dreamer, he doesn't believe in me that i have anything going." Bono pauses avoiding going into rant mode. Its Ali he wants to know more about. The two find a nice spot on the bank of the brook. As they talk, Bono and Ali take turns skimming stones across the water surface, Ali skims perfectly each time, whether Bono, to his shame, hits and misses.
"So its only you and your dad at home?" Ali squints in the sunlight.
"Uh huh." Bono mumbles. "What about your family though? Your folks together?"
"yeah." talking to him about this particular subject didn't seem right, so she was quick to change it. "Why does everybody call you Bono, anyway?"
"You know Guggi my friend? Well he came up with it, got the name 'Bono-Vox' from a store. Its supposed to mean 'good voice', but i dropped the Vox and now I’m just Bono."
"So basically you're called 'Good', then?” she winks cheekily.

Bono notices a ladybird playing on a strand of her dark silky hair. "Hold still." he gently takes the ladybird with his fingertip and lets it fly away. Ali looks into his eyes, admiring the beauty of them. Just the kindness of him not squashing the ladybird, the gentleness of his movements, Ali found herself more and more attracted to this boy.
Bono gazes at her, admiring her beautiful face, her olive skin and dark locks. He reaches out and softly strokes the hair from her face as the breeze gets stronger. Ali lifts her hand into his, moving it, guiding his hand to stroke her neck and cheek, she closes her eyes in satisfaction of his touch.
Bono avoids rushing in, he cant spoil this moment, not with this girl. He slowly moves over to her kiss her, not on the lips, but her soft rosy cheek, then kisses her neck, appreciating every second. Ali chuckles when he sings quietly between kissing her, she guesses that Bono must have made up the song, as she had never heard it before.
Ali tilts her head slightly to one side, inviting him to her lips. Bono obviously knows what he's doing. He locks lips with Ali; the girl he'd desired for so long was now his!
Bono's right hand lifts up her hand, sliding his fingers between hers and holds it affectionately.
They unlock lips and embrace each other with a long warm cuddle. Ali holds him tightly, never wanting to let go.

Bono and his new girl walk home hand-in-hand.
Ali lives only two or three blocks from Cedarwood, Bono's street, so he happily walks her to the door of a fine cottage-like residence. Their eyes meet again, holding her hand he presents a folded note from his inside pocket and lays it on her palm. Smiling audaciously he turns and disappears off home.
Ali unfolds the note; inside she finds a pressed down white rose, and on the paper she reads ‘Blue eyed boy meets a brown eyed girl - the sweetest thing...x’
Blushing brightly, she puts her hand to her chest holding the rose.

On the way home Bono was in a daydream. Ali had captivated his mind completely, he even almost forgot how much he hated returning back to the house. "Oh well." he thought, "Bob can scream and yell as much as he likes, I don’t care anymore."

Before reaching the front gate, Bono takes a deep breath, and heads up to the front door and slowly turns the knob; Bob hated locked doors. As soon as he's in and the door shuts, a voice calls from the front room. "Paul?...Paul?! is that you?" the deep, self-righteous tone beckons to Bono, who follows it obediently to the front room. Bobby Hewson stands by the fireplace, arms crossed, face stern. For a moment Bono thinks he's in trouble.
"I've been waiting here ages, have you forgotten we have company tonight?"
"Aunt Ruth and the others?" the boys asks brightly, a glow rarely seen by Mr. Hewson.
The man nods, unfolds his arms and sits down in his armchair with 'The Irish Times' newspaper. "While we have company, you'll be on your best behaviour and there will be NO wondering off out, understood?!
Bono exhales. "Fine, not like i have plans anyway." he disappears up to his room upstairs.
Closing the door quietly this time, which is rare, and picking up a book and pen, sits down on the bed and jots down.
When alone in his own world, B liked to write. Anything from poetry to songs, it was his escape.
But unfortunately, his father was yelling at him to come down soon enough. "Paul! get your little butt down here now!"
Bono, with a sigh, jumps up from bed, opens the door and sits at the top of the stairs. "What is it, da?"
"Those eejit friends of yours are outside, you can talk to them, but one step out of the gate I’ll drag you back in."
Bono mutters to himself incoherently while walking down the stairs. He opens flings open the front door and slams it on purpose.
The group huddle outside the gate: Guggi, Gavin, The Edge, Adam, Dean and Edge's brother.
"Hi fuckos." Bono greets them, not going any further than the gate.
"Hey B, you coming to the creek?" Guggi stumps out his cigarette.
Bono glances at the window, knowing full well that his father was watching like a hawk. "Nope. Got the family round and I’m being held prisoner."
"Aw, come on Voxy, we're meeting the girls there, you know."
"Guggi, I’m fecked for today, do it next week." he finds his frustration growing by the minute.
"Suit yourself, more for us." Edge winks.
The group make a move off after ten minutes, when Gavin shouts to B. "That Alison bird is gonna be there, just thought you'd wanna know!"
Bono watches them disappear up the street, wanting to join them, but there’s no use in upsetting his father again. So, to his own grief, he goes back into the house, and walking past all he gets is a strange look from Bob.
But B doesn't care, he retreats to his room once more, in silence, though to much of Bobby Hewson's surprise, he at one moment heard his son crying…

The sounds of voices woke Bono up; his eyes stung, he'd cried himself to sleep over an hour ago.
He sat up out of bed, dizzy and head pounding, listening to the laughing and talking from downstairs. Aunt Ruth and Jake must be here.

Footsteps creak up the stairs making Bono hide under the sheets, thinking it would be his father. The door opens slowly "Heya, Squirt." the sweet tone of Ruth's voice relieves him, he gets out of bed and hugs his Aunt desperately. Ruth holds him, she was the closest thing to a mother he had left. "Wow, someone needed a cuddle!"
"I've missed you.." the boy blurts, embarrassed as his emotions seem to be all over the place.
Ruth lets go and knees down in front of her nephew, those beautiful blue eyes of hers sparkle. "What you doing hiding up here? we're all eating in a bit."
Bono shrugs.
"Come over here." Ruth sits on the bed with B. "How's things going?"
"Ok...i guess." the boy looks down, fiddling with his sleeve. "The band's getting better." he smiles.
"Still seeing Tammy?"
Bono glances at her, puzzled for a moment. "Oh, right, Tammy. we split up....I’ve met another girl."
Ruth gleams. "Wow! what’s her name? come on spit it out." she winks.
"Aww aunt she's beautiful, called Alison but everyone calls her Ali...i can't stop thinking about her."
"Ah, puppy love." Ruth brushes back her auburn hair. "I remember when i first saw my Jake, it was just love at first sight...but he's still a lazy pig who's stuck up his own arse."
Bono loves his Aunt's bluntness. "How do you know when its love, aunt?"
Ruth cuts him off the subject. "Feck all that lovey dovey stuff, lets have a bite to eat, otherwise I’ll be eating you in the next second."

The weekend passed at a snail’s pace, Bono or Ali hadn’t seen each other at all.
Waking up for school on week mornings always had been a harsh burden for the young teenager, who’d give his poor father hard times trying to get him up and ready for school. Bob pounded on his son’s door. “Paul, come on its gone eight o’clock.”
“Coming!” the door opens, much to Bob’s disbelieve that the boy is already dressed and ready, looking very handsome. He shifts passed his father and zooms down the stairs as though he can’t wait to get out.
Bob pursues Bono around the house as he collects stuff for class. “I’m driving you today, have something important to talk over.”
Bono frowns. “Wha?”
“No arguments. I’ll wait in the car.”
The boy watches him walk off out of the room and the front door, hearing the car door slam. Bono could never understand why his father was so stern, so rigid most the time, but that was just Bob being his grumpy old self, there was really no point in questioning that man.
He glances into the mirror before leaving the house, winking and giving that mischievous grin.

Shifting into the front seat of the car, next to straight-ahead looking Bob Hewson. They take the long route to Mount Temple High school, seeing as the time was free. These little conversations begin awkwardly; blunt, straightforward beginning, an argumentative middle, then a silent end.
“How old are you now, young Paul?”
“Seventy-eight, dad.”
“No you’re not, you’re sixteen!” long pause. “Shouldn’t you have a job by now.”
By this, what Bobby meant was: get a job you lazy eejit
“Cant. There’s the band to think about.” he peeps a look at his dad, who’s already frustrated.
“Is this about money? coz if that’s what this is about then I can get money.”
“No, shut up and let me talk.” the man sighs deeply. “This…stupid dream you dwell on isn’t going to shape your future. A job will, and college.”
Bono tuts. “Actually, father, we're not dwelling on a stupid dream, its our chance to make it big. But of course, that’s something you wouldn't understand...or maybe your just jealous."
"You're asking for a good hiding now, boy." Bob snaps sharply.
Bono looks away at the window. As it begins to rain, droplets fall against the surface, tripling down like tears. As his father continues to blether on, Bono retreats to watching the world pass by through the window, thoughts pace about in his head almost all of Ali. Its seems so long since he saw her yet it was only a weekend. She's the missing puzzle in his life, her daylight brightens his day and that startling beauty becomes the wallpaper of his vision.
When the car finally pulls up outside the gates, the teenager gets out of the car and slams the door shut, knowing it would annoy Bob. He doesn’t turn back to see the car drive off, instead runs straight through the gates, almost missing Ali as she stands behind the wall grinning.
“Oh, hi, didn’t know you were standing there!” he gives her a hug. Ali kisses him. They’ve both missed each other terribly. “I got worried when you didn’t turn up at the creek Friday night, thought you were avoiding me or something (laughs)”
“Sorry about that, just couldn’t come, me dad was being tight.” he looks to his right at the distant calls of his name. His friends has seen him already. “Look, how about meeting me and those retards over there at the bike sheds , dead on twelve? We’re mitching to go see that..errr…new band in town, have you heard of them? I think they’re really good, its called Horslips, we’re seeing them today.” he asks nervously.
Ali isn’t sure at first, she was more of the good-girl type than the rebels that were ‘Lypton Village’.
But that look of danger in Bono’s eyes burned the desire inside of her, it was exciting, so she agreed...
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