Because mom did it this way

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Blue Crack Addict
Jan 12, 2004
Setting up house on Scooter's Star
As I was putting the laundry in, I realized that I use the detergent I use because mom did. Then I started thinking of all the other things I do or use because she did.

How about you? What are some of the things you do the way mom did or does?

I clean the floors on my hands and knees. I'd always wondered why she didn't use some sort of mop instead of working so hard. Now I do it the same way. :huh:
Doozer61 said:
As I was putting the laundry in, I realized that I use the detergent I use because mom did. Then I started thinking of all the other things I do or use because she did.

How about you? What are some of the things you do the way mom did or does?


I still do the "wood work" and yes, I use Spic 'N Span....:angel:
My mom used to do that too

redkat said:
I clean the floors on my hands and knees. I'd always wondered why she didn't use some sort of mop instead of working so hard. Now I do it the same way. :huh:

That's the best way to see the spots on the floor. I have to clean the bathroom and the kitchen on my hands and knees.
I put cream and sugar in my tea. I was well into college when I realized most Americans don't do that.
I only buy Rosella Canned tomato soup.......

'cause that is the only best tomato soup, my mum reckons......and........I buy dilmah tea! And I'm a coffee drinker!
This is why I :love: you Kat

Mops are fine and all - but this is REALLY the only way to clean floors which sucks as I have no textile floors anymore : ohwell:

I'm all about the proper floor cleaning - :moms: :sorebacksandknees:

redkat said:
I clean the floors on my hands and knees. I'd always wondered why she didn't use some sort of mop instead of working so hard. Now I do it the same way. :huh:

Lately I've found myself also defaulting to hand washing dishes and hanging clothes out to dry - which goes against the rebellion yrs of using machines for those things. I twist every egg in the container b4 I buy it to make sure none leaked or cracked.

I call people chicken or love, (this one is actually my aunt Carol and my nana, but they helped raise me so it counts).
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It's funny what you retain as a kid. I vividly remember my Mom telling me how English muffins should always be split with a fork, rather than sliced with a knife. It was all about "creating rivers and valleys for the butter to flow through." :lol:

Other brainwashing practices/ideals I've yet to escape:

- Brushing my teeth with warm water (better cleaning action).

- Coke is much better than Pepsi.

- Not walking your dog at least once a day means you don't really love it.
I never learned anything too memorable from my mother,
only that when you give a stranger money,
that no matter what they do with it,
its no longer yours to worry about.
So i do that.
I also look and sound like her...arg.

My grandmother had the super knack of intergrating the last nights dinner into the next mornings breakfast,
and what ever was left over from that was used for lunch,
and then back again to dinner.

I have kind of the same habit, but know when to not let something get old,
unlike my grandmother...
We were always :barf: ing and had stomache aches when we were little.
Only until we got older, did we notice the expiration on the packages.

But i :heart: my grandma so much.
snowbunny00774 said:
This is why I :love: you Kat

Lately I've found myself also defaulting to hand washing dishes and hanging clothes out to dry - which goes against the rebellion yrs of using machines for those things.

I call people chicken or love, (this one is actually my aunt Carol and my nana, but they helped raise me so it counts).

I think we're related :heart: I hung out laundry last weekend and was so impressed with how the clothes looked after as if they'd been pressed.

I call people love and don't realize it, never chicken though. :shifty:

Also re: planning dinners. I'd always try to get rice into the meal. mom would always say "we can only have one starch and it will be potatoes" Not sure she's ever tried rice and she detests pasta :lol: It's personal with my mom.
I giggle at church and all sorts of other inappropriate places. We share that try to keep from laughing but your shoulders are shaking and you can't look at the other person.

And artificial sweetener. Same voice.
We used to have to wear our clothes twice before putting them in the hamper to be washed. I do that now.

We never threw food away, that was waste. To this day I find myself doing the same. I eat left overs or take left overs from last night's dinner to work for the next day's lunch. My ex refused to ever eat left overs.

I use the same detergent my mother used, the same cleaning products my mother used (including Spic n Span! And Mr Clean) and I usually clean house on Saturday which is what we did growing up. I fold clothes the same way my mother did, make beds the same way.

Dinner Sundays was usually the "big meal" of the week and to this day usually still is in my weekly diet. I don't take time to cook much during the week, so Sundays is usually spent making a big pot of stew, chili, a roast of some kind and left overs for the week.

:wink: Fun thread remembering all these things Doozer! Thanks!
Carek1230 said:

I use the same detergent my mother used, the same cleaning products my mother used (including Spic n Span! And Mr Clean) and I usually clean house on Saturday which is what we did growing up. I fold clothes the same way my mother did, make beds the same way.

BonosSaint said:
I giggle at church and all sorts of other inappropriate places. We share that try to keep from laughing but your shoulders are shaking and you can't look at the other person.


My mum and I used to do that. One time we were at this classical guitar concert at my high school and one of the musicians was making the most unintentionally hilarious faces. We were dying, but there were a bunch of old nuns behind us and they were not amused. :uhoh:
Things I do just like my Mom:

Make Shepards Pie
Bake Shortbread
Iron (as little as possible)
Take a nap whenever I can
Love music (she loved Frank Sinatra)
Eat Licorice Alsorts, Turkish Delight and Mars Bars
Mix up my appliances when speaking: Put those dishes in the washing machine!!!
Make those fancy rolled/shaped/cut sandwiches.
Say 'pump' instead of 'fart'

When I finally learn how to drink Scotch and play Bridge the transformation will be complete

Moms :heart:
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