Another album soon?? Songs of Ascent

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I will add just to make a point that it seems that right now more than any time in their career, there are more songs in U2's back pocket that they have actually discussed or that we know exist than at any other time in their career

The Rubin Material
The other Eno Material (Songs Of Ascent)
The Spidey Stuff

the 06 beach clips (all my life)-- are those the same as the Rubin songs?
plus Mercy

That and the fact that it appears likely we will get no bonus track / b sides of any original content on this album cycle tells me that they have much more in store for us before this decade is over.
I like the way you think. Make it happen, U2. :rockon:

HOPEFULLY we will get back on track......
Yeah, it's as bad as the leak threads! Minus the leak, of course. And the puns...:wink:
My brain hurts....I just WADED through all 31 pages of posts in this thread......

Hey, did you hear U2 might have another album come out this year???? :D
My brain hurts....I just WADED through all 31 pages of posts in this thread......

Hey, did you hear U2 might have another album come out this year???? :D

Well, you should be the one first getting the link for this new album's leak.
That's your prize

I can't believe... 31 pages :ohmy:
So will Winter be on here? Any there any other songs from these sessions that we know of? (besides Every Breaking Wave)
Thing is, for me NLOTH is an album made by two different bands. Most of the album is made by a band looking to move forward, songs like NLOTH, Magnificent, MOS, UC, F-BB, WAS, COL are great subtle, adventurous tracks that show musical maturity and the lyrics find Bono stepping outside himself and taking on personas, which in my opinion is the best way to tell a story. Out of those, I'd say Magnificent is probably the one song where Bono is singing about himself, but he's doing it in a naked, fragile way, almost like admitting his own humility and humanity, giving himself up to the Lord, and us, and what have you, and it's a holy sounding non-cheesy moment of confession.

On CT, SUC and Breathe, Bono is in 2004 mode, acting the savior, telling us all to stand up for our love, to go crazy tonight, to walk out into the streets and sing our hearts out. That's fine, yet i ask...for WHAT? What are we rising up for? I want to hear the other side of that story! To me, it's just throwaway lines, lines that are built for a stadium that Bono knows the crowd will eat and sing along to, because it's remniscent of Streets, remniscent of Pride, remniscent of COBL, remniscent of any big stadium anthem that U2 can write in their sleep, and that casual listeners will gravitate towards, for they feel this is what "true U2" is supposed to sound like. And, as Ernie Shavers said once or twice, it reigns the album in, cuts the musical trip short. My feels of transcendence are deflated, and I find myself once again thinking "yea, these songs aren't terrible, but jeeze, do we really need more of these types of songs? How long to sing this song?" <----haha.

So to me, the frustrating issue is what appears to be two different U2's on display here. The artistic U2 trying new things and the BOMB era U2 diving back into their bag of old tracks.

GOYB is the wildcard, a song that musically is what Elevation and Vertigo wanted to be, but sabotaged with Bono's preaching. Melodically, the song is strong enough for me to overlook the lyrics, but I could so imagine this song being stellar with different lyrics.

As for Songs of Ascent, I hope it's done in a similar spirit to Zooropa, where the band conjures up interesting and abstract music, going into the project with a feeling of "fuck it, let's make something different." If it is set to be released at the end of the year, then the band won't be too preoccupied with the idea of trying to sell the album, and sell themselves...they'll simply just release something.
Thing is, for me NLOTH is an album made by two different bands. Most of the album is made by a band looking to move forward, songs like NLOTH, Magnificent, MOS, UC, F-BB, WAS, COL are great subtle, adventurous tracks that show musical maturity and the lyrics find Bono stepping outside himself and taking on personas, which in my opinion is the best way to tell a story. Out of those, I'd say Magnificent is probably the one song where Bono is singing about himself, but he's doing it in a naked, fragile way, almost like admitting his own humility and humanity, giving himself up to the Lord, and us, and what have you, and it's a holy sounding non-cheesy moment of confession.

On CT, SUC and Breathe, Bono is in 2004 mode, acting the savior, telling us all to stand up for our love, to go crazy tonight, to walk out into the streets and sing our hearts out. That's fine, yet i ask...for WHAT? What are we rising up for? I want to hear the other side of that story! To me, it's just throwaway lines, lines that are built for a stadium that Bono knows the crowd will eat and sing along to, because it's remniscent of Streets, remniscent of Pride, remniscent of COBL, remniscent of any big stadium anthem that U2 can write in their sleep, and that casual listeners will gravitate towards, for they feel this is what "true U2" is supposed to sound like. And, as Ernie Shavers said once or twice, it reigns the album in, cuts the musical trip short. My feels of transcendence are deflated, and I find myself once again thinking "yea, these songs aren't terrible, but jeeze, do we really need more of these types of songs? How long to sing this song?" <----haha.

So to me, the frustrating issue is what appears to be two different U2's on display here. The artistic U2 trying new things and the BOMB era U2 diving back into their bag of old tracks.

GOYB is the wildcard, a song that musically is what Elevation and Vertigo wanted to be, but sabotaged with Bono's preaching. Melodically, the song is strong enough for me to overlook the lyrics, but I could so imagine this song being stellar with different lyrics.

As for Songs of Ascent, I hope it's done in a similar spirit to Zooropa, where the band conjures up interesting and abstract music, going into the project with a feeling of "fuck it, let's make something different." If it is set to be released at the end of the year, then the band won't be too preoccupied with the idea of trying to sell the album, and sell themselves...they'll simply just release something.

well said--and as far as Boots, spot on--as with Discotheque, the lyrics kill the perception of the song. I think a new album is almost guaranteed within 18 months--it is landscape of their age and the music biz that will demand this. 4-5 years used to be a long time, now it's a lifetime, soon to be an eternity, in music terms--

My hope for U2 is to scale back on touring in the future and to ramp up releasing singles, EP's, and projects,,,
I was under the impression that Bono wasn't even really singing about himself on the new album based on what I read. I mean, I read that he created characters for this album.

Even the line "I was born to sing for you" was written by Edge.
Thing is, for me NLOTH is an album made by two different bands. Most of the album is made by a band looking to move forward, songs like NLOTH, Magnificent, MOS, UC, F-BB, WAS, COL are great subtle, adventurous tracks that show musical maturity and the lyrics find Bono stepping outside himself and taking on personas, which in my opinion is the best way to tell a story. Out of those, I'd say Magnificent is probably the one song where Bono is singing about himself, but he's doing it in a naked, fragile way, almost like admitting his own humility and humanity, giving himself up to the Lord, and us, and what have you, and it's a holy sounding non-cheesy moment of confession.

On CT, SUC and Breathe, Bono is in 2004 mode, acting the savior, telling us all to stand up for our love, to go crazy tonight, to walk out into the streets and sing our hearts out. That's fine, yet i ask...for WHAT? What are we rising up for? I want to hear the other side of that story! To me, it's just throwaway lines, lines that are built for a stadium that Bono knows the crowd will eat and sing along to, because it's remniscent of Streets, remniscent of Pride, remniscent of COBL, remniscent of any big stadium anthem that U2 can write in their sleep, and that casual listeners will gravitate towards, for they feel this is what "true U2" is supposed to sound like. And, as Ernie Shavers said once or twice, it reigns the album in, cuts the musical trip short. My feels of transcendence are deflated, and I find myself once again thinking "yea, these songs aren't terrible, but jeeze, do we really need more of these types of songs? How long to sing this song?" <----haha.

So to me, the frustrating issue is what appears to be two different U2's on display here. The artistic U2 trying new things and the BOMB era U2 diving back into their bag of old tracks.

GOYB is the wildcard, a song that musically is what Elevation and Vertigo wanted to be, but sabotaged with Bono's preaching. Melodically, the song is strong enough for me to overlook the lyrics, but I could so imagine this song being stellar with different lyrics.

As for Songs of Ascent, I hope it's done in a similar spirit to Zooropa, where the band conjures up interesting and abstract music, going into the project with a feeling of "fuck it, let's make something different." If it is set to be released at the end of the year, then the band won't be too preoccupied with the idea of trying to sell the album, and sell themselves...they'll simply just release something.

Personally speaking I'm just truly grateful that they can still produce great songs like NLOTH, Magnificent , MOS, UC, BB, WAS, Breathe & COL. Especially after 30 years. If they add the odd pop song I don't really mind. :shrug:

I certainly won't let these songs get in the way of enjoying the undoubteldly great music that is on the album.
Personally speaking I'm just truly grateful that they can still produce great songs like NLOTH, Magnificent , MOS, UC, BB, WAS, Breathe & COL. Especially after 30 years. If they add the odd pop song I don't really mind. :shrug:

I certainly won't let these songs get in the way of enjoying the undoubteldly great music that is on the album.

The pop songs aren't getting in the way of me enjoying the songs i like, but they are in the way of me enjoying the ALBUM. They came so close to making a great artistic statement, but fell short for what no other reason i can see but an obligation to have a few lighthearted numbers on an otherwise strong and serious album.

To use an example, it's like if they put "The Sweetest Thing" on the Joshua Tree right after Running To Stand Still. Yea, it's a pretty decent pop song, but does it really fit on the album?
Larry clearly says on bbc radio 2 interview that there "maybe a new album in 2010" but not this year. Sorry if this has been mentioned before!
Larry clearly says on bbc radio 2 interview that there "maybe a new album in 2010" but not this year. Sorry if this has been mentioned before!

yeah, i'm betting on it being released around the same time next year as NLOTH was released, since the 2010 tour starts in the summer.
yeah, i'm betting on it being released around the same time next year as NLOTH was released, since the 2010 tour starts in the summer.

I was thinking "why the long break between 1st US leg and 2nd Europe leg?" but that may be the reason - making Song of ascent.
Thing is, for me NLOTH is an album made by two different bands. Most of the album is made by a band looking to move forward, songs like NLOTH, Magnificent, MOS, UC, F-BB, WAS, COL are great subtle, adventurous tracks that show musical maturity and the lyrics find Bono stepping outside himself and taking on personas, which in my opinion is the best way to tell a story. Out of those, I'd say Magnificent is probably the one song where Bono is singing about himself, but he's doing it in a naked, fragile way, almost like admitting his own humility and humanity, giving himself up to the Lord, and us, and what have you, and it's a holy sounding non-cheesy moment of confession.

On CT, SUC and Breathe, Bono is in 2004 mode, acting the savior, telling us all to stand up for our love, to go crazy tonight, to walk out into the streets and sing our hearts out. That's fine, yet i ask...for WHAT? What are we rising up for? I want to hear the other side of that story! To me, it's just throwaway lines, lines that are built for a stadium that Bono knows the crowd will eat and sing along to, because it's remniscent of Streets, remniscent of Pride, remniscent of COBL, remniscent of any big stadium anthem that U2 can write in their sleep, and that casual listeners will gravitate towards, for they feel this is what "true U2" is supposed to sound like. And, as Ernie Shavers said once or twice, it reigns the album in, cuts the musical trip short. My feels of transcendence are deflated, and I find myself once again thinking "yea, these songs aren't terrible, but jeeze, do we really need more of these types of songs? How long to sing this song?" <----haha.

So to me, the frustrating issue is what appears to be two different U2's on display here. The artistic U2 trying new things and the BOMB era U2 diving back into their bag of old tracks.

GOYB is the wildcard, a song that musically is what Elevation and Vertigo wanted to be, but sabotaged with Bono's preaching. Melodically, the song is strong enough for me to overlook the lyrics, but I could so imagine this song being stellar with different lyrics.

As for Songs of Ascent, I hope it's done in a similar spirit to Zooropa, where the band conjures up interesting and abstract music, going into the project with a feeling of "fuck it, let's make something different." If it is set to be released at the end of the year, then the band won't be too preoccupied with the idea of trying to sell the album, and sell themselves...they'll simply just release something.

You'll never stop preaching and bla bla bla bla bla... Tomorrow U2 can release an electronic classic opera of two hours and two discs that you'll always have something to bitch about. You're so boring and predictable.
Everyone thinks that their taste is "good." Have you ever heard anyone state "I have bad taste?" It's human nature.

Then what you've done is you've found critics whose taste seems to fit very well with your own, and if that's working for you, then have at it. :up: Personally, I like to rely on my own judgment. I trust my own "inner critic" more than anyone else.

Yes, but people with a really vigorous passion for music and a strong intelligence generally like to discuss music with other smart, passionate people. This discussion encompasses -- but is not contained by -- criticism.

And the first rule of this discussion is that I do not give a shit if you like or do not like something. Tell me something I do not know -- give me some insight into why this music does or does not work, where does it come from, what does it mean in the context of other music.
^ anyone who lists pitchfork as their favourite reviewers needs to maybe take stock and re-assess

Pitchfork reviewers remind me of a group of queers. French queers. Groups of fashion intelectual queers that love to bash with envy (their envy is their frustrated wish of being musicians that never happened) everything that comes across.
Portuguese queers bash everything too, but they're dumb and ignorant. Parisian ones are more intelectual and snob/up quality... supposedly. That's what they remind me of.

Pitchfork (no, not only RS or Blender) is a perfect example why cultural critic lost any credibility. Any.
um, yeah, I would edit that post if I were you, offensive much?

The "insults" and xenophobia/homophobia (that's not what I am, believe me) are ironic and intentional, don't worry: I'm just adopting Pitchfork's presumptuous and preconceptuous attitude to describe theirselves.

Anyway, I just based the comment in a comment a friend of mine made, comparing the queer-communities (which is not the same of gay-communities, since this is a stereotype socially distinct) of both countries about their attitude and behaviour.
Pitchfork reviewers remind me of a group of queers. French queers. Groups of fashion intelectual queers that love to bash with envy (their envy is their frustrated wish of being musicians that never happened) everything that comes across.
Portuguese queers bash everything too, but they're dumb and ignorant. Parisian ones are more intelectual and snob/up quality... supposedly. That's what they remind me of.

Pitchfork (no, not only RS or Blender) is a perfect example why cultural critic lost any credibility. Any.

go fuck yourself you bigoted idiot. :wave:
Pitchfork reviewers remind me of a group of queers. French queers. Groups of fashion intelectual queers that love to bash with envy (their envy is their frustrated wish of being musicians that never happened) everything that comes across.
Portuguese queers bash everything too, but they're dumb and ignorant. Parisian ones are more intelectual and snob/up quality... supposedly. That's what they remind me of.

Pitchfork (no, not only RS or Blender) is a perfect example why cultural critic lost any credibility. Any.

um, yeah, I would edit that post if I were you, offensive much?

The "insults" and xenophobia/homophobia (that's not what I am, believe me) are ironic and intentional, don't worry: I'm just adopting Pitchfork's presumptuous and preconceptuous attitude to describe theirselves.

Anyway, I just based the comment in a comment a friend of mine made, comparing the queer-communities (which is not the same of gay-communities, since this is a stereotype socially distinct) of both countries about their attitude and behaviour.

well that's great but I don't think many people are going to get the joke...


I know that not everyone is going to have the same sense of humor, but it's easy to see that a post like that could be viewed as very offensive by some.

go fuck yourself you bigoted idiot. :wave: still doesn't warrant a reply like that. :|

I just had to reprimand you yesterday, I believe, for another unacceptable reply to a member. I don't care what the situation is, you don't resort to words like that. I understand where you are coming from, but two wrongs don't make a right. Surely you know this. Please let a mod handle things.

I know that not everyone is going to have the same sense of humor, but it's easy to see that a post like that could be viewed as very offensive by some.

could be?

let's replace "queer" with "n*gger" or "kyke" or "spic" and see how it goes down.
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