LarryMullen's POPAngel
Blue Crack Distributor
That just gave me nightmares for the rest of my life!!!!

Originally posted by caitrinkm:
Sorry guys...I'm too lame!
Here's the link for my altered photo!! .fcgi?action=showMyPhoto&albumID=26957851&photoID=26957902&security=knQAsFRRri
Originally posted by dangerous&Honest:
Ok, Bonochick, you are beginning to frighten me, you may be just a little to good at this. If your home was raided by the U2 police, would they find a Bono alter with candles burning and pictures altered to include you with Bono? And you know, the baby does favor you a little bit.
*laughing out loud*
Actually good work Bonochick!!
Originally posted by SicilianGoddess:
All the photos here are great!!!
I am going crazy now since I just learned how to alter pictures. This is an example of my earlier work.. muwahhhahha .. ( that would be britney btw )
Originally posted by Bonochick:
For z edge...