All Purpose Pre-Show Lineup Thread

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Apparently the band's management doesn't want people lining up till tomorrow afternoon due to dangerous weather. Let's see if a tornado watch will discourage people from lining up. My bet is no.

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Plus it would be pretty cool to see a U2 show in the land of Oz.

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In the interest of safety the GA list will be held in a basement until the coast is clear. If you'd like to be put on this list, you need to find out which basement it is, or be my friend. Safety.
Apparently the band's management doesn't want people lining up till tomorrow afternoon due to dangerous weather. Let's see if a tornado watch will discourage people from lining up. My bet is no.
Nothing's stopping the line nazis.
Apparently the band's management doesn't want people lining up till tomorrow afternoon due to dangerous weather. Let's see if a tornado watch will discourage people from lining up. My bet is no.

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Well the bands management needs to tell security to quit honouring "the list".
So there's already a "list" with 150 people on it for Denver. Please PLEASE go photograph #s 1-10 as I'm just dying to see who it is.


Want to start a line? Start a line and stay in line with the usual breaks. Want to keep a corresponding list of names to match the people in line and act as a fail safe? Sure, cool.

This new GA thing is :crazy:

Get off my lawn.
So there's already a "list" with 150 people on it for Denver. Please PLEASE go photograph #s 1-10 as I'm just dying to see who it is.

Nope, that was just a joke someone posted on Facebook. :sexywink:

This thread is hilarious!! I love GA line drama! :heart: :applaud:

Also the band clearly doesn't want people lining up this tour, and Red Zone people will likely be let in before the GA line to get the "best rail spots". So you will be able to delight in the disappointment of the line leaders soon enough! :hyper:
Good to know that was just a joke, but still, get off my lawn :madwife:

As far a the RZ goes, letting the RZ people in before GA doesn't just affect the line leaders. They will end up with a great spot regardless, though admittedly not the one they wanted. It is the low 200 people that will get screwed as it happened to us in Phoenix 2 (though I ended up on the rail after some lovely people with too much rail space let me in without me asking). I would have had zero problem with RZ being let in into regular GA if that had been part of the deal and we all knew that when we bought our tickets, but it wasn't.
Good to know that was just a joke, but still, get off my lawn :madwife:

As far a the RZ goes, letting the RZ people in before GA doesn't just affect the line leaders. They will end up with a great spot regardless, though admittedly not the one they wanted. It is the low 200 people that will get screwed as it happened to us in Phoenix 2 (though I ended up on the rail after some lovely people with too much rail space let me in without me asking). I would have had zero problem with RZ being let in into regular GA if that had been part of the deal and we all knew that when we bought our tickets, but it wasn't.

I agree with you that RZ should not be let onto the GA floor first. But it seems that might be the way things are done at future shows (this according to people who have spoken with the crew, I have no firsthand info). It's really not fair for everyone in the GA line. BUT at least it's a good policy for those who like to make fun of Line Nazis! :sexywink::applaud:
I agree with you that RZ should not be let onto the GA floor first. But it seems that might be the way things are done at future shows (this according to people who have spoken with the crew, I have no firsthand info). It's really not fair for everyone in the GA line. BUT at least it's a good policy for those who like to make fun of Line Nazis! :sexywink::applaud:

I heard that rumor too. Am guessing the RZ people haven't been too impressed with the location of their reserved area in consideration of the amount of money paid? I was just completely taken aback in Phoenix since the first night we were 15 numbers or so higher (230s) and when we got to the floor there was plenty of space left. Night 2, we got down there and all the real estate was gone. I "only" had about 3 hours of line time invested (1ish in the am when we got our venue wristband and 2ish when we returned at 4:30) and I could have defaulted to my initial plan of roaming the floor with the show, but the siren song of the rail is just too strong. :reject:
Well the bands management needs to tell security to quit honouring "the list".

That's the crux of the problem right there. They are the ONLY ones with the power to actually solve anything, but they haven't. And probably won't. They are well aware that these issues exist, but for some reason, have chosen to stay out of it. I'm wondering if it's either because they feel the U2 "fan community" are all hearts and love and coexistence (as opposed to reality, where 95% of fans think the other 5% are idiots) and are doing fine sorting it out themselves, or if by not getting involved and leaving it to each stadium to deal with, they are avoiding potential liability issues. The cynical but realistic side of me suspects the latter.
That being said, I wonder if they've ever considered the Springsteen system. And if they have, why they don't try it.
I heard that rumor too. Am guessing the RZ people haven't been too impressed with the location of their reserved area in consideration of the amount of money paid? I was just completely taken aback in Phoenix since the first night we were 15 numbers or so higher (230s) and when we got to the floor there was plenty of space left. Night 2, we got down there and all the real estate was gone. I "only" had about 3 hours of line time invested (1ish in the am when we got our venue wristband and 2ish when we returned at 4:30) and I could have defaulted to my initial plan of roaming the floor with the show, but the siren song of the rail is just too strong. :reject:

That really sucks. :( I hope you get to go to another show where GA goes smoothly!

Also, "siren song of the rail"... Love it!! :lol:
Alright guys. I'm flying up there tomorrow for Sunday's show. I'll report on the GA line. Being from Cali the thought of a Tornado sounds terrifying. Lol v

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That being said, I wonder if they've ever considered the Springsteen system. And if they have, why they don't try it.

The Springsteen method seems pretty foolproof. However, by instituting that method, if anything ever went wrong, no matter how unlikely, they probably would be more liable than an organization who took a hands off approach. One thing I've learned while working as a liaison between legal and clients is - some clients are willing to accept a low degree of risk. Some are completely risk aversive, no matter how minimal the risk. If the U2 organization are in the latter group, they're probably smart to use the approach they do.
Sucks for us fans, but at least they're protected. :happy:
Line Nazi's. I hate these guys


Already working on Denver's List

That's the crux of the problem right there. They are the ONLY ones with the power to actually solve anything, but they haven't. And probably won't. They are well aware that these issues exist, but for some reason, have chosen to stay out of it. I'm wondering if it's either because they feel the U2 "fan community" are all hearts and love and coexistence (as opposed to reality, where 95% of fans think the other 5% are idiots) and are doing fine sorting it out themselves, or if by not getting involved and leaving it to each stadium to deal with, they are avoiding potential liability issues. The cynical but realistic side of me suspects the latter.

I've always wondered why the band doesn't take a more active approach. I suppose it is easier for them to just turn a blind eye and let local venues deal with it. But they did organize the lottery in 2005, which was a huge change. (Still bitter over that lottery-- went to 13 shows and never won! luckily had friends who did). And then on the 2011 US leg, they briefly had "GA Dave", who would walk the fans from their offsite line, to the official venue grounds to ensure that the line stayed orderly. But apart from that, nothing.... Except now this news that RZ may be getting in first.

As long as they let us know that RZ will be getting in first at every show, then I'm ok with it. I mean, no, it still sucks for the GAers. But at least we'd know what to expect-- and perhaps this would discourage the super long line-ups...

Also, I've seen the show twice so far this tour-- First time, I was at the back of GA floor and just roamed throughout the show, which was awesome b/c the screens are amazing! Second time I was B-stage and literally couldn't see the main stage or the screens. I felt like I saw half a show that night-- the rest of the time I was listening to a concert but didn't feel like I was actually there.. It was odd. Definitely preferred the first night dance party in the back of GA! :hyper:
That being said, I wonder if they've ever considered the Springsteen system. And if they have, why they don't try it.

I think that makes more sense with an end stage layout, where the best spot on the floor is more obvious and doesn't vary during the show.
The only problem with the Springsteen setup is if you only have one shot at GA and you get the wrong number in the lottery, you are screwed (which happened to me). With the current system (theoretically), you at least have a shot at a great spot if you put in the time.
I've been to GA only a handful of times. I'm the guy that loves to show up early for things, but hates lines and tiny bladder. I don't even like waiting in line at the airport when you are about to board, because I don't see why getting on the plane right away or 10 minutes from now matters if they are assigned seats. So I guess GA is different to you guys where you want to board the plan to get the luggage space before someone else gets it. But I ask you, what do you do when you have to pee an hour before showtime? You need a whole team to guard spots...

It all just seems like way too much work for me. I've had a great time in GA, sometimes close, sometimes not. But to me, I never been that guy that needs to meet the band or feel their sweat to feel close to them. I feel close to them watching them on TV.

Also, I must add nothing is more overused and in poor taste than Nazi this or that. It's how every woman who can form a sentence to defend herself is a bitch. I make the worst jokes a person can make, so I'll all for the comedy. I say things 100 times worse, so I don't personally care myself. I just must point out that when I hear list and numbers and Nazi used together, I'm not thinking about a U2 show.

To end on a positive note, I think it's more fun to move around the GA floor and not worry about it. Also, I'm 5'4 (both ways) so I'm short and short people need to be in the front or way back to see over all the Aryans in front of me.
The only problem with the Springsteen setup is if you only have one shot at GA and you get the wrong number in the lottery, you are screwed (which happened to me). With the current system (theoretically), you at least have a shot at a great spot if you put in the time.

If it was an actual GA line, yes. But now you have to know who is running the list at each show. If you just decide to arrive early, and aren't on the list, you're still at the end as the list people arrive and go ahead of you.

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I'm getting on my plane to fly up there now. But I'm on the list for 23. ;)

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