Alias Season 5: Alert to all fans of "Lost"

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Aug 19, 2004
Anyone catch the season premiere Alias5 last night?

If your an Alias fan like me, you probably lost interest in the show after Season 3. The first 2 seasons are amazing. Season 3, a little bit of a dissapointment, and Season 4 was DISGUSTING! Rather than focus on the intrigue of secret societies and ancient prophets, Alias has become a soap opera.

Season 5 is off to bad start. The show just killed off one the main characters: Micheal Vaughn. I guessing that this has to do with Jennifer Garner and him breaking up and no longer being able to get along. Garner obviously pulls a lot of weight if she can get her co-star kicked off.

A word of warning to "Lost" fans: JJ Abrams will abandon you. He did it to millions of Alias fans and I'm sure that he'll do it with Lost. Season 2 of Lost will be great and it will probably win a few more awards. But the fun will stop there. I looks like the writers of Lost are making the plot up as they go.

JJ obviously had no master plan for Alias. He must have started Alias without knowing what to do after season season 2. He doens't have a master plan for Lost either! He is unable to finnish what he started. Lost will eventually end up like Alias: A soap opera.
what? seriously? they killed vaughn?


michael vartan was the i only reason i watched that show.

vaughn :drool:
lmjhitman said:
what? seriously? they killed vaughn?


michael vartan was the i only reason i watched that show.

vaughn :drool:

I'm guessing that Vaughn was the reason a lot of people were hanging on. I wonder how this will affect their ratings.
Internet rumors are goofy and highly suspect.

As far as Vaughan being dead? I gave up on the show at the beginning of last season, but I wouldn't put it past them to have a surprise up their sleeve.

Because really - can anything they do on that show be trusted? :wink:
They can try to tell viewers his name isn't Vaughan, but after knowing him for four seasons and then being told his name is something else 10 minutes before he's pumped full of lead ... well, he's still going to be Vaughan.

How about Not!Vaughan?

I tried watching Alias a few times but the jumping around and multiple double agent and betrayals pissed me off so I dropped it.

They probably killed Vaughn's clone or long lost unborn twin who was surgically grown in a petri dish to adulthood so the real Vaughn could get plastic surgery to return as Sydnee's long lost brother from a father she never knew who slept with an alien from the planet Quantex but gave him the clap in the process leading to his irrational belief that the TV show is real and the rest of us are on TV.:wink:
I'm not giving up on Alias yet. Admittedly, season 3 kind of blew (*coughLaurencough*). But I think much of last season was pretty solid, and the last few episodes were pretty awesome. That was probably mostly due to the (all too brief) return of Lena Olin, but it renewed my faith in the show.

And while I'm still not sure what to make of Vaughn's death, I'm still holding out hope that it will lead somewhere interesting. I don't see how Vaughn's death, in and of itself, makes the show suck, although, honestly, it could go in that direction. I'm also skeptical that killing off Vaughn had anything to do with Jennifer Garner pressuring them to do so- surely her influence has diminished since she announced she was leaving the show after this season, so I don't see how she'd have that much pull to get him kicked off.

All that said, I'm not sure how the show is going to survive now that it's started fucking hemmoraging cast members.
It's a far cry to say that JJ Abrams WILL kill Lost because he did it to Alias.

If anything, I think the downfall of Lost will be due to its overwhelming popularity. Hear me out: JJ Abrams has always said Lost is meant to be a 4 or 5 season show. However, if it's still pulling in the ratings beyond that and the networks renew it/throw lots of money around, it will get dragged out ala The X-Files.
I've run through this entire thread without reading it, because I haven't caught a minute of Season Four. But I've read that the writers are putting Jen's pregnancy into the show. Not good. Not good at all.

I'll try and catch up on what I've missed once it comes to cable, I think terrestrial's done with showing it.

Edit: Grah, I just read the first post. Vaughn died? Damn.
yertle-the-turtle said:
I've run through this entire thread without reading it, because I haven't caught a minute of Season Four. But I've read that the writers are putting Jen's pregnancy into the show. Not good. Not good at all.

Well, yeah, it's not ideal, but they don't exactly have a lot of options, do they? It seems equally lame to have her sit behind desks and stand behind counters all season, and she can't exactly be out kicking ass while she's 9 months pregnant. But, yeah, supposedly she's going to be training a protogee or something. That seems like kind of a clever way to avoid cutting all the fight scences. But that whole plotline will only work if the person she's training is, like, the most awesome character ever to appear on the show. So, basically, she'd have to be training her mom.
Never watched the show at all, but caught the last 30 minutes of the season premiere. Had no clue who was who and what was going on. Can I have my 30 minutes back please? :huh:
trevster2k said:
I tried watching Alias a few times but the jumping around and multiple double agent and betrayals pissed me off so I dropped it.

They probably killed Vaughn's clone or long lost unborn twin who was surgically grown in a petri dish to adulthood so the real Vaughn could get plastic surgery to return as Sydnee's long lost brother from a father she never knew who slept with an alien from the planet Quantex but gave him the clap in the process leading to his irrational belief that the TV show is real and the rest of us are on TV.:wink:

Funniest thing I've read all day!

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