Ali Thread #9

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IMO I think they are both pretty in their own way..
I have big Penelope eyes and I have always played them up like she does..
Ali has a very cute face and I like when she plays up her eyes too..
They are 2 very different woman and both very pretty ;)

I agree. I think Penelope is more of a knock out. She's more extreme with the eye makeup and some obvious enhancement of facial features. Ali is more classic, timeless. I would trade with either of them!
Ali doesn't need make-up to be beautiful and that is one of the reasons that I have always admired her.
Love this piccie :applaud: . . . thanks for posting :)
Ali looks no different than she does now!!!

(pssssssst :shifty: . . . . is that adam in the bottom left of the piccy next to larry? . . . . if it is, well, thats some funky disguise :D )

I think that's him, he sported this look for awhile. Although I always thought this was only around the end of Zoo days (or after?) :hmm:

Hi Kelly!

Do you mind saying where you found the picture of the band and Ali at the World Cup. Ive never seen any from there?

Hi Flavia!!! Ah you found a hidden treasure of mine.. I see you found my video Zey filmed of me and Ali. :shifty: I don't think I ever posted anywhere but on my myspace page. I was too giggly in it...:reject: lol!

I was giving Ali the pictures of little Brandon and Bono meeting at the Liberty Medal Award ceremony. I was asked to pass them along to her, to give to Bono. She thought the pictures were adorable and wanted to know more about Brandon and how he was doing. She is just the greatest!!!
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