Ali Thread #11

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Yes , I think it was during the opening of the Umoja Restaurant in AMsterdam.
It was a restaurant themed with durable products and fair trade.
Unfortunately , that restaurant closed recently as far as I know.
The site is still there, but its dutch.
This is complete background information , but I saw the Umoja advertisement on the screen. Umoja is this amazing album from the Dutch band Blof. They traveled Africa and other parts of the world like Asia to jam with international musicians , and made this album and documantary about it. Then even toured with those people. And I'm exited to see Ali talking to them, becuase the whole band came from my town. And I know their singer personally. These two guys on the left side are the drummer Norman Boninck (far left), and Peter slager , the bassplayer of the band.

I'm going to try to find it and give it a listen...
Well I hope you like it :up: But taste is diverse, I prefer the DVD above the album so I recommend watching it on youtube.
DREW DOGGETT Photography hosted by HELENA CHRISTENSEN & NEIL GRAYSON to benefit Nepal Trust

Ali has really long hair now. And I like the waves. She's pretty and looks like a girl, she's aging amazingly well :up:

And Bono looks good, too.
I love the long wavy hair - so natural! Ali looks so amazing :heart: She is amazingly gorgeous inside and out.
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