Album cover - Fanning - SoE

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Why do you always have to ruin all the fun?


Stage is shaped like a sail boat. Prime GA seats between two ramps will be known as "the harbor"


Bono sings "Song For Someone" at top of giant lighthouse in back of stage which goes dark right at end.

Chaos ensues during encore when band gets stuck inside giant Queequeg's Coffin due to lid not opening.

Needless to say, Every Breaking Wave is a big showstopper.
And instead of lectures about the One campaign or Africa, we get 20-minute lectures on the history of whaling before "One."
Word has it that Jimmy Buffett will be opening for U2 during their tour because Bono likes his last name.

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Word has it that Jimmy Buffett will be opening for U2 during their tour because Bono likes his last name.

The Bono fat/food jokes have been something I really just kinda brushed off and didn't care about, but this one made me grin. Well done.

Also, if Jimmy Buffett ever opens for U2, I'll know they've jumped the shark.
AAAAAHAHAHAH!! :lol: You guys are hilarious!
I cant wait for this next concert.
It will be like "U2: Pirates of Dublin World Tour - The Songs of Whales"

Will everyone be forced to go to concerts with a life-jacket, now?
I can just imagine the whole stadium being one huge swimming pool.

But speaking serious now, I am waiting with much enthusiasm to see what sort of
new stage they will be inventing next. It will be dificult to create something
bigger and better than the last 360º-stage. If they make it smaller, it will be a
big disappointment for everyone.
You know the joke about realizing you probably gained too much weight when Greenpeace activists visit you on the beach and try to pull you back into the sea? U2 could use that for the new shows :wink:

Seriously, to be fair, the picture is some years old and was taken in France when Clooney visited Bono there. They were on holidays. We all know Bono's all over the good stuff when he's vacationing. He looks better now.
I see Bono shirtless at least once per week. Then again, I'm an insider so it should be expected.

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I have access to the secret SOI cover photos that were eventually refused.

I would be interested in seeing some of those pictures. If possible.

Thanks for the news about Stephane R. Delavega (French photographer)
taking some new photos for the upcoming publicity campaign. He seems
like an excellent artist of his trade.
Sadly, a group of disgruntled fans actually sat down in protest at last night's show in Boston, effectively creating a "whirlpool" in the "harbor".
Does anyone else remember that fan fiction thread that was basically a smut novel involving the members of the band "interacting with each other? That was awesome.

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Just one?

*smug grin*

There are entire SITES dedicated to the band members' "interactions". It's called fiction for a reason. ;)

Some people read/write fic. Others watch porn. To each their own. *shrug*

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