Album cover - Fanning - SoE

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They're caressing animals now??
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First they violate my cell phone, then they violate an innocent child and now they're acting inappropriately with cats?

I blame homomania.
I'm gonna take a wild guess that you don't have a teenaged daughter.

Sent from my ass crack

You misunderstand me. I have two daughters and I would be appalled, horrified if Bono and his daughter appeared in a similar photo. I'm just looking for consistency in the argument. As soon as people express discomfort with the Larry photo, the spectre of "homophobia" is raised. But would people be accused of "heterophobia" if it was Bono and his daughter? Of course not.

How many times have we heard this in this thread: "Your reaction to the photo tells more about YOU than it does about the photo." Wouldn't this snarky statement still apply if the subjects were opposite gender?

I just think the argument is inconsistent. C'est la vie.
You misunderstand me. I have two daughters and I would be appalled, horrified if Bono and his daughter appeared in a similar photo. I'm just looking for consistency in the argument. As soon as people express discomfort with the Larry photo, the spectre of "homophobia" is raised. But would people be accused of "heterophobia" if it was Bono and his daughter? Of course not.

How many times have we heard this in this thread: "Your reaction to the photo tells more about YOU than it does about the photo." Wouldn't this snarky statement still apply if the subjects were opposite gender?

I just think the argument is inconsistent. C'est la vie.

No it's not. The evaluation, that is the reading, that an individual, a viewer, makes of a certain object (whether it's a piece of art, a simple soap opera scene, or someone's attitude in the everyday life) says more about it/him than about the one who produced the object.
The artist may be the biggest "egoistic ego" but in the end it's all about the viewer, it's all about who eats it.
The evaluation, that is the reading, that an individual, a viewer, makes of a certain object (whether it's a piece of art, a simple soap opera scene, or someone's attitude in the everyday life) says more about it/him than about the one who produced the object.
The artist may be the biggest "egoistic ego" but in the end it's all about the viewer, it's all about who eats it.

Well, I generally agree, and have said as much here. Except that in this case that argument is being turned into an attack. The whole "How you see this picture says more about you" meme is being used by many as an insult...i.e., you're a bigot, or sick, or need psycho analysis, or have parental issues, etc., if your interpretation isn't sufficiently progressive.

The whole idea of art bring open to interpretation is to open it up to people, not to he used as a bludgeon against those we disagree with.
Well, I generally agree, and have said as much here. Except that in this case that argument is being turned into an attack. The whole "How you see this picture says more about you" meme is being used by many as an you're a bigot, or sick, or need psycho analysis, or have parental issues, etc. if your interpretation isn't sufficiently progressive.

The whole idea of art bring open to interpretation is to open it up to people, not to he used as a bludgeon against those we disagree with.

Right. It's being used as an insult. If this photo gives you pause even for a minute, you have issues, you're homophobic, etc. And yet I suspect that if the photo was mixed gender the outrage would be pretty across the board.

And I'm including myself in this. I love the Larry photo and I would be horrified if it was Bono and his daughter. So I'm trying to psychoanalyze myself to figure out why that is.
Right. It's being used as an insult. If this photo gives you pause even for a minute, you have issues, you're homophobic, etc. And yet I suspect that if the photo was mixed gender the outrage would be pretty across the board.

And I'm including myself in this. I love the Larry photo and I would be horrified if it was Bono and his daughter. So I'm trying to psychoanalyze myself to figure out why that is.

Why do you think the outrage would be across the board? If anything I think the outrage would be far less.

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Why do you think the outrage would be across the board? If anything I think the outrage would be far less.

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Outrage might be a strong term, but I think the "ick" factor would be there to a greater degree.
Why do you think the outrage would be across the board? If anything I think the outrage would be far less.

In a strange way you're right, but once again the interpretation can change depending on how much you know about this particular piece of art.

If it's Larry in this photo with topless girl who appears to be just that...a girl, then that would probably cause some outrage. On the other hand, if it's someone that's obviously a woman of age, no one would blink at a rock star in a pose like that. If the female's age is ambiguous...i..e. maybe she's 16 or maybe she's 19, then you have to wonder why the artist introduced that ambiguity into the shot. What was the motivation?

But then, whether a girl or woman, when the fact that she's Larry's daughter enters the equation...i.e. Larry on his knees hugging his shirtless young'll get a whole different set of reactions.

In any event, all this undermines the absurd proposition the only "correct" interpretation is that this is just an innocent, simple photo of parental love and if you don't see it that way then you're sick....and that U2 would be shocked..shocked!...that anyone would see it as otherwise.
Right. It's being used as an insult. If this photo gives you pause even for a minute, you have issues, you're homophobic, etc. And yet I suspect that if the photo was mixed gender the outrage would be pretty across the board.

And I'm including myself in this. I love the Larry photo and I would be horrified if it was Bono and his daughter. So I'm trying to psychoanalyze myself to figure out why that is.

If it were Bono - boy or girl - it would have looked beyond ridiculous and the focus would have been on that.
Right. It's being used as an insult. If this photo gives you pause even for a minute, you have issues, you're homophobic, etc. And yet I suspect that if the photo was mixed gender the outrage would be pretty across the board.

And I'm including myself in this. I love the Larry photo and I would be horrified if it was Bono and his daughter. So I'm trying to psychoanalyze myself to figure out why that is.

Do you wonder why after a certain age it's no longer appropriate to use the family change room at the pool with your girls, but it's still appropriate to use the men's with your son? I really don't think you do. There's only so far we can take these hypotheticals, at some point the real world/real life has to kick in.

The real question is why does this photo give one pause? The answer is, because without knowing that its Larry's grown son, it makes one question whether there is something we've missed about Larry's sexuality insofar as maybe he has a thing for younger men. Not children. Noone in their right fucking mind looks at that picture and remotely questions whether or not U2 is using Larry to start a conversation or hint ambiguity about child love. There. I said it. That wasn't so hard, was it?

Whether or not this becomes something repulsive, something to be rejected or disappointed in them for, is where the homophobia possibly comes in. Not in the curiousity that the picture itself might spark as to whether or not out favorite drummer might in fact be less straight than we might have believed. And if that thought, or even the remote suggestion of it, is enough to trouble one...well, yeah, there might be just a teensy bit of homophobia/bigotry/whatever creeping in there.

Sent from my ass crack
Well, it's certainly a progression from the "four pedophiles sitting on a park bench" cover :D
I just asked myself if I had recognized this as a U2 CD if the pic wouldn't have been posted /tweeted... surfaced in one or another form?

I imagine myself flipping through some cds in a record store.. then I would come across this album cover... maybe with nothing written on it, just this pic?

Would I care? Would it make a difference to me if it were a cover from another bands album?

As a U2 Fan, when I would realize it is the new U2 album.. I would think wow... cool cover! Don't know if this cover would trigger an emotional outcry to people who are ignorant towards U2.

So my point is, there are discussions within the U2 community, but on a bigger scope this picture is way too harmless to stir up the masses
Has anyone explored the scenario of two African American gentlemen replacing Larry and his son on the cover?

If not, I just wanted to open up that conversation. I think it would be a very healthy topic to discuss.
Has anyone explored the scenario of two African American gentlemen replacing Larry and his son on the cover?

If not, I just wanted to open up that conversation. I think it would be a very healthy topic to discuss.

I really think U2 should have gone with a large, dark-skinned black man embracing a young white girl whose face is cut off by the top of the frame. Maybe they're in an alley.

On the back, the man is lying in a pool of blood while Larry stands over him wearing a cop uniform and holding a smoking gun.

#topical #fuckthepolice #loveknowsnocolor #popomania
I really think U2 should have gone with a large, dark-skinned black man embracing a young white girl whose face is cut off by the top of the frame. Maybe they're in an alley.

On the back, the man is lying in a pool of blood while Larry stands over him wearing a cop uniform and holding a smoking gun.

#topical #fuckthepolice #loveknowsnocolor #popomania


Or R Kelly.

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