Alan Cross getting first listen to "Get Your Boots On"

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if you ever come across to flying to Canada, take Air Canada and listen to his special in-flight program on one of the audio will quickly realize that he's just one really cool engaging type of guy that really loves music. His radio show has a complete storyboard feel to it, a beginning, middle, and end or summary.

he's not one to really say, "that track was off the wall" or "crazy tune, you gotta hear this"....he leaves that for the listener to decide; his comments are very liberal and poignant.

then there's Dean, Jason, and Todd - a whole different ball of wax at The Edge

Alan's shows are really intelligent. :up:

Sicy, speaking of user stats, there's something I've been curious about. Why did the number of registered users drop drastically after the upgrade? We were up to over 50,000, weren't we?
Yep indeed RaceAgainstTime it will be quite the week! I still remember clearly when I first got to listen the leak of ATYCLB and then the leak of Vertigo here at interference and back when I was in school still. I remember this place went nuts and the server shut down I think a couple of times. This time (for me) its so different cos I am in a totaly different possition in my life which is going to make this ten times more enjoyable then the other times! We are getting so close. Any day now perhaps even any hour :hyper::hyper::hyper:
Oh my god Alan Cross just viewed my profile!

(he hasn't already but it'd be funny if he did after this post :shifty:)

Well, he just completed his registration. And since registrations are manually approved by us, he had to have access to that email address to complete the registration.

Thanks for clarifying that. :)

Totally forgot that's how it worked. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure which email address I actually used to register.
Sicy, speaking of user stats, there's something I've been curious about. Why did the number of registered users drop drastically after the upgrade? We were up to over 50,000, weren't we?

Yeah we cleaned up the database. There were a LOT of inactive accounts.
Yep indeed RaceAgainstTime it will be quite the week! I still remember clearly when I first got to listing of the leask of ATYCLB and then the leak of Vertigo here at interference and back when I was in school still. I remember this place went nuts and the server shut down I think a couple of times. This time (for me) its so different cos I am in a totaly different possition in my life which is going to make this ten times more enjoyable then the other times! We are getting so close. Any day now perhaps even any hour :hyper::hyper::hyper:

I feel exactly the same! I'm so much older this time around (I'm talking about Bomb, not ATYCLB :lol: ) and I'm just as excited waiting for some news or leak or anything :hyper:
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I just got home and am halfway through a ridiculous crisis between friends. What have I missed since we were all waiting for an initial response?

Alan threw us a bone by the way of the title, its presumed release within the next ten days, and a vague "electronic sounds." THEN HE REGISTERED ON INTERFERENCE!
Alan threw us a bone by the way of the title, its presumed release within the next ten days, and a vague "electronic sounds." THEN HE REGISTERED ON INTERFERENCE!

We're all on first name terms with him now! :lol:

Alan, come out! We're your friends!

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, .:MrMacPhisto:.,

Hey mom, that's me. I'm on Interference

Btw, Alan Cross is probably throwing his pc out of the window right now. :wink:
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