After London 19th

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The Fly
Jun 24, 2002
Christchurch, New Zealand
I fell asleep after the show and apparently Bono came over and stared at me before signing the poster I was holding.

Was anyone there who could tell me more... or even photos? I don't know how many can claim to've met Bono in their sleep... it's cool but frustrating too!
Awwww!!! Where was this at? Outside? Inside? LOL

That must've been weird. Waking up and having seen Bono signed your poster.. LOL.

And I thought crazy things happened to me in my sleep! LOL
It was outside the band gate. I was still waking up as he moved away and when I finally realised what was happening (everything was silent) I caught only a glimpse of his face as he disappeared into his car.
that has to be the funniest thing i've ever heard...that's awesome. i hope you find pictures!
That was very sweet of Bono to have signed it for you. :)

Did he write anything else on it other than his name?
I would have written something like "Dreaming of me, eh? ;-) - Bono", for a giggle or two.
Are you the one he kissed on the head and said wake up sleeping Beauty?

I missed them:mad: but a friend told me about this I cant beleive that no one woke you up!!!
Bono's Tart said:
Are you the one he kissed on the head and said wake up sleeping Beauty?

I missed them:mad: but a friend told me about this I cant beleive that no one woke you up!!!

ASDF! No one told me that! Whoa. I heard someone saying "wake up" (that's what woke me up) but didn't realise it was Bono.

Oh lordy. Thankyou for sharing that.
that is such a great story! I want to see pics. LOl too funny
That's such a great story. I was at the concert too but didn't hang around at the end- I can't believe it's nearly a year to the day since then.
I checked out on line photos of the concert a while ago and I remember there were a few taken afterwards with the guys- may have been on the vertigo tour website, I'm not sure, but I don't remember one with a sleeping girl though! Hope something turns up.
HEy, it's one of the coolest story I've ever heard!I envy you.:) It could be such a nice SUPRISE to see Bono's signature on your poster! BONO is AMAZING!:happy: :shocked:
Think of it this way, if you hadn't been asleep, maybe Bono wouldn't have paid nearly as much attention to you and the poster. It's the only reason probably too that you ended up getting a kiss from the B-man. How many people can share your story? I think it's pretty awesome. I'd settle for that. :up:
yep i saw it all, it was the usual high excitement as bono got out the car to talk to fans nobody noticed you asleep on the floor just as bono was about to get back in the car John bonos security man spotted you told Bono he got back out went over to you and kissed you i did take a photo but somebody stepped in front and totally blocked the picture

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