A question

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Vocal parasite
Jun 2, 2003
Hey folks,

I have some questions relating to trading ... most of which I've currently forgotten, but I can remember the most pressing one. Basically, I'm aware of the situation regarding mp3 format audio bootlegs, but I have no idea about the situation regarding VCDs. I downloaded the 4 November 1981 Berlin concert proshot a few days ago in mpeg format, and I have no experience at all in trading VCDs, so what formats are used? Is there an issue with mpeg, will some traders not accept it? Any help is appreciated.

Oh, and I'm also interested in doing some trades/B&Ps, preferably with others in Australia. I don't have much, but if anyone's interested, drop me a line at amak_axver@hotmail.com thanks.

If I can remember any of the other questions I had, I'll ask them in another post on this thread. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

- Andr?/Axver
i dont think there is an issue with mpeg....
as long as the're burnt as VCD's not data cds....but then someone else might know more about this
Alright, thanks. Anyone got anything to add? I know nothing of VCDs but I'd like to start trading them, so I'm interested in anything anyone can tell me about how to do it and what the do's and don't's are.
Another question ... I've recently noted references to Disk At Once and Track At Once in regards to burning. Firstly, are these the same thing? Secondly, I remember someone here in a recent thread put down TAO, but I've seen some websites where traders have encouraged DAO, so if there is a difference, what is it, and if there isn't, why would/wouldn't someone want a CD burnt DAO/TAO?
Everything should be burnt Disc At Once, Track At Once leaves you with 2 second gaps between all the songs, hence why no trader will accept them (why on earth anyone would burn TAO is beyond me anyway!).
Thanks for the clarification.

Now this is going to sound like a REALLY stupid question, but what does 'ISO' mean? I see it often on here and I don't have a clue what it's supposed to stand for.
Axver said:

Now this is going to sound like a REALLY stupid question, but what does 'ISO' mean? I see it often on here and I don't have a clue what it's supposed to stand for.

ISO = In Search Of...
Oh my, I can't believe I didn't figure that one out! Thanks for that.
Yep, I have another question, this one stemming from my technical stupidity. I've noticed on various traders' websites that they specify they want bootlegs burnt at a certain speed. I'd like to know what difference it makes burning something at, say, 4x opposed to 16x is. Is there any real difference or are these people just being pedantic?

Also, why do some people insist on CDRs from a certain brand?
the reason most traders want boots to be burned at a slow speed is because the faster you burn it, the more there is a possibility of errors occuring on the disc...

the reason with the brand is to have a good quality cd/dvd, because cheap brands do lack a bit in picture and sound...
mirrorballman said:
the reason most traders want boots to be burned at a slow speed is because the faster you burn it, the more there is a possibility of errors occuring on the disc...

Actually, the result on this is probably still out. Yes, some do say that there's a bigger chance of errors when you burn at a higher speed. Yet, others claim that the errors will be lower at the maximum-designed speed (since the burner has to work at an 'unnatural' speed when you slow it down and it heats up a bit too much). I don't know who's correct, but I personally go with the 'burn as fast as you want' folk. Then again, I don't have a 24x (or whatever they can burn now) burner, 'only' an 8x (which is still fast enough).

C ya!

Axver said:
Yep, I have another question, this one stemming from my technical stupidity. I've noticed on various traders' websites that they specify they want bootlegs burnt at a certain speed. I'd like to know what difference it makes burning something at, say, 4x opposed to 16x is. Is there any real difference or are these people just being pedantic?

Also, why do some people insist on CDRs from a certain brand?

I personally burn as slow as possible. I had a few people come back to me after they got their stuff and said there was a problem with what I sent. Someone suggested I try a different speed on my burner. I switched to the slowest speed and it's been fine ever since.

As far as the brand for CDRs go, I only use Fuji film because I used to use whatever brand and I would always have a song or two missing or if it was a vcd there would be flaws on the video. It took a long time to find something that worked and it just ended up being Fuji. I've never had any problems with that brand. I've noticed a lot of people use that brand. On the other hand, my friend tried Fuji and he had all sorts of problems. When I do a b&p I will only do one if they send me Fuji film because I don't want to have any problems with someone else's discs and then have to replace them with my own..
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Thanks for the information on burning and such, folks. I'm currently burning at 16x, which my burner says is its default speed, so I suppose that's OK, working at its natural speed.

I found all this talk of using particular brand CDs very confusing when I started trading, because my friends and I are often burning stuff for those of us without the Internet or with poor connections, and we'll use basically anything. If it's on-hand, we'll use it, and we've never had a problem with anything or noticed anything better or worse in any particular brand. It would go on CD, it'd work fine, and that was that. When I noticed people on trading sites specifying specific brands, I was rather surprised.

Question for traders: do you expect to receive artwork/covers with your boots when you trade?
Axver said:
Question for traders: do you expect to receive artwork/covers with your boots when you trade?

I don't. Often you can find the artwork on the Internet. Only when I cannot find it anywhere I might mail the sender if he/she has a scan of it. If so, great! If not, too bad and I'll go on searching for it.
I often ask my recipients if they need artwork for the CD's I'm sending them, but I sometimes do forget about it.

In some cases, I even make artwork myself. It takes some time to complete, but it looks great (of course ;) )

C ya!

Axver said:

Question for traders: do you expect to receive artwork/covers with your boots when you trade?

Absolutely not. I sent out the art for the first few trades I did but I didn't get it in return so I stopped. Plus ink is too expensive and I personally don't keep my CD's in jewel cases so it would be a waste for someone to make that for me. I'm just happy to get the CD/VCD/DVD. I don't care about the artwork. If I really want something I make my own or print it out from some of the sites that have artwork already made up for that particular concert.
Chance are the person wouldn't be satisfied with the artwork and it would be a waste of time. Everyone has preferences for ink, print and paper quality that are different.

I wouldn't expect artwork off a trader, its not their problem to worry about. The only time I go to town on covers is for DVDs, which on the subject are hard to find online.

Does anyone have the Edmonton 97 DVD cover by any chance?
Well it's nice to know covers aren't an expected thing, seeing that my printer/scanner has decided that, despite the fact it's very new, it's going to do little more than make funny noises and flash a couple of lights at me.

dirtyday said:
Does anyone have the Edmonton 97 DVD cover by any chance?

Heh, I wish I had the DVD, let alone the cover ...

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